克雷亚ting development stores

As a Shopify Partner, you can create an unlimited number of development stores. A development store is a free Shopify account that comes with a few limitations. You can use a development store to test any themes or apps that you create, or to set up a Shopify account for a client. Setting up a development store and transferring it to a client gives you arecurring commission.

Features and limitations of development stores

Development stores include most of the features that are available on theAdvanced Shopifyplan.

You can do the following while building and testing a development store:

  • process an unlimited number oftest orders
  • create an unlimited number of unique products
  • create up to 10 custom apps
  • assign a custom domain

A development store has the following limitations:

  • You can only install free apps andpartner-friendly apps.
  • You can only test orders using the Bogus Test gateway or by enabling test mode for your payment provider. You can't test orders using real transactions through active payment providers. Learn more abouttesting orders in development stores.
  • You can't remove thepassword page.
  • Your development store is no longer eligible for promotions or free trials after you transfer the store to a live plan.

Developer previews

When you create a development store, you have the option to enable adeveloper preview. A developer preview gives you early access to new features of Shopify so that you can build and test your apps against upcoming features before they're released to merchants.

A development store with a developer preview enabled includes all the features that are available on the Advanced Shopify plan, but the store can't be transferred to another owner or transitioned to a paid plan.

Development store types

Partners use development stores for two main purposes:

In both cases, the process of creating a development store is the same. However,certain development store features, such as developer preview, prevent you from transferring the store to a client.

克雷亚te a development store for testing apps or themes

Before you can create a development store, you need to have aShopify Partner account.


  1. From your Partner Dashboard, clickStores.
  2. ClickAdd store>克雷亚te development store.
  3. In theDevelopment store usesection, select克雷亚te a store to test and build.
  4. In theStore detailssection, enter a name for your store.

    The store name is used to create the store's myshopify.com URL. This URL can't be changed.

  5. Choose the build that you want to use.

    If you select aDeveloper preview, then you can select a developer preview version from the drop-down list. Development stores that use a developer preview can't be transferred to a merchant.

  6. UnderData and configurations, choose whether to start with an empty store, or with a store that's populated with test data generated by Shopify. Stores that start with generated test data can't be transferred to a merchant.

  7. Click克雷亚te development store.

When you're done working on a development store, you canarchive it.

Generated test data

By default, Shopify stores are created empty, without any data. To speed up the development and testing process, you can create a development store that's populated with test data generated by Shopify.

The generated test data set includes all of the commerce primitives and configurations that you need to test an app, theme, or custom storefront, including some Plus-specific features.

Learn about the contents of the generated test data set.

克雷亚te a development store for a client

Before you can create a development store, you need to have aShopify Partner account.


  1. From your Partner Dashboard, clickStores.
  2. ClickAdd store>克雷亚te development store.
  3. In theDevelopment store usesection, select克雷亚te a store for a client.
  4. In theStore details节中,输入一个名称为客户的商店。

    The store name is used to create the store's myshopify.com URL. This URL can't be changed.

  5. Choose the country or region where the client's business is located. This information is used to set up default shipping rates and recommend region-appropriate apps.

  6. Click克雷亚te development store.

When you're done working on a development store, you canhand it off to a clientorarchive it.

The development store password page

All newly created development stores are password protected. This means that visitors to development stores can access your development store in the following ways only:

  • by enteringa passwordon the development store password page
  • by logging into the development store's admin
  • through a Shopify Theme Store or Shopify App Storedemo link

Unlike the customizable password page for a store that's on a free trial or paid plan, the development store password page isn't linked to the online store's theme and can't be customized.

You can remove the password page only after you transfer the store to a merchant or switch the store to a paid plan.

Viewing or setting the password

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to欧宝体育官网入口首页>Preferences.

  2. In thePassword protection>Password字段中,输入一个密码。这是密码you'll give to the visitors who you want to be able to access the online store. Don't use the same password that you use to log into your admin.

  3. ClickSave.

Viewing and editing the customizable password page

Although thecustomizable password pageisn't used to control access to your development store, you can still view it after you are logged in, or edit it from the Shopify admin.

To view the customizable password page, logged-in visitors can navigate tohttps://your-store-name.myshopify.com/password, whereyour-store-nameis the name of the development store.

You can edit the customizable password page using the theme editor, or by editing the theme'spassword.liquidfile.

Theme Store and App Store listings

You can use a development store as a demo store in Shopify Theme Store or App Store listings. When a visitor clicks on the demo link in a listing, the development store password page does not appear. You do not need to change any settings in the development store to enable this functionality.

Learn more aboutdemo stores for the Shopify Theme Store.

Learn more aboutdemo links for the Shopify App Store.