
In addition to settingrounding rulesfor your product prices and shipping rates andsetting fixed product pricesfor countries and regions, you can also control your local pricing by setting price adjustments for countries and regions.

Price adjustments are percentage changes to the base prices of the products in your store. The price adjustment applies to all products sold to customers in a country or region.

You canview a breakdownof how each product price is calculated for each market.

固定价格的ustments for a market

Setting a price adjustment lets you increase or decrease the price of all products for a specific country or region. Price adjustments are shown as a percentage, meaning that an adjustment of +100% doubles the price of the item, and an adjustment of -50% reduces the price of the item by half.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toSettings>Markets.

  2. In theOther marketssection, clickManagenext to the market that you want to adjust prices for.

  3. ClickManagenext toProducts and pricing.

  4. In thePrice adjustmentsection, selectprice increaseto set a price adjustment increase, orprice decreaseto set a price adjustment decrease.

  5. Enter the percentage of the adjustment.

  6. ClickSave.

You can also create price adjustments for a country or region using thePriceList API.

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