Managing comments on blog posts

Comments can provide a place for conversations about your business and products. You can allow customers to comment on your blog posts, disable comments, or allow comments pending moderation.

Allow or disable comments on a blog

When you create a new blog, comments are disabled by default. The comment settings have three options:

  • Comments are disabled: Visitors to your blog can't leave comments on posts.

  • Comments are allowed, pending moderation: Visitors to your blog can leave comments, but you will need toreview the commentsbefore they will appear on your blog.

  • Comments are allowed, and are automatically published: Visitors to your blog can leave comments and they will appear on your blog without your review.

To manage comment settings:

  1. Click the name of the blog you want to edit.

  2. In theCommentssection, select the option that you want, and then clickSave.

Approve or delete comments

If you choose to allow comments pending moderation, then you will have to approve all comments before they are published on your blog. You can also approve or delete multiple comments using abulk action.


  1. Select at least one comment.

  2. ClickActions, and then clickApproveto publish the selected comments on your blog, or click删除.

Remove spam comments

Shopify checks all blog comments for signs of spam and flags them. Flagged comments won't be displayed on your blog, but they will appear in your Shopify admin. You can mark comments as spam manually.


  1. Select at least one comment.

  2. ClickActions, and then clickMark as spam.

  3. Optional: ClickActions, and then click删除to remove spam comments from your admin.

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