Undo a transfer for a location

If you create a transfer or receive items by mistake, then you need to either delete the transfer, adjust the quantities received in the transfer, or manually adjust the inventory of your product to account for the mistake.

Undo actions for an unreceived transfer

If you haven't received any inventory for that transfer, then you can open the transfer on theTransferspage and make any changes that you want on the transfer.

  • If you want to adjust quantities, then you can click the arrows or manually enter the correct quantity in theQuantitycolumn of theAdd productssection.

  • 如果你想删除一个产品转移,click theXnext to the product that you want to delete, and then clickUpdate inventory transfer.

  • If you want to delete the transfer, then clickMore actions>Delete transfer.

Undo actions for a received transfer

If you already received any inventory for that transfer, includingPartially receivedtransfers, then you can't delete or adjust the quantities in a transfer.

  • If you want to undo the quantities that you received, then open the transfer you want to change, clickReceive inventory, and then manually enter negative quantities or click the down arrow to deduct from the amount you previously received.

  • If you're no longer expecting to receive a transfer and you want to cancel the remaining amounts, then open the transfer that you want to change and clickReceive inventory>Reject all unreceivedto reject all of the quantities that you haven't received. The transfer is marked asCompletedand the incoming quantity for that product is adjusted.

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