Finding products and suppliers on Handshake

On the Handshake marketplace, you can discover wholesale suppliers and products. If you want to access the product wholesale prices, contact the suppliers, and orders products, then you need tosign up for a Handshake retailer account.

Find products and suppliers

You can find products and suppliers by searching for keywords, or browsing product categories. After you enter a search term or choose a category, you can narrow the results by using filters. If a product has any available discounts, then a discount icon and a maximum discount amount are shown on the product card and on the product details page.

You can search for specific products or suppliers. When you search for a keyword, both products and suppliers that have that keyword will appear in the search results.

After you enter a keyword in the search field, some search suggestions that are related to existing products and suppliers are displayed. If you click a product, then you are directed to that product's details page. If you click a supplier, then you are directed to the supplier's profile page.

Browse a product category

You can browse products by clicking a specific product category in the Handshake menu. After you select a category, you can narrow it down to a subcategory from the left-hand menu.

Filter and sort products and suppliers

After you search for a product or select a product category, then you can specify and narrow down your search using filters and sorting. All product prices are in USD. You can select whether your search results include only suppliers or only products.

Manage your favorites list

To help you keep track of the products and suppliers that you like, you can add them to your favorites list. You can add suppliers to your favorites list to check them regularly for new products, and add products to your favorites list to create a wishlist.

To add products and suppliers to your favorites list, you need tosign up for a Handshake retailer account.

Add a product or supplier to your favorites list

  1. Go tohandshake.comand log in to your Handshake retailer account.
  2. Find the product or supplier and add it to your favorites list.
    • To add a product to your favorites list, click the heart icon on the product image.
    • To add a supplier to your favorites list, click the heart icon on the supplier card or go to the supplier's profile page and click最喜欢的.

Remove a product or supplier from your favorites list

  1. Go tohandshake.comand log in to your Handshake retailer account.
  2. Click the heart icon next to账户.
  3. Click theProductsorSupplierstab to access your favorite products or suppliers.
  4. Click the heart icon to remove a product or a supplier from your favorites list.
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