Fulfilling your own orders

Fulfill your orders by packaging and shipping products without a fulfillment service.

Fulfill your own orders automatically

If you set your orders tofulfill automatically, then the order is automatically marked as fulfilled after it's paid.

Automatic fulfillment can be used if you exclusively selldigital downloadsordigital gift cards. Customers who purchase digital products are automatically emailed a download link and the order is marked as fulfilled.

Fulfill your own orders manually

If you set your orders tofulfill manually, then you need to open your orders and fulfill the line items.

You can fulfill part of an order manually by fulfilling some line items. This is also called partial fulfillment. To make the manual fulfillment process faster, you canfulfill multiple orders at the same time.

Sorting orders using the fulfill by date

You can view and sort the orders that you need to fulfill, using theFulfill bydate on theOrderspage of your Shopify admin. TheFulfill bydate is the latest date that you can ship an order to ensure that the order is delivered within the estimated delivery window, which was communicated to the customer in the sales channel or online store.

Fulfill entire orders manually

  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. Click the order number of an unfulfilled order.

  3. Optional: If you're using multiple locations, and if you want to change the location that you're fulfilling your order from, then clickon the fulfillment card, and then selectChange location. Select the location that you want to use, and clickSave. The location can only be changed for orders that require shipping, not local delivery or pickup orders.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • If you're using Shopify Shipping tobuy a shipping label for your order, then selectCreate shipping label.
    • If you're using a carrier other than Shopify Shipping, then clickFulfill item(s)从你的航运,输入跟踪号码provider. Shopify might recognize the tracking number format and choose a shipping carrier for you. If there's no carrier or if the wrong carrier was chosen, then select your shipping carrier from theShipping carrierdrop-down menu. The tracking URL is displayed in the customer's shipping confirmation and shipping update emails.
  5. 可选:cust发送通知邮件omer right away, selectSend shipment details to your customer now. This option is available only if you have an email address for the customer on file.

  6. ClickFulfill item(s)to mark the order asFulfilled. If you're usingShopify Shipping, then select a shipping service, and then clickBuy shipping label.

The order screen updates to display the order's fulfillment status.

Fulfill part of an order manually

If a customer placed and paid for an order with multiple items, and one or more of the items are out-of-stock or a preorder, then you might want to fulfill part of the order so that you can ship the items separately.


If you're using Shopify Shipping, then follow these steps:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. Click the number of an unfulfilled order.

  3. To buy a shipping label for your order, selectCreate shipping label.

  4. From theFulfillmentpage, change the number of products that you want to fulfill for each line item in theItemssection.

  5. Select the shipping method in theShipping servicesection.

  6. 可选:cust发送通知邮件omer right away, selectSend shipment details to your customer now. This option is available only if you have an email address for the customer on file.

  7. ClickBuy shipping label. The order screen updates to display the order'sFulfilledandUnfulfilleditems.

If you're not using Shopify Shipping, then follow these steps:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. Click the number of an unfulfilled order.

  3. Optional: If you're using multiple locations, and if you want to change the location that you're fulfilling your order from, then clickon the fulfillment card, and then selectChange location. Select the location that you want to use, and clickSave. The location can only be changed for orders that require shipping, not local delivery or pickup orders.

  4. ClickFulfill item(s).

  5. From theFulfillmentpage, change the number of products that you want to fulfill for each line item in theItemssection.

  6. Enter thetracking numberfrom your shipping provider in theTracking informationsection. The tracking URL displays in the customer'sShipping confirmationandShipping updateemails.

  7. 可选:cust发送通知邮件omer right away, selectSend shipment details to your customer now. This option is available only if you have an email address for the customer on file.

  8. ClickFulfill item(s). The order screen updates to display the order'sFulfilledandUnfulfilleditems.

  9. If you want to review the order's fulfillment details or add a tracking number, then clickAdd trackingin theFulfilledsection of the order.

Fulfilling orders for multiple locations

If a customer has placed and paid for an order of multiple products, and one or more of the products are stocked at different locations, then you can fulfill parts of the order separately based on the location of your inventory. You canset location prioritiesto specify the priority sequence for order fulfillment.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.
  2. Click the order number of an unfulfilled order.
    • If the order can be fulfilled using the stock at a single location, then the unfulfilled section displays all of the items in the order listed together.
    • If the order can't be fulfilled using the stock at a single location, then the unfulfilled section displays the available items listed by location.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you’re using Shopify Shipping to buy a shipping label for your order, then selectCreate shipping labelin theunfulfilledcard that you’re fulfilling your items from.
    • If you’re using a carrier other than Shopify Shipping, then selectFulfill item(s)从你的航运,输入跟踪号码provider. The tracking URL displays in the customer’s shipping confirmation and shipping update emails.
  4. 可选:cust发送通知邮件omer right away, selectSend shipment details to your customer now. This option is available only if you have an email address for the customer on file.
  5. ClickFulfill item(s)to mark the order asfulfilled. If you’re using Shopify Shipping, then select a shipping service, and then clickBuy shipping label.

