결제 스크립트 예제
이 페이지는 Nov 01, 2023에 인쇄되었습니다. 최신 버전은 https://help.shopify.com/ko/manual/checkout-settings/script-editor/examples/payment-gateway-scripts에서 확인하십시오.
결제 스크립트는 전자결제 대행사와 상호 작용하며 전자결제 대행사의 이름, 표시 유형 및 표시 위치를 변경할 수 있습니다. 이 스크립트에서는 고객이 결제 시 결제 방법 페이지에 액세스할 때마다 실행됩니다. 빠른 결제는 고객이 결제 페이지에 도달하기 전에 표시되기 때문에 결제 스크립트는빠른 결제 와 상호 작용하지 않습니다.
Shopify Plus
Shopify Scripts 및 Script Editor 앱은Shopify Plus 판매자만 사용할 수 있습니다. Script Editor 앱은 더 이상 Shopify App Store에서 다운로드할 수 없습니다.
2025년 8월 28일부터 Shopify Scripts가 제거되고 더 이상 작동하지 않습니다. 이 날짜 전에 기존 스크립트를Shopify Functions 로 마이그레이션하십시오.
이 페이지의 템플릿을 사용하려면 빈 템플릿으로 새 스크립트를 만드십시오.
Shopify Admin에서앱 >Script Editor 로 이동합니다.
스크립트 생성 을 클릭합니다.
전자결제 대행사 를 클릭합니다.
빈 템플릿 을 선택하고스크립트 생성 을 클릭합니다.
Ruby 소스 코드 섹션에서 기본 코드 라인을 삭제합니다.Output.cart = Input.cart
이 페이지에서 스크립트를 복사하여Ruby 소스 코드 섹션에 붙여넣습니다.
스크립트의사용자 지정 가능 설정 섹션을 편집하여 스토어에서 작동시킵니다.
스크립트를 테스트합니다. 자세한 내용은Shopify Scripts 테스트 및 디버그 를 참조하십시오.
테스트 후에는
초안 저장 을 클릭하여 해당 스크립트의 게시되지 않은 초안을 저장하거나
저장 및 게시 를 클릭하여 스크립트를 생성하고 게시합니다.
특정 고객에게 게이트웨이 표시
이 스크립트를 사용하여 특별한 태그가 지정된 고객에게만 특정 게이트웨이 옵션을 표시합니다.
예를 들어,VIP
태그가 지정된 고객에게만 특정 게이트웨이를 표시하면 다른 고객에게는 게이트웨이가 숨겨집니다.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================ # ================================================================ # Show Gateways For Customer Tag # # If we have a matching customer, the entered gateway(s) will be # shown, and all others will be hidden. Otherwise, the entered # gateway(s) will be hidden. # # - 'customer_tag_match_type' determines whether we look for the customer # to be tagged with any of the entered tags or not. Can be: # - ':include' to check if the customer is tagged # - ':exclude' to make sure the customer isn't tagged # - 'customer_tags' is a list of customer tags to trigger the #活动 # - 'gateway_match_type' determines whether the below strings # should be an exact or partial match. Can be: # - ':exact' for an exact match # - ':partial' for a partial match # - 'gateway_names' is a list of strings to identify gateways # ================================================================ SHOW_GATEWAYS_FOR_CUSTOMER_TAG = [ { customer_tag_match_type: :include , customer_tags: [ "customer_tag" , "another_tag" ], gateway_match_type: :exact , gateway_names: [ "Gateway" , "Other Gateway" ], }, ] # ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================ # ================================================================ # CustomerTagSelector # # Finds whether the supplied customer has any of the entered tags. # ================================================================ class CustomerTagSelector def initialize ( match_type , tags ) @comparator = match_type == :include ? 'any?' : 'none?' @tags = tags . map { | tag | tag . downcase . strip } end def match? ( customer ) customer_tags = customer . tags . map { | tag | tag . downcase . strip } ( @tags & customer_tags ). send ( @comparator ) end end # ================================================================ # GatewayNameSelector # # Finds whether the supplied gateway name matches any of the # entered names. # ================================================================ class GatewayNameSelector def initialize ( match_type , gateway_names ) @comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?' @gateway_names = gateway_names . map { | name | name . downcase . strip } end def match? ( payment_gateway ) @gateway_names . any? { | name | payment_gateway . name . downcase . strip . send ( @comparator , name ) } end end # ================================================================ # ShowGatewaysForCustomerTagCampaign # # If the customer has any of the entered tags, the entered gateways # are shown/hidden depending on the entered settings # ================================================================ class ShowGatewaysForCustomerTagCampaign def initialize ( campaigns ) @campaigns = campaigns end def run ( cart , payment_gateways ) @campaigns . each do | campaign | customer_tag_selector = CustomerTagSelector . new ( campaign [ :customer_tag_match_type ], campaign [ :customer_tags ], ) customer_match = cart . customer . nil? ? false : customer_tag_selector . match? ( cart . customer ) gateway_name_selector = GatewayNameSelector . new ( campaign [ :gateway_match_type ], campaign [ :gateway_names ], ) payment_gateways . delete_if do | payment_gateway | gateway_name_selector . match? ( payment_gateway ) != customer_match end end end end CAMPAIGNS = [ ShowGatewaysForCustomerTagCampaign . new ( SHOW_GATEWAYS_FOR_CUSTOMER_TAG ), ] CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign | campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . payment_gateways ) end Output . payment_gateways = Input . payment_gateways
특정 고객에게 게이트웨이 숨기기
이 스크립트를 사용하여 특별한 태그가 지정된 고객에게 특정 게이트웨이를 숨길 수 있습니다.
