Placing a test order

By placing a test order, you can make sure that your checkout process and settings for order processing, inventory, shipping, email notifications, and taxes are all correct.

You aren't charged for a test order. You should place at least one test order during your store setup, or whenever you make changes to your payment settings.

You can place a test order by simulating a transaction through Shopify's Bogus Gateway, or if you're using Shopify Payments, then you can test your configuration by usingShopify Payments test mode.

You can also use a real payment provider, and then immediately cancel and refund the order. You might be subject to fees from the payment processor that you use.

You can test a payment gateway only if you've chosen a paid plan.

Place a test order by simulating a transaction

To simulate a transaction on your online checkout, you can set up Shopify's Bogus Gateway. Bogus Gateway is a payment provider that any store can use to create test orders. When Bogus Gateway is active, every order that you create is a test order. The test purchase amount needs to be greater than the equivalent of 1 USD in any currency.

To create an order, you need to enter test payment information at checkout. You can simulate different types of transactions, depending on what information you enter.


  1. From yourShopify admin, go toSettings>Payments.

  1. 如果你有一个信用卡支付提供商启用, then deactivate it before continuing. ClickManage>Deactivate(this button also shows the name of your payment provider, for exampleDeactivate Shopify Payments), then confirm your deactivation.
  2. Do one of the following:
    1. If you have Shopify Payments enabled:
      • In theShopify paymentssection, clickManage.
      • At the bottom of the page, clickSwitch to a third-party provider, and then clickSwitch to a third-party provideragain to confirm.
    2. If you don't have Shopify Payments enabled, then in theShopify paymentssection, clickSee all other providers.
    3. If Shopify Payments isn't available in your country, then in thePayment providerssection, clickChoose a provider.
  3. Select(for testing) Bogus Gatewayfrom the list.
  4. ClickActivate(for testing) Bogus Gateway.
  5. ClickSave.
  6. Go to your online store and place an order as a customer would. At checkout, enter the following credit card details instead of genuine numbers:
Card details to enter when testing your checkout with the bogus gateway
Field name Details to enter
Name on card EnterBogus Gateway
Credit card number

Enter each of these in turn to simulate different types of transaction:

  • Enter1to simulate a successful transaction
  • Enter2to simulate a failed transaction
  • Enter3to simulate an exception (this generates a message indicating that an error has occurred with the provider)
CVV Enter any 3-digit number (for example,111.)
Expiry Date Enter any date in the future.
  1. After you're done testing, clickManagenext to(for testing) Bogus Gatewayin your Shopify admin.

  2. ClickDeactivate(for testing) Bogus Gatewayto remove this gateway from your checkout.

Place a test order with a real transaction

You can place a test order using a real payment provider, and then immediately cancel and refund the order. You might be subject to fees from the payment processor you use. Some payment processor fees and credit card third-party transaction fees aren't returned to you when you issue a refund.

If you're using a development store, then you can't test using real transactions. For more information, refer toTesting orders in development stores.


  1. Make sure that you've set up thepayment providerthat you want to test.
  2. Make a purchase from your store as a customer would, and complete checkout using genuine credit card details.
  3. If you're using a third-party payment provider, then log in to your payment provider and make sure that the funds were processed.
  4. Cancel and refund the orderas soon as possible to refund yourself. Anythird-party transaction feesthat have been charged aren't refunded.

Testing your shipping settings

你可以确保你的航运设置correct by placing a test order. For example, if you offer free shipping for a certain order value, then you can test an order that would qualify for free shipping to make sure that the shipping discount is applied.

Learn more aboutshipping settings.

Testing email notifications

You can review your email notifications in the following ways:

  • By placing a test order. To receive the email notifications, enter your email address at checkout.
  • By going toSettings>Notifications. Click the name of the order notification that you want to test, and then clickSend test>Send.

You cancustomize your email templatesfrom your Shopify admin.

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