Add product to collections

TheAdd product to collectionsaction adds the product that triggers the workflow to acollection.

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TheAdd product to collectionsaction contains the following fields.

Fields used in the Add product to collections action.
Field Description
Collections The collections to which the product is added. ClickSelect collectionsto select the collections to add a product to. Existing collections must be chosen. New collections can't be created by theAdd product to collectionsaction.


TheAdd product to collectionsaction has a hidden field added to it by the trigger. This field,Product ID, identifies the product to add to a collection. The product ID is set by default and can't be changed.

TheAdd product to collectionsaction can be used in workflows that start with the following triggers:


Example of a workflow that adds a product to a collection when a product is added to the store

In this example workflow, a product is added to a collection when it's added to the store.

API details

To learn more, review thecollectionAddProductsmutation.

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