Exporting or importing inventory with a CSV file

You canexport an inventory CSV filethat contains your inventory quantities at your locations. You can use that exported CSV file as a template toupdate the inventory amounts. After you update the inventory amounts, you can thenimport the CSV fileto update your Shopify admin with the inventory quantities for each product in each location.

Export inventory

You can export an inventory CSV file either to create a template that contains your uniquely identified products or product variants for the location or specified locations, or to export the inventory quantities for use in other systems or processes.

If you have multiple locations, then you can specify whether you want to export the data for all of your locations or just for one specific location.


  1. Go toProducts>Inventory.
  2. ClickExport.
  3. Do either of the following:
    • If you have multiple locations, then select the location that you want to export inventory from.
    • To export inventory from all of your locations, selectAll locations.
  4. From theQuantity typesection, select one of the following quantities:
    • Only Available quantities: This option only exports a CSV file that contain theAvailablequantity below the location name. You can only make changes to theAvailablevalue when you import an edited CSV file usingOnly Available quantities.
    • All quantity types: This option exports a CSV file that contains theAvailable,Unavailable,Committed,On hand, andIncomingcolumns only. If you want to make edits to this file and then import it to your Shopify admin, then edit only theOn handvalues.Availableinventory is calculated based on your importedOn handvalues.
  5. From theExportsection, select one of the following variants:
    • Current page: This option will export all variants on your current page.
    • All variants: This option will export all of your variants.
    • Selected variants: This option will export the variants you have selected on the page if you have any selected.
  6. From theExport assection, select one of the following CSV types:
    • CSV for Excel, Numbers, or other spreadsheet programs
    • Plain CSV file
  7. ClickExport variants.

Examples of inventory export CSVs

Review the following examples of how the CSV appears based on the quantity type that you select.

WhenOnly Available quantitiesis selected

The location names are used in the header row, with the available quantities listed in the rows below.

Example table that indicates what columns are visible when `Only Available quantities` is selected as the desired `Quantity type`
Handle Title ... Ottawa New York
strbry-jam Strawberry Jam ... 10 50
rspbry-jam Raspberry Jam ... 25 35

WhenAll quantity typesis selected

Location is a header, with each location name listed in rows below. This version of the inventory CSV also includes the columns for Incoming, Unavailable, Committed, Available, and On hand inventory quantities.

Example table that indicates what columns are visible when `All quantity types` is selected as the desired `Quantity type`
Handle Title ... Location Incoming Unavailable Committed Available On hand
strbry-jam Strawberry Jam ... Ottawa 20 3 5 10 18
strbry-jam Strawberry Jam ... New York 0 1 10 50 61
rspbry-jam Raspberry Jam ... Ottawa 15 0 3 25 28
rspbry-jam Raspberry Jam ... New York 0 5 6 35 46

Update the inventory amounts

After you've exported the CSV file to get a template, you need to update the inventory quantities in the file.

The CSV file has several columns to help you identify your product, as described inInventory CSV file format. When you're converting your store to use multiple locations, edit only the location columns.


  1. Open your exported CSV file in a spreadsheet program.
  2. Update the inventory quantities:
    • If you exported theOnly Available quantitiesCSV file option, then update theAvailablequantity below the location name.
    • If you exported theAll quantity typesCSV file option, then update theOn handquantity.
  3. The number that you enter in each row can be positive, negative, or0. You can also enternot stockedto indicate that the product is never stocked at the location.
  4. Save the CSV file.

Import inventory

Before you import inventory, make sure that you've created a CSV file in the correct file format.

If you selectedOnly Available quantitieswhen you exported your inventory, then the CSV file that you exported can update and overwriteAvailableinventory quantities only.

If you selectedAll quantity typeswhen you exported your inventory, then the CSV file that you exported can update and overwrite onlyOn handinventory quantities when you import the file back into your Shopify admin. It doesn't override any other inventory state quantities. YourAvailablequantity is calculated based on your newOn handquantities.

Importing inventory quantities overwrites your inventory data. Import your inventory only when other inventory adjustments, such as general ongoing sales or manual changes, aren’t occurring.


  1. Go toProducts>Inventory.
  2. ClickImport.
  3. ClickAdd fileand choose your CSV file.
  4. ClickUpload file.
  5. Verify what you intend to import, and then clickStart import.

Inventory CSV file format

The inventory CSV file contains information that uniquely identifies products, product variants, and their inventory quantities at your location or specified locations. It's similar to other CSV files that you use with Shopify, but has different columns.

如果你打算进口你的发明ory amounts, then you need to create a CSV file that has the following columns:

  • Handle- Handles are unique names for each product. They can contain letters, dashes, and numbers, but no spaces. A handle is used in the URL for each product.
  • Title——标题栏是可选的。如果你把它,then the values can be left blank.
  • Option1 Name- If a product has an option, then enter its name. For example,Color. If a product has no options, then this should be set toTitle.
  • Option1 Value- If a product has an option, then enter its value. For example,Black. For products that have no options, this should be set toDefault Title.
  • Option2 Name- If a product has an option, then enter its value. This can be left blank.
  • Option2 Value- If a product has an option, then enter its value. This can be left blank.
  • Option3 Name- If a product has an option, then enter its value. This can be left blank.
  • Option3 Value- If a product has an option, then enter its value. This can be left blank.
  • SKU-库存单位(sku) ca代码n use internally to track your inventory and report on your sales. For accurate inventory tracking and reporting, the SKUs that you add should be unique. The SKU column is optional. If you include it, then the values can be left blank.
  • HS Code- The HS Code (Harmonized System Code) column is used to estimate duties and taxes for international customers. This column is optional. If you include it, then the values can be left blank.
  • COO- The COO (Country/Region of Origin) column is used to estimate duties and taxes for international customers. Accepted values areISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. This column is optional. If you include it, then the values can be left blank.
  • Location- The names of each of your locations. The location row is case sensitive and must be the name of one of your locations. The inventory for each location is displayed in the corresponding location row. For each variant, include a row for every location where you want to update inventory. Remove any other location rows.
  • Incoming- Inventory that’s on its way to your location. Incoming inventory isn’t available to sell until it's been received.
  • Unavailable- Unavailable inventory refers to the number of units that are reserved for draft orders or set aside by apps. It's not available to be sold.
  • Committed- The number of units that are part of a placed order but aren't fulfilled.
  • Available- Inventory that you can sell. Available inventory isn’t committed to any orders or reserved for any draft orders.
  • On hand- The number of units that you have at a location. On hand inventory is made up of the total of yourCommitted,Unavailable, andAvailableinventory. The inventory values that you input can be positive, negative, or0. You can also enternot stockedto indicate that the product is never stocked at the location.

To uniquely identify a variant, specify values for theHandle,Option1 Value,Option2 Value, andOption3 Valuecolumns.

Your inventory CSV file must be in the correct format and needs to have a.csvfile extension.

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