This page was printed on Jul 07, 2023. For the current version, visit https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/shopify-flow/reference/triggers/customer-account-enabled.
The客户账户enabledtrigger starts a workflow when a customer profile becomes a customer account. This change in status occurs when a customer accepts anemail invitation to create an account, or when they create an account during checkout from your online store.
This trigger applies only to classic customer accounts. For more information, refer to客户账户s.
The following actions can be used in workflows that start with the客户账户enabledtrigger.
- Add customer tags
- Create redirect URL
- Delete redirect URLs
- Remove customer metafield
- Remove customer tags
- Remove shop metafield
- Send HTTP request
- Send internal email
- Update customer metafield
- Update customer note
- Update shop metafield
- Wait
In this example workflow, a customer tag is added when a customer account is enabled.
Testing the Customer account enabled trigger
To test a workflow that starts with this trigger,send an email to create a customer accountand respond to the account invitation email.
API details
The客户账户enabledtrigger allows actions to be taken with theCustomer Graphql API object.