The order screen updates to display the order’s fulfillment status.

Change the location of a fulfillment

如果你需要改变cation of a fulfillment, for reasons such as stock availability, associated shipping costs, or the need for an expedited delivery, then you can change the location of any unfulfilled orders to fulfill items in that order from a new fulfillment location.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. Select the order that you want to change location for.

  3. Click the...button.

  4. ClickChange location.

  5. From theLocationdrop-down menu, select a new fulfillment location.

  6. In theItemssection, click the up or down arrow to adjust the quantity and select the items that you want to change the fulfillment location for.

  7. ClickSave.

Fulfill multiple orders at the same time

By selecting several orders, you can use theMark as Fulfilledbutton to fulfill them at the same time. This applies to stores thatmanually fulfill orders. If you aren't usingShopify Shipping, then you need toadd tracking numbersto the orders.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. Optional: Click theUnfulfilledtab to view only the orders that need to be fulfilled.

  3. Select the orders that you want to fulfill by clicking the checkboxes.

  4. ClickMark as fulfilled.

  5. Optional: Select theSend a notification to the customercheckbox to send your customers a shipping confirmation notification.

  6. ClickMark as fulfilled.

Split a fulfillment

You can split a fulfillment order, line items, and quantities into new fulfillment orders to get products to a customer faster. For example, if one of the items in the order is out-of-stock, then you can remove it from the order so that the remaining items can be delivered to customers as soon as possible. The out-of-stock item is later delivered in a separate package.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. Select the order that you want to split a fulfillment for.

  3. Click the...button.

  4. ClickSplit.

  5. Use the up or down arrow to adjust the quantity and select the items that you want to split.

Merge a fulfillment

You can merge a set or multiple sets of fulfillment orders from the same location together into one based on line items and quantities. Merging a fulfillment can help simplify your fulfillment process and reduce shipping costs.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. Select the order that you want to merge a fulfillment for.

  3. Click the...button.

  4. ClickMerge.

  5. Use the up or down arrow to adjust the quantity and select the items that you want to merge with an existing fulfillment in the same location.

  6. ClickMerge. Selected items are merged with an existing fulfillment in the same location.

Fulfillment holds

There are two kinds of fulfillment holds:

  • Manual holds, which you can place on fulfillments at any time
  • System holds, which are placed by back end systems, such as apps

Manual fulfillment holds

When issues arise that prevent you from fulfilling an order immediately, you can hold the fulfillment manually. Orders with a fulfillment hold have anOn holdfulfillment status in your orders list. To organize and track your fulfillment work, you can use the fulfillment status to filter the orders that are ready to be fulfilled from the orders with fulfillment holds.

Hold a fulfillment


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. Select the order that you want to place on fulfillment hold.

  3. Click the...button.

  4. ClickHold fulfillment.

  5. Select the items that you want to put on hold.

  6. Select a reason for the hold.

  7. ClickHold fulfillment.

Release a fulfillment

When the issues that prevented you from fulfilling an order are resolved, you can release the manual fulfillment hold. After the fulfillment is released, the order fulfillment status changes toUnfulfilled.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. Select the order that you want to release from the fulfillment hold.

  3. Select the items that you want to release from the fulfillment hold.

  4. ClickRelease fulfillment.

System fulfillment holds

System fulfillment holds occur when an app or other back-end system places a fulfillment on hold automatically. For example, when upsell offers are presented to customers at checkout, the order fulfillment status is set toOn holduntil the customer completes their order. If a customer doesn't complete a checkout, then the order status remainsOn holdto allow the customer time to return to the order and complete their checkout.

When an order isOn holdyou can reserve inventory for the order, but you can't fulfill the order until the fulfillment hold is released, and the order fulfillment status changes toUnfulfilled.

There are four types of system holds:

  • Pending upsell offer
  • Pending Marketplace Partner authorization
  • Pending Markets Pro authorization
  • 未知的交货日期

Cancel a fulfillment (automatic and manual fulfillments)

When you cancel a fulfillment, the fulfillment status of the order returns toUnfulfilled, and you can buy a new shipping label or create a new fulfillment for the order.

If you have purchased a shipping label, then you mustvoid itbefore you can cancel the fulfillment.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go toOrders.

  2. From theOrderspage, click the number of an order in the list that has aFulfillment statusofFulfilled.

  3. In theFulfillmentssection, click the...button.

  4. ClickCancel fulfillment.

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