태그가 지정된 고객에게 특정 게이트웨이를 숨깁니다.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================ # ================================================================ # Hide Gateways For Customer Tag # # If we have a matching customer, the entered gateway(s) will be # hidden. # # - 'customer_tag_match_type' determines whether we look for the customer # to be tagged with any of the entered tags or not. Can be: # - ':include' to check if the customer is tagged # - ':exclude' to make sure the customer isn't tagged # - 'customer_tags' is a list of customer tags to trigger the #活动 # - 'gateway_match_type' determines whether the below strings # should be an exact or partial match. Can be: # - ':exact' for an exact match # - ':partial' for a partial match # - 'gateway_names' is a list of strings to identify gateways # ================================================================ HIDE_GATEWAYS_FOR_CUSTOMER_TAG = [ { customer_tag_match_type: :include , customer_tags: [ "customer_tag" , "another_tag" ], gateway_match_type: :exact , gateway_names: [ "Gateway" , "Other Gateway" ], }, ] # ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================ # ================================================================ # CustomerTagSelector # # Finds whether the supplied customer has any of the entered tags. # ================================================================ class CustomerTagSelector def initialize ( match_type , tags ) @comparator = match_type == :include ? 'any?' : 'none?' @tags = tags . map { | tag | tag . downcase . strip } end def match? ( customer ) customer_tags = customer . tags . map { | tag | tag . downcase . strip } ( @tags & customer_tags ). send ( @comparator ) end end # ================================================================ # GatewayNameSelector # # Finds whether the supplied gateway name matches any of the # entered names. # ================================================================ class GatewayNameSelector def initialize ( match_type , gateway_names ) @comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?' @gateway_names = gateway_names . map { | name | name . downcase . strip } end def match? ( payment_gateway ) @gateway_names . any? { | name | payment_gateway . name . downcase . strip . send ( @comparator , name ) } end end # ================================================================ # HideGatewaysForCustomerTagCampaign # # If we have a matching customer, the entered gateway(s) will be # hidden. # ================================================================ class HideGatewaysForCustomerTagCampaign def initialize ( campaigns ) @campaigns = campaigns end def run ( cart , payment_gateways ) return if cart . customer . nil? @campaigns . each do | campaign | customer_tag_selector = CustomerTagSelector . new ( campaign [ :customer_tag_match_type ], campaign [ :customer_tags ], ) next unless customer_tag_selector . match? ( cart . customer ) gateway_name_selector = GatewayNameSelector . new ( campaign [ :gateway_match_type ], campaign [ :gateway_names ], ) payment_gateways . delete_if do | payment_gateway | gateway_name_selector . match? ( payment_gateway ) end end end end CAMPAIGNS = [ HideGatewaysForCustomerTagCampaign . new ( HIDE_GATEWAYS_FOR_CUSTOMER_TAG ), ] CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign | campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . payment_gateways ) end Output . payment_gateways = Input . payment_gateways
특정 제품에 대한 게이트웨이 숨기기
특정 품목이 카트에 추가되면 이 스크립트를 사용하여 특정 게이트웨이를 숨길 수 있습니다.
