10 Facebook Ad Examples To Inspire Your Own Marketing

Facebook ad examples

There once was a time when scrolling through your Facebook feed revealed only photos and updates from college friends, faraway cousins, and former cubicle buddies. Today, there’s a lot more static to sift through. Our feeds have become high-traffic zones of groups, pages, and news—not to mention all the paid posts from advertisers and brands. That’s quite a lot to sift through. A skim through Facebook in 2022 exposes us to more noise and less meaningful connections. In fact, Facebook has evolved into much more than just a social network. It’s now a modern marketplace: a sales anddistribution channelfor brands to meet shoppers where they’re at.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure yourFacebook ad creativestands out. It’s all too easy to keep scrolling and scrolling—your ads need to make users stop in their tracks. We rounded up a list of some Facebook ad examples from real-world brands to get your creative juices flowing.

10 Facebook ad examples to inspire your marketing today

Start selling your products on Facebook

Shopify comes with powerful tools that help you list, promote and sell products on Facebook and Instagram. Create product collections, showcase your brand and products, and make sales on Facebook and Instagram from one place.

Start selling on Facebook

Kitty Poo Club relies only on video ads

Kitty Poo Clubsells cat litter and litter boxes using a subscription-based model. When the company launched in October 2017, it turned toFacebook adsto spread the word. Kitty Poo Club started a series of ads and got 1,400 customer sign-ups in the first 20 days. “It was really surprising to us,”said co-founder Chad Kauffman.“我们根本没有想过我们会是much traction as quickly as we did, and when we saw that, we really knew we had something and we needed to further invest in it.”

Post launch, Kitty Poo Club switched up its Facebook ads strategy a bit and leaned into its customer base and the power ofcustomer testimonials.The brand only does Facebook video ads, as it has found this format to be more effective than still images.

The videos used to be a minute long, but the brand has shortened them due to analytics showing that people either click through or bounce after 15 seconds. So it chopped its minute-long customer testimonial video ads into two 30-second videos.

Rowan for Dogs proves still-image ads work

While many brands use videos for Facebook ads, still images can also be effective. Pet brands in particular have lots of options for engaging photos.Rowan for Dogsuses shots of cute pooches in many of its Facebook ads, including this one showcasing its dog care products.

Rowan for Dogs Facebook ad example

This ad leans on the power of customer reviews, showcasing the product’s five-star rating from more than 100 happy customers associal proof

Rowan for Dogs runs many different ads at any given time, so it’s likely people see multiple ads serving as reminders of the brand and its products. This mix of ad creative can keep you top of mind while preventing ad fatigue from your audience.

Partake Foods gets creative with stop-motion video ads

Partake Foodsalso uses Facebook video ads. For its ad creative in the example below, the online snack company went for a stop-motion video, featuring images of various cookies.

One great benefit to using stop-motion videos is that you actually don’t need to shoot video at all. Instead, stop-motion videos are made up of a series of still images, combined into a video format. No big budget or fancy equipment needed here.

Chipotle targets global customers

Chipotle is an international casual food chain, so it uses Facebook to advertise to audiences all over the world. A quick look at Chipotle’s ads on Facebook Ad Library shows similar sets of ads for the United States, the United Kingdom, and France.

Chipotle has dedicated UK and France Facebook pages, so those pages run their own ads independently of the main Chipotle Facebook page. If yousell internationally, you don’t need to create country- or region-specific Facebook pages, but you should consider creating different ads for those audiences and then geo-target accordingly.

Chipotle Facebook ad examples

McBride Sisters Collection drives holiday sales

Toboost holiday salesone year, wine brandMcBride Sisters Collectionused Facebook ads. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the brand mostly sold its wines in retail stores. But a shift in buying habits toward contactless and online options meant the wine brand had to expand into ecommerce.

