My core principles of advertising. Think of these as rules that you can abide by as you are going through your advertising journey, because it really is a journey, it's something that you want to spend time and energy on, and the first principle is be willing to spend. We are farming. We are watering our mango tree and letting it grow and it takes a while until it fruits, right? You gotta be willing to spend.
Most people quit too early. Most people give up before the magic happens. If you're not willing to invest, you're never going to make it. You get out what you put in, so don't quit too early, be willing to spend. My next principle is launch, analyze, optimize. You've got to launch campaigns, you've got to analyze the results, and you've got to optimize them to move forward, in other words, be willing to test.
It's part of that be willing to spend principle previously but it's the actual work involved. It's not just spending the money, it's actually getting in there, launching campaigns, looking at the data and making decisions to move forward, doing the work, being in it, paying attention, staying present, not just glossing over it and throwing money at Facebook, it does not work. You have to actually be present with your advertising and look at the data. My third principle stems from G.I. Joe.
Knowing is half the battle, is what they said, what I'm saying is targeting is half the battle. If you put your ad in front of the wrong person, it's never gonna work. The people that you put your ad in front of have to be interested, so targeting is very important. And we're going to go real deep into targeting in this course. My fourth principle is creative is the other half of the battle so it's not just about who you target, but it's about what you put in front of them.
It has to engage them. It has to compel them to consume and be interested and ultimately click the advertisement which is why we're gonna spend a lot of time talking about how to create compelling, engaging, creative. And finally my last principle: optimize the funnel first. If you're going to spend money to send traffic to your site or your sales funnel make sure that it's set up so that people are actually able to consume, see what you have and take action on desktop, tablet and mobile.