Look up customer in a segment

In workflows that use customer data, you can use theLook up customer in a segmentaction to determine if a customer is a member of the selected segment. You can use this action in any workflow, including theScheduled timetrigger. In a workflow that uses theScheduled timetrigger, the workflow starts at a time that you've specified, rather than as a result of an event. Because there is no specific event in your store or from an app that starts the workflow, there is no data automatically included.


Look up customer in a segmentaction contains the following fields.

Fields used in the Look up customer in a segment action.
Field Description
Select a segment 必需的。的segment to retrieve customer data from. The options in this menu are derived from thecustomer segmentsthat are available in your store.

Returned data

Look up customer in a segmentaction itself doesn't take any direct action in your store. Instead, it extracts data from your store based on your query, and makes this data available for use in subsequent steps in your workflow.

When you add aLook up customer in a segmentaction to a workflow, steps that follow this action have aLook up customer in a segmentvariable available in the variable picker. To use the data extracted by your query in following conditions or actions, selectLook up customer in a segmentin theReturned datasection of the configuration panel. For custom created variables,use thecustomerSegmentMembershipobject.


Look up customer in a segmentaction can be used in any workflow.


Example of a workflow that sends and retrieves a list of new customers and which checks whether customers have placed an order in the past week. A list of customers that have not placed an order in the past week is sent in an internal email.

In this example workflow, a workflow is scheduled to run every Sunday at 12:30 pm. TheLook up customer in a segmentaction is used to determine whether new customers have placed an order in the last week. An internal email is sent with a list of customers that have not placed an order.

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