Customizing product boosts

You can assign specific search terms to your products to help them display in search results. When a customer searches your store using the search terms that you have assigned to a product, the product ranks higher in the search results. For example, if you sell coffee and have a new decaf variant you want to increase the visibility of, then you can assign "decaf coffee" to your new product for it to display when a customer uses that search term.

Product boost requirements

A product's position in search results is boosted only if the product is available for sale. Sold out products are listed at the end of search results so that customers can find and purchase currently available products.

Best practices for product boosts

Searching in Shopify is designed to return the most relevant search results. The results are adjusted based on changes to your products, collections, and customer activity. When you boost a product, it's listed above the search results that are usually returned for the related queries. You can use the following best practices for product boosts to ensure that you're building an effective customer experience:

  • Boost a single product, or small number of products, for specific search terms. Boosting a large number of products might cause other relevant products to display lower in search results.
  • It isn't necessary to boost common misspellings of search terms or both the singular and plural version of search terms. Shopify has built-in strategies to account for this when creating search results. Learn more about howstorefront search in the online storeworks.
  • Considercreating a synonym groupinstead of boosting search terms, if you are trying to associate common customer search terms with your products. Synonyms will not boost products to the beginning of search results necessarily, but they are a useful strategy for improving the positioning of products in search results.

Create a product boost

Search terms can be multiple words. A maximum of 10 search terms can be added to a product boost.

You can create product boosts for your store from the app.


  1. In the Shopify Search & Discovery app, clickSearch,然后单击Product boosts.
  2. ClickCreate product boost.
  3. Select the products that you want to promote in search results.
  4. 添加search terms, and then click the添加button for each search term.
  5. ClickSave.

Edit product boosts with metafields

You can usemetafieldsto edit product boosts.


  1. In the Search and Discovery app, select multiple products from the Product boosts page.
  2. Click批量编辑to open the批量编辑器.
  3. Choose product boosts for each product and clickSave.

You can also edit metafields from other apps, likeShopify Flow.

Edits to the followingShopify standard metafieldswill change the search results on your online store. The changes that you make to the metafields are synced with the Search & Discovery app.

Name Description
Search product boosts

A list of search terms for which the product gets ranked higher in search results

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