예를 들어 고객이 모자를 주문하는 경우 특정 게이트웨이를 숨길 수 있습니다.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================ # ================================================================ # Hide Gateway(s) for Product # # If the cart contains any matching items, the entered gateway(s) # are hidden. # # - 'product_selector_match_type' determines whether we look for # products that do or don't match the entered selectors. Can # be: # - ':include' to check if the product does match # - ':exclude' to make sure the product doesn't match # - 'product_selector_type' determines how eligible products # will be identified. Can be either: # - ':tag' to find products by tag # - ':type' to find products by type # - ':vendor' to find products by vendor # - ':product_id' to find products by ID # - ':variant_id' to find products by variant ID #——“:订阅订阅连续cts # - 'product_selectors' is a list of strings or numbers to # identify products by the above selector type # - 'gateway_match_type' determines whether the below strings # should be an exact or partial match. Can be: # - ':exact' for an exact match # - ':partial' for a partial match # - 'gateway_names' is a list of strings to identify gateways # ================================================================ HIDE_GATEWAY_FOR_PRODUCT = [ { product_selector_match_type: :include , product_selector_type: :product_id , product_selectors: [ 1234567890987 , 1234567890986 ], gateway_match_type: :exact , gateway_names: [ "Gateway" , "Other Gateway" ], }, ] # ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================ # ================================================================ # ProductSelector # # Finds matching products by the entered criteria. # ================================================================ class ProductSelector def initialize ( match_type , selector_type , selectors ) @match_type = match_type @comparator = match_type == :include ? 'any?' : 'none?' @selector_type = selector_type @selectors = selectors end def match? ( line_item ) if self . respond_to? ( @selector_type ) self . send ( @selector_type , line_item ) else raise RuntimeError . new ( 'Invalid product selector type' ) end end def tag ( line_item ) product_tags = line_item . variant . product . tags . map { | tag | tag . downcase . strip } @selectors = @selectors . map { | selector | selector . downcase . strip } ( @selectors & product_tags ). send ( @comparator ) end def type ( line_item ) @selectors = @selectors . map { | selector | selector . downcase . strip } ( @match_type == :include ) == @selectors . include? ( line_item . variant . product . product_type . downcase . strip ) end def vendor ( line_item ) @selectors = @selectors . map { | selector | selector . downcase . strip } ( @match_type == :include ) == @selectors . include? ( line_item . variant . product . vendor . downcase . strip ) end def product_id ( line_item ) ( @match_type == :include ) == @selectors . include? ( line_item . variant . product . id ) end def variant_id ( line_item ) ( @match_type == :include ) == @selectors . include? ( line_item . variant . id ) end def subscription ( line_item ) ! line_item . selling_plan_id . nil? end end # ================================================================ # GatewayNameSelector # # Finds whether the supplied gateway name matches any of the # entered names. # ================================================================ class GatewayNameSelector def initialize ( match_type , gateway_names ) @comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?' @gateway_names = gateway_names . map { | name | name . downcase . strip } end def match? ( payment_gateway ) @gateway_names . any? { | name | payment_gateway . name . downcase . strip . send ( @comparator , name ) } end end # ================================================================ # HideGatewayForProductCampaign # # If the cart contains any matching items, the entered gateway(s) # are hidden. # ================================================================ class HideGatewayForProductCampaign def initialize ( campaigns ) @campaigns = campaigns end def run ( cart , payment_gateways ) @campaigns . each do | campaign | product_selector = ProductSelector . new ( campaign [ :product_selector_match_type ], campaign [ :product_selector_type ], campaign [ :product_selectors ], ) next unless cart . line_items . any? { | line_item | product_selector . match? ( line_item ) } gateway_name_selector = GatewayNameSelector . new ( campaign [ :gateway_match_type ], campaign [ :gateway_names ], ) payment_gateways . delete_if do | payment_gateway | gateway_name_selector . match? ( payment_gateway ) end end end end CAMPAIGNS = [ HideGatewayForProductCampaign . new ( HIDE_GATEWAY_FOR_PRODUCT ), ] CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign | campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . payment_gateways ) end Output . payment_gateways = Input . payment_gateways
특정 국가에 대한 게이트웨이 표시
고객이 특정 국가에서 주문하는 경우 이 스크립트를 사용하여 특정 게이트웨이만 표시합니다.
예를 들어 고객이 캐나다에서 주문하는 경우 특정 게이트웨이만 표시하면 다른 국가의 주소에는 게이트웨이가 숨겨집니다.
