Tender transaction created
This page was printed on Jul 06, 2023. For the current version, visit https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/shopify-flow/reference/triggers/tender-transaction-created.
TheTender transaction createdtrigger starts a workflow when a monetary action such as a payment or refund takes place.
The following actions can be used in workflows that start with theTender transaction createdtrigger.
- Add order line item
- Add order tags
- Archive order
- Cancel order
- Capture payment
- Create redirect URL
- Delete redirect URLs
- Mark order as paid
- Remove order metafield
- Remove order tags
- Remove shop metafield
- Send fulfillment request
- Send HTTP request
- Send internal email
- Unarchive order
- Update order metafield
- Update order note
- Update shop metafield
- Wait
In this example workflow, an email is sent when a tender transaction of 10,000 or more is created.
Testing the Tender transaction created trigger
To test a workflow that starts with this trigger, create a test order and then perform a transaction on it, such asperforming a refund.
API details
TheTender transaction createdtrigger allows actions to be taken with theTenderTransaction Graphql API object.