Send fulfillment request

TheSend fulfillment requestaction sends a request to fulfill products to afulfillment servicefor the order that triggers the workflow. TheSend fulfillment requestaction only functions with third-party fulfillment service apps.

If an order contains products that can't be fulfilled by a fulfillment service, then Flow records them as failed requests. In orders that contain both products that can be fullfilled by a service and products that can't be fulfilled by a service, then requests are sent for those products that can be fulfilled.

On this page


TheSend fulfillment requestaction contains the following fields.

Fields used in the Send fulfillment request action.
Field Description
Message An additional message to be sent with the fulfillment request.


TheSend fulfillment requestaction has a hidden field added to it by the trigger. This field,Order ID, identifies the order to send a fulfillment request for. The order ID is set by default and can't be changed.

TheSend fulfillment requestaction can be used in workflows that start with the following triggers:


Example of a workflow that sends a fulfillment request when an order is paid

In this example workflow, a fulfillment request is sent when an order is paid.

API details

To learn more, review thefulfillmentOrderSubmitFulfillmentRequestmutation.

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