참고 사항
사용은 해당 지역 즉, 국가/지역에 따라 다릅니다.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================ # ================================================================ # Show Gateway(s) for Country # # If the shipping address country matches any of the entered # countries, the entered gateway(s) will be shown, and all others # will be hidden. Otherwise, the entered gateway(s) will be hidden. # # - 'country_code_match_type' determines whether we look for the cart # country to match the entered selectors or not. Can be: # - ':include' to look for a country in the list # - ':exclude' to make sure the country is not in the list # - 'country_codes' is a list of 2-character abbreviations for # the applicable countries # - 'gateway_match_type' determines whether the below strings # should be an exact or partial match. Can be: # - ':exact' for an exact match # - ':partial' for a partial match # - 'gateway_names' is a list of strings to identify gateways # ================================================================ SHOW_GATEWAYS_FOR_COUNTRY = [ { country_code_match_type: :include , country_codes: [ "CA" ], gateway_match_type: :exact , gateway_names: [ "Gateway" , "Other Gateway" ], }, ] # ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================ # ================================================================ # CountrySelector # # Finds whether the supplied country code matches the entered # string. # ================================================================ class CountrySelector def initialize ( match_type , 国家 ) @match_type = match_type @countries = 国家 . map { | country | country . upcase . strip } end def match? ( country_code ) ( @match_type == :include ) == @countries . include? ( country_code . upcase . strip ) end end # ================================================================ # GatewayNameSelector # # Finds whether the supplied gateway name matches any of the # entered names. # ================================================================ class GatewayNameSelector def initialize ( match_type , gateway_names ) @comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?' @gateway_names = gateway_names . map { | name | name . downcase . strip } end def match? ( payment_gateway ) @gateway_names . any? { | name | payment_gateway . name . downcase . strip . send ( @comparator , name ) } end end # ================================================================ # ShowGatewaysForCountryCampaign # # If the shipping address country matches any of the entered # countries, the entered gateway(s) will be shown, and all others # will be hidden. Otherwise, the entered gateway(s) will be hidden. # ================================================================ class ShowGatewaysForCountryCampaign def initialize ( campaigns ) @campaigns = campaigns end def run ( cart , payment_gateways ) address = cart . shipping_address @campaigns . each do | campaign | country_selector = CountrySelector . new ( campaign [ :country_code_match_type ], campaign [ :country_codes ], ) country_match = address . nil? ? false : country_selector . match? ( address . country_code ) gateway_name_selector = GatewayNameSelector . new ( campaign [ :gateway_match_type ], campaign [ :gateway_names ], ) payment_gateways . delete_if do | payment_gateway | gateway_name_selector . match? ( payment_gateway ) != country_match end end end end CAMPAIGNS = [ ShowGatewaysForCountryCampaign . new ( SHOW_GATEWAYS_FOR_COUNTRY ), ] CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign | campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . payment_gateways ) end Output . payment_gateways = Input . payment_gateways
특정 국가의 게이트웨이 숨기기
이 스크립트를 사용하여 특정 국가에서 전자결제 대행사를 숨길 수 있습니다.
예를 들어 캐나다에 있는 고객에게 특정 게이트웨이를 숨길 수 있습니다.
참고 사항
사용은 해당 지역 즉, 국가/지역에 따라 다릅니다.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================ # ================================================================ # Hide Gateway(s) for Country # # If the shipping address country matches any of the entered # countries, the entered gateway(s) will be hidden. # # - 'country_code_match_type' determines whether we look for the cart # country to match the entered selectors or not. Can be: # - ':include' to look for a country in the list # - ':exclude' to make sure the country is not in the list # - 'country_codes' is a list of 2-character abbreviations for # the applicable countries # - 'gateway_match_type' determines whether the below strings # should be an exact or partial match. Can be: # - ':exact' for an exact match # - ':partial' for a partial match # - 'gateway_names' is a list of strings to identify gateways # ================================================================ HIDE_GATEWAYS_FOR_COUNTRY = [ { country_code_match_type: :include , country_codes: [ "CA" ], gateway_match_type: :exact , gateway_names: [ "Gateway" , "Other Gateway" ], }, ] # ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================ # ================================================================ # CountrySelector # # Finds whether the supplied country code matches the entered # string. # ================================================================ class CountrySelector def initialize ( match_type , 国家 ) @match_type = match_type @countries = 国家 . map { | country | country . upcase . strip } end def match? ( country_code ) ( @match_type == :include ) == @countries . include? ( country_code . upcase . strip ) end end # ================================================================ # GatewayNameSelector # # Finds whether the supplied gateway name matches any of the # entered names. # ================================================================ class GatewayNameSelector def initialize ( match_type , gateway_names ) @comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?' @gateway_names = gateway_names . map { | name | name . downcase . strip } end def match? ( payment_gateway ) @gateway_names . any? { | name | payment_gateway . name . downcase . strip . send ( @comparator , name ) } end end # ================================================================ # HideGatewaysForCountryCampaign # # If the shipping address country matches any of the entered # countries, the entered gateway(s) will be hidden. # ================================================================ class HideGatewaysForCountryCampaign def initialize ( campaigns ) @campaigns = campaigns end def run ( cart , payment_gateways ) address = cart . shipping_address return if address . nil? @campaigns . each do | campaign | country_selector = CountrySelector . new ( campaign [ :country_code_match_type ], campaign [ :country_codes ], ) next unless country_selector . match? ( address . country_code ) gateway_name_selector = GatewayNameSelector . new ( campaign [ :gateway_match_type ], campaign [ :gateway_names ], ) payment_gateways . delete_if do | payment_gateway | gateway_name_selector . match? ( payment_gateway ) end end end end CAMPAIGNS = [ HideGatewaysForCountryCampaign . new ( HIDE_GATEWAYS_FOR_COUNTRY ), ] CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign | campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . payment_gateways ) end Output . payment_gateways = Input . payment_gateways
지출별 게이트웨이 표시
고객이 특정 금액을 초과하여 소비하는 경우 이 스크립트를 사용하여 특정 게이트웨이를 표시합니다.
