Composable Commerce: What It Means and Is It Right for You?


The term “composable” in software refers to an architecture composed of modular building blocks that can be combined to create customized solutions. A composable commerce approach enables businesses to choose best-in-breed vendors who offer robust functionality for the one thing they do, rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all offering.

According to Gartner, a leading research and advisory company, composable commerce will emerge as an increasingly important approach in the enterprise software space, with ecommerce at the forefront.

Read on to learn what composable commerce is, how it differs from other ecommerce architectures, and its benefits and limitations.

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What is composable commerce?

Composable commerce is an innovative approach to e-commerce architecture that allows businesses to build and customize their online shopping experiences by combining modular, independent components. This flexible and scalable approach enables seamless integration of various systems, empowering businesses to adapt. Composable commerce is able to deploy this by using packaged business capabilities (PBCs).

PBCs are the building blocks of the larger solution, all of which are connected via application programming interfaces (APIs). The core capabilities of an ecommerce platform may still be used, but will act more like a “peer” among other solutions than a “core” around which other solutions fit.

Composable commerce vs. headless commerce

Headless commercewas the foundational technology that introduced the separation of front-end presentation layer and back-end functionality. Composable commerce is a further evolution of this technology, as it allows a business to break its commerce platform down into individual services.

In a headless system, the front-end system or components typically rely on a single back end. In a composable system, each business capability is independent. For most enterprises going down the path of composable solutions, a decoupled front end is a great starting point for their journey.

What are packaged business capabilities?

Packaged business capabilities (PBCs) are software components that represent a particular business function. In other words, a PBC serves a specific business capability and is meant to be functionally complete to ensure autonomy. A composable commerce solution is a collection of these PBCs, stitched together using a unifying API. They may be from the same or different vendors.

PBCs are created to align to a business outcome. Examples of PBCs include:

  • Storefront
  • Catalog
  • Promotions
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Payment
  • Search

These should be available in a catalog of capabilities both first and third party, for deployment as part of a solution. The benefit of a composable commerce’s plug-and-play architecture is you pick the PBCs that best meet your unique needs and configure them to work together as you see fit.

Composable commerce vs. microservices

It’s important to note that PBCs aren’t necessarily microservices.Microservicesare the small units of individual programs, whereas PBCs are a compilation of those individual units, working together to serve a specific business purpose for the organization. Packaged business capabilities can themselves be composed of a group of related microservices for a more unified, organized, and maintainable commerce architecture.

What is the evolution of composable commerce?

Commerce suites were once the pinnacle of ecommerce technology. Dubbed monolithic commerce suites, they offer a ton of commerce-related functions in one single software system. Popular vendors include Oracle, IBM, and SAP.

These suites are often huge and integrate deeply with other elements of digital commerce, such as:

  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Warehouse management (WMS)
  • Product lifecycle management (PLM)
  • Content management system (CMS)

Their goal was to deliver everything in one single suite. This resulted in monolithic structures that depended deeply on each other and were not modular.

Over the past few years, legacy suites have been challenged by present and future commerce. Monolithic suites are complex and require so much maintenance that it’s hard to scale, resulting in high operational costs and low flexibility.

Benefits of composable commerce

可组合b的商业提供了一个范围enefits to businesses looking to enhance their ecommerce systems. Here are a few ways it can yield greater flexibility, increased profits, and a better user experience:

  • Flexibility and agility for businesses.Composable commerce lets you choose the components within your ecommerce systems to best meet your needs and requirements. With a modular software component approach, you can select and configure the components that best align with your strategies and objectives. This may take a bit longer to set up, but can hugely improve future business agility, as you are not tied to a monolithic solution.
  • Increased efficiency and profitability.A best-of-breed, modular approach lets you handpick components that align with your ecommerce business needs, reducing the time and resources spent on unnecessary or inefficient elements. This can save time and money in the long run by allowing you to focus on what matters: serving your customers and driving revenue.
  • Improved user experience.With composable commerce, you can choose the best-in-class components, such as content management systems and marketing automation software that better enables targeted and personalized touchpoints, including customized product recommendations and personalized content.

Challenges of composable commerce

Composable commerce is more complex than a traditional all-in-one platform. By weighing the following factors, you can decide whether a composable commerce approach aligns with your needs and objectives:

  • Complexity.Proper integration between your various PBCs and services is crucial because these components must work together to create a unified and cohesive experience for customers. However, this can be complex and time-consuming, particularly if you and your team lack technical expertise. Each component may have its own unique set of contracts, APIs, data structures, and dependencies, which can be challenging to manage. Ultimately, unless you’re a digitally mature company with an experienced engineering team and complex delivery requirements, a composable commerce is probably not right for you.
  • Maintenance.In a composable commerce architecture, you must pay for individual components of the solution, which, depending on the amount of PBCs from varying vendors, can quickly accumulate maintenance and update costs.
  • Slower speed-to-market.如果你想很快活,可组合康门ce may not be the best solution for you. Since it’s still a pro-code environment, you’re better off adopting a platform that enables you to compose various aspects of your architecture, while still allowing you to get up-and-running quickly with pre-built commerce components.

Composable commerce FAQ

What is composable commerce?

Composable commerce, a term coined by Gartner, refers to an innovative approach to building and deploying ecommerce solutions in which each component of the operating system is independent but integrated. This lets businesses create tailored and personalized ecommerce experiences that can adapt and grow to meet the changing needs of customers and the market.

What is the difference between composable commerce and headless commerce?

Composable commerce takes the flexibility and modularity of headless commerce to the next level by offering independence for every component of the commerce operating system. Whereas headless commerce involves decoupling the front and back ends, composable commerce goes even further by enabling businesses to break down each specific business need to an individual software component.

What does the term “composable” mean in the context of technology?

Composable architecture can be considered the software equivalent of building with Lego bricks, where pieces can be combined, swapped out, and recombined to create custom solutions. The composable approach is designed with an API-first strategy, making it easier to integrate with existing systems and processes. This is just the start, and ideally, in the future, composing will be a business user task, not a developer task.