Remove company location metafield

TheRemove company location metafieldaction removesmetafieldsfrom the company location that triggers the workflow.

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TheRemove company location metafieldaction contains the following fields.

Fields used in the Remove company location metafield action.
Field Description
Metafield namespace Required. A metafield namespace is a container for a group of metafields. Grouping metafields within a namespace prevents your metafields from conflicting with other metafields.
Key Required. A key is an identifier for the metafield value.


TheRemove company location metafieldaction has a hidden field added to it by the trigger. This field,Company Location ID, identifies the company location to have a metafield removed. The company location ID is set by default and can't be changed.

TheRemove company location metafieldaction can be used in workflows that start with the following triggers:


Example of a workflow that removes a company location metafield when a specific condition is met

In this example workflow, a company location metafieldlocation.custom_idis removed when the company location note contains the word临时.

API details

To learn more, review theMetafieldInputinput object.

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