예를 들어 고객이 $1000 이상을 지출하는 경우 특정 게이트웨이를 표시하고 그렇지 않으면 숨깁니다.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================ # ================================================================ # Show Gateway(s) for Spend Threshold # # If the cart total is greater than, or equal to, the entered # threshold, the entered gateway(s) are shown. # # - 'threshold' is the dollar amount the customer must spend in # order to see the entered gateway(s) # - 'gateway_match_type' determines whether the below strings # should be an exact or partial match. Can be: # - ':exact' for an exact match # - ':partial' for a partial match # - 'gateway_names' is a list of strings to identify gateways # ================================================================ SHOW_GATEWAYS_FOR_THRESHOLD = [ { threshold: 500 , gateway_match_type: :exact , gateway_names: [ "Gateway" , "Other Gateway" ], }, ] # ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================ # ================================================================ # GatewayNameSelector # # Finds whether the supplied gateway name matches any of the # entered names. # ================================================================ class GatewayNameSelector def initialize ( match_type , gateway_names ) @comparator = match_type == :exact ? '==' : 'include?' @gateway_names = gateway_names . map { | name | name . downcase . strip } end def match? ( payment_gateway ) @gateway_names . any? { | name | payment_gateway . name . downcase . strip . send ( @comparator , name ) } end end # ================================================================ # ShowGatewaysForThresholdCampaign # # If the cart total is greater than, or equal to, the entered # threshold, the entered gateway(s) are shown. # ================================================================ class ShowGatewaysForThresholdCampaign def initialize ( campaigns ) @campaigns = campaigns end def run ( cart , payment_gateways ) @campaigns . each do | campaign | next unless cart . subtotal_price < ( Money . new ( cents: 100 ) * campaign [ :threshold ]) gateway_name_selector = GatewayNameSelector . new ( campaign [ :gateway_match_type ], campaign [ :gateway_names ], ) payment_gateways . delete_if do | payment_gateway | gateway_name_selector . match? ( payment_gateway ) end end end end CAMPAIGNS = [ ShowGatewaysForThresholdCampaign . new ( SHOW_GATEWAYS_FOR_THRESHOLD ), ] CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign | campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . payment_gateways ) end Output . payment_gateways = Input . payment_gateways
게이트웨이 재정렬
이 스크립트를 사용하여 고객에게 제공되는 전자결제 대행사의 기본 순서를 변경합니다.
# ================================ Customizable Settings ================================ # ================================================================ # Reorder Gateways # # The order in which you would like your gateways to display # ================================================================ DESIRED_GATEWAY_ORDER = [ "Payment Gateway 1" , "Payment Gateway 2" , "Payment Gateway 3" , ] # ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================ # ================================================================ # ReorderGatewaysCampaign # # Reorders gateways into the entered order # ================================================================ class ReorderGatewaysCampaign def initialize ( desired_order ) @desired_order = desired_order . map { | item | item . downcase . strip } end def run ( cart , payment_gateways ) payment_gateways . sort_by! { | payment_gateway | @desired_order . index ( payment_gateway . name . downcase . strip ) || Float :: INFINITY } end end CAMPAIGNS = [ ReorderGatewaysCampaign . new ( DESIRED_GATEWAY_ORDER ), ] CAMPAIGNS . each do | campaign | campaign . run ( Input . cart , Input . payment_gateways ) end Output . payment_gateways = Input . payment_gateways