Create redirect URL

TheCreate redirect URLactioncreates a redirect URLthat transfers traffic from one web page to another.

On this page


TheCreate redirect URLaction contains the following fields.

Fields used in the Create redirect URL action.
Field Description
Path Required. The URL that customers areredirected away from. The URL used in this field must represent an existing URL in your store.
Target Required. The URL that customers areredirected to. The URL used in this field can be an existing URL in your store or an external destination.
Overwrite existing redirect When checked, a redirect is created even if there is already a redirect for the original URL that customers are being redirected away from.


TheCreate redirect URLaction can be used in any workflow.


Example of a workflow that redirects visitors from a deleted product to another page

In this example workflow, a URL redirect is created when a product is deleted. The redirect sends visitors from the deleted product page to a page with more information on discontinued products.

This workflow uses the deleted product'stitleproperty to generate the URL that customers are redirected away from. Note that if the product had a customized handle or URL prior to being deleted, this workflow might not work.

API details

To learn more, review theurlRedirectCreatemutation.

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