Ecommerce video course

以斯拉费尔斯通的Smart Marketerhas developed a 21-video course that teaches potential merchants how to earn sales on their online store. You can publish these videos on your own properties with your Shopify affiliate link. Each Shopify merchant who signs up through your link will earn you a one-time, 200% commission of their first monthly Shopify account fee.

Getting started

To publish the ecommerce video course on your site:

  1. Embed the course videos by adding theinline embed codebelow to your site's source code.

  2. Include a link to Shopify. Make sure that you use your unique affiliate link, which you can find on the推荐page in your Partner Dashboard.

  3. Adapt the following content on your site to describe the course to your audience:

Inline embed codes

There are two different ways to publish course videos on your site:

  • Embed a playlist of the full course, which includes all of the videos.
  • Embed each video individually (see the thumbnails below).

Either way, add the course content by pasting the following embed codes into the source code of your site.

Full course (play all videos)


Intro - Welcome

src=""async>src=""async>class=“知道ia_responsive_padding"style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;">class=“知道ia_responsive_wrapper"style="height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%;">class=“知道ia_embed wistia_async_zd6td8qben videoFoam=true"style="height:100%;width:100%">