As a recipient of theFacebook Elevategrant, McBride Sisters Collection got access to one of Facebook’s creative teams, who helped them create a series of video adspromoting its products as holiday gifts.Each ad included a Shop Nowcall to action (CTA)button to its website.

McBride Sisters Facebook ad example

Being a Black-owned alcohol brand, the ads targeted users 21 years and older who also have an interest in supporting Black businesses. It also used Custom Audiences to retarget people who already knew of the wine brand. The campaign drove a58% increase in online sales

Threadheads tests Facebook ads

Threadheadsis aprint-on-demand t-shirtbrand that specializes in unique pop culture apparel. When the brand first started out, it turned to Facebook ads to spread the word, as well asFacebook retargetingfor people who had already interacted with it.

Threadheads constantly testsnew ad creative, looking for meaningful insights and ways to improve performance. You can leverage a combination of Facebook’s testing options as well as third-party tools to find out how to test and improve your Facebook ads.Facebook’s dynamic adsoption, for example, tests different creative ads and automatically chooses the best-performing one after it has enough data to make that distinction.

LIVELY promotes new products with video ads

Lingerie brandLIVELYlaunched with a mission to empower women everywhere with high-quality products at an affordable price point. To supplement itsemail marketingefforts aimed at driving customer retention, LIVELY added Facebook ads to the mix.

LIVELY Facebook ad example

LIVELY created Facebook video ads to promote new product launches, while also emailing its list. The Facebook ads targeted previous customers, often offering newproducts in bundles

LIVELY took advantage of Facebook’s dynamic ads option, which automatically chooses the most effective combination of copy and imagery, as well as automatic placements to help find the audience most likely to convert. As a result, the brand drove a42% increase in purchases and 62% increase in website traffic

Ocean Park Swimwear shows products in action

Ocean Park Swimwearalso opted for a video in this Facebook ad, where it can showcase how its sustainably made swimsuits are equipped for women who enjoy water sports. It also displays social proof via collaboration with an influencer in the industry.

Ocean Park Swimwear Facebook ad example

The motion in the video highlights the audience’s lifestyle and how the swimsuits are durable enough to handle that level of physical activity. It’s easy for its target audience to imagine themselves in that context.

Sarah Haran powers up with an influencer collaboration

奢侈品手袋品牌Sarah Harantapped into the power ofinfluencer marketingfor its Facebook ad examples. It collaborated with influencer Anthea Turner to show three ways you can use its handbags. The video serves as a product ad but also includes a tutorial-like element.

Volvo incorporates augmented reality

Volvo has upped the ante when it comes to Facebook ads, tapping into the power of augmented reality (AR). When the car brand launched a new electric SUV, it turned to Facebook ads to drive product awareness.

Like most industries, the auto industry has faced challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s been especially challenging for car companies, considering these purchases have historically mostly been made in-person. But thepandemic has shifted these behaviors,and Volvo needed to respond. That’s where AR technology came into play.

Volvo Facebook ad example

Users were served an interactive ad that highlighted the vehicle’s various features. It created a safe online shopping environment that mimicked the in-person experience as closely as you can through a Facebook ad. The campaign led to a6.7-point increase in product awareness

Integrating Facebook and Shopify

Facebook ads are an excellent way to boost brand awareness and drive traffic to your website.Selling on Facebook with Shopifyallows you to automatically sync your product catalog for streamlined ad creation, while finding the right audiences and tracking everything from your Shopify dashboard.

Facebook ad examples FAQ

Do Facebook ads work?

Yes, Facebook ads work when you have the right strategies in place. Facebook is both a modern marketplace and a distribution channel to get new and existing customers interested in your brand and products. In 2017, Wordstream reported that the average conversion rate for Facebook ads across all industries was 9.21%.

What should a Facebook ad include?

A Facebook ad should include copy, imagery, a call to action, and a destination or landing page.

What type of Facebook ad is most effective?

All ad types have potential to be most effective, depending on your audience, offer, and budget.