Cart permalinks

Using cart permalinks lets you create a curated checkout experience for your customers. When you create a cart permalink, you can select the product variants, quantities, and discounts that you'd like to apply.

There are two kinds of cart permalinks that you can share with customers:

You can embed cart permalinks in webpages as regular links or buttons, or share them with directly with customers. You can share cart permalinks in email campaigns, social media posts, or chat messages. The same link is reusable, and creates a new checkout for each customer.

If you've installed theBuy Button channel, then you can create cart permalinks from your Shopify admin on the product details page, or manually.

Create a cart permalink from your Shopify admin

You can create a cart permalink from a product details page. By default, a cart permalink includes one variant. If you want to add more variants and quantities to a cart permalink, then you cancreate a cart permalink manuallyinstead.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toProducts, and then click the product that you want to create a cart permalink for.
  2. Click theMore actionsdropdown menu, and then clickCreate checkout link.
  3. Select a product variant.
  4. ClickCopy link.

Create a cart permalink manually

You can manually construct a cart permalink by piecing together your store's cart page link, and one or more variant IDs. To view a complete cart permalink, refer toexamples of permalinks.


  1. Starting with your store domain, add/cart/at the end. For example,
  2. Add one or more variants by usingvariant_id:quantity,如果你想添加多个由逗号分隔variants. Learn how tofind a product's variant ID.
  3. Optional: If you want to your cart permalink to include Shop Pay checkout, a discount code, or go directly to the cart page instead of checkout, then you cancustomize your cart permalink.

You can customize a cart permalink by adding a set of query parameters after the?in the link. You can customize a cart permalink in the following ways:

Direct customers to a Shop Pay checkout

If you haveShop Payactivated on your store, then you can addpayment=shop_payto the end of your cart permalink to send your customer to a checkout powered by Shop Pay.

If a customer is signed in with Shop Pay, then they can complete their order using Shop Pay's accelerated checkout. Customers can alternatively choose to use the guest checkout.

If you want to add Shop Pay branding to your cart permalinks powered by Shop Pay, then refer to theShop Pay branding guidelines and downloadable assets. You can alternatively use theBuy with Shop PayWeb Component, which renders a Shop Pay button with the contents of your cart permalink.

Add a discount code to a cart permalink

You can add a discount to the checkout by addingdiscount=CODEto the end of your cart permalink. For example, if you have a discount code titled15off, then adddiscount=15offto the end of the link. The discount is applied when a customer checks out using the link.

Direct customers to a cart page

You can direct customers to a cart page on your online store instead of checkout by addingstorefront=trueto the end of your cart permalink. This lets the customer review their cart before proceeding to checkout.

A one-variant cart permalink will appear similar to the following example:

A cart permalink with multiple variants and quantities will appear similar to the following example:,31384149360662:1

A cart permalink that initiates a checkout powered by Shop Pay will appear similar to the following example:

A cart permalink powered by Shop Pay that includes the discount code15offwill appear similar to the following example:

A cart permalink that directs customers to a populated cart instead of checkout will appear similar to the following example:
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