
Sections are Liquid files that allow you to create reusable modules of content that can be customized by merchants. They can also includeblockswhich allow merchants to add, remove, and reorder content within a section.

For example, you can create anImage with textsection that displays an image and text side-by-side with options for merchants to choose the image, set the text, and select the display order.

Sections can be dynamically added to pages usingJSON templatesorsection groups, giving merchants flexibility to easily customize page layouts. Sections that are included in JSON templates or section groups can supportapp blocks, which give merchants the option to include app content within a section without having to edit theme code. JSON templates and section groups can render up to 25 sections, and each section can have up to 50blocks.

Sections can also beincluded statically, which can provide merchants with in-context customization options for static content.

By default, sections are available for any template or section group. You can limit which templates and section groups have access in thesection schema.

The following diagram shows the main theme architecture components with sections highlighted in blue and blocks highlighted in red:

Diagram of theme architecture components with sections highlighted in blue and blocks highlighted in red.

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