Get fulfillment order data

You can use theGet fulfillment order dataaction to retrievefulfillment orderinformation from your store. You can use this action in any workflow, including those with theScheduled timetrigger.


TheGet fulfillment order dataaction contains the following fields.

Fields used in the Get fulfillment order data action.
Field Description
Sort data by Required. The parameters by which the data returned by the search query is sorted.
Maximum number of fulfillment orders Required. The maximum amount of fulfillment orders that can be returned by the search query that you select.
Select a query to filter data Required. The search query that obtains the data to be used in the workflow. SelectAdvancedto create your ownfulfillment orders queryby using Shopify's APIsearch syntax.
Edit query The search query that's used to select fulfillment orders. This query can be edited to customize the results.

Returned data

TheGet fulfillment order data行动本身不采取直接行动哟ur store. Instead, it extracts data from your store based on your query, and makes this data available for use in subsequent steps in your workflow as a list of fulfillment orders.

When you add aGet fulfillment order dataaction to a workflow, steps that follow this action have aGet fulfillment order datavariable available in the variable picker. To use the data extracted by your query in following conditions or actions, selectGet fulfillment order datain theReturned datasection of the configuration panel. For liquid variables, use thegetFulfillmentOrderDataobject to choose variables.


TheGet fulfillment order dataaction can be used in any workflow.


Example of a workflow that repeats once a day, checks fulfillment orders that are on hold, and sends an email summary

In this example workflow, a workflow is scheduled to run every day at 4:34 pm. TheGet fulfillment order dataaction is used to collect data for held orders. A list of the held orders is sent via email to people working for your shop.

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