What Is Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)?

what is pert

The Program Evaluation Review Technique, or PERT, is a visual tool used in project planning. Using the technique helps project planners identify start and end dates, as well as interim required tasks and timelines. The information is displayed as a network in chart form.

PERT helps project planners identify:

  • Start and end dates
  • Anticipated total required completion time
  • All activities, referred to as events on the chart, that impact the completion time
  • The required sequence of events
  • The probability of completion by a certain date

The PERT process

PERT has a set series of steps in mapping out a complex project, which include:

  1. List all the tasks and milestones (a.k.a. events) required for completion of the project
  2. Determine the required sequence of tasks
  3. Design a chart to visually display all the steps
  4. 估计每个任务所需的时间
  5. Identify the critical path – the longest series of tasks in the project
  6. Adjust the chart to reflect progress made once the project starts

A PERT chart uses numbered circles or rectangles to represent milestones and straight lines with arrows at the end to represent tasks to be completed. The direction of the arrows, and the numbers, indicate the required sequence. Typically, the numbers increase by 10 at each milestone, so that new tasks can be added along the way without requiring the whole chart to be redrawn and numbered.


PERT was developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s to help create abusiness planthat would coordinate the thousands of contractors it had working on myriad projects.

While PERT was originally a manual process, today there are computerized PERT systems that enable project charts to be created quickly.

The only real weakness of the PERT process is that the time required for completion of each task is very subjective and sometimes no better than a wild guess. Frequent progress updates help refine the project timeline once it gets underway.

What Is Program Evaluation Review Technique FAQ

What is meant by program evaluation and review technique?

统筹法(PERT)a project management tool used to analyze and represent the tasks involved in completing a given project. It is used to estimate the time and cost of a project by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable components and charting the interdependencies between the tasks. PERT charts allow project managers to identify and address critical paths and bottlenecks, helping to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Why Program Evaluation and Review Technique is important?

统筹法(PERT)an important tool used in project management. It is used to identify task dependencies and critical paths, plan resources, estimate task duration, and identify potential risks. It also helps to define and sequence activities, coordinate resources, and track progress. PERT is useful in project planning because it allows project managers to accurately predict project completion time, costs, and resource utilization. With PERT, project managers can also identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them. By using PERT, project managers can ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

What is Program Evaluation and Review Technique PERT Formulae?

统筹法(PERT)a project management tool used to analyze and represent the tasks involved in completing a given project.
It is based on the idea that all projects have three types of activities:
  • Activities that must take place in sequence (or in a specific order).
  • Activities that can take place in parallel (or at the same time).
  • Activities that can take place in any order. PERT Formulae is a mathematical tool used to calculate the average duration of a project based on the estimated time for each task and the dependencies between them. The formula is: PERT Duration = (a + 4m + b) / 6 where a is the optimistic time estimate, m is the most likely time estimate, and b is the pessimistic time estimate.

What is review technique in project management?

Review technique in project management is a process for assessing the progress, quality, and performance of a project or product. It involves a review of the project's goals, objectives, timeline, and budget, as well as any related risks and issues. The review technique provides an opportunity for the project team to evaluate their progress and make any necessary changes to ensure the successful completion of the project. It also serves as a mechanism to identify and address any issues that may arise during the project.