.info Domain Name Registration

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.info Domain Name Registration

Why choose a .info domain?

.info overview

Explore your ideas with a .info domain name. As a generic top-level domain (TLD), anyone in the world can register a .info domain name. It’s a great alternative to .org or .com, and is designed for anyone who wants to provide information to their audience. Whether it’s about a project, concept, or service, a .info domain can be used for a standalone site, or as an addition to your existing online presence. Inform and inspire your audience by registering a .info domain.

.info facts, stats & history

Join millions of organizations by registering a .info domain. Many innovative companies have taken up .info domains, making it a trendy and universal generic domain choice. Google treats all new domain extensions the same, meaning you don’t have to worry about SEO when it comes to .info domains. In fact, because .info domains are more readily available, you’re more likely to get the exact name you want.

Find a .info domain alternative


Couldn't find your desired domain name? Try registering .com domain for your brand.

Buy .com Domain


Register your brand on a similar TLD with .net.

Buy .net Domain


Secure your brand on a different TLD with .org.

Buy .org Domain

How to register a domain with Shopify

Step 1

Check your domain availability.

Step 2

Add your shop and domain ownership details.

Step 3

Your domain name and online store are ready.

Is .info right for you?

.info benefits

寻找一个新的篇章的域名your business but the .com domain extension is taken? Try using .info instead. As a modern top-level domain, it’s more readily available and is a great generic alternative.

Ideas for your .info domain

A .info domain is a fresh choice for any organization, but especially if you’re building a website that’s aimed to inform. Whether you’re a big brand or just starting out, a branded .info domain could help you take your next big step.

更多的顶级域名for you


Make it more than business as usual with a .biz domain name.

Get your .biz Domain


Share your passion online with a branded .club domain name.

Get your .club Domain


Get your audience channel surfing online with .tv.

Get your .tv Domain

Buying a domain with Shopify is simple and straightforward. No hidden fees, price hikes, or ads.

Features Shopify Others
Low initial cost
Renews at same rate
SSL certificates included
WHOIS privacy included
Spam-free parking page
Free 3-day Shopify trial

FAQ - Learn more about .info domains

  • .info is a generic top-level domain (TLD). A .info domain is suitable for a variety of organizations and industries, especially those sharing informational content or other resources.
  • A .info domain extension is a fresh choice for people who want to design a website that’s aimed at informing their audience about a topic. It has global reach, which means it’s great for audiences all around the world.
  • Anyone can buy a .info domain name as long as it hasn't already been registered.
  • Yes, you can buy a branded .info domain name through Shopify.
  • Shopify offers free SSL certificates for all the domains registered through our platform. SSL certificates can cost you hundreds of dollars annually.