Welcome to how to create your dream life in 12 months. This is a program with three major pillars. One, inspiration. Two, planning. Three, execution. Let's start with inspiration. This first inspiration phase takes place from the introduction to lesson ten of this course. When I designed this course, I knew that most people don't know what they want to do with their lives, like me five years ago. What worked for me were numerous trips to the bookstore, taking personality tests, aggressively writing down a hundred goals of mine, and creating things like mood boards.
And these things like taking personality tests is what I'm going to teach you in this first part of the course. Probably the most important thing for me was forcing myself to write down 100 goals, which we'll cover in lesson six. You'll soon find out that writing down even 20 goals is hard to do, much less 100. But it needs to be done to dump out all the desires you have onto a piece of paper. After that, we'll distill those 100 goals into five major goals that we'll shoot for over the next year. The planning phase is next.
This takes place between lessons 11 and 12. I use Google to find out everything. For instance, I learned everything about being a successful blogger on Google. To me, you can find out anything there. In lesson 11, I'm taking you to Google University. I'll show you how to use Google to find answers to your burning questions. But most importantly, I'll show you how to keep yourself organized on these deep research dives with a simple Word document.
然后我们将达到12课,我们将创建你r first six-month plan. Legendary management consultant Peter Drucker once said what gets measured gets improved. Basically, what he meant was tracking progress and measuring results is the key to getting better. Your six-month plan is basically an online journal where you constantly evaluate what's working and what's not working over a six-month period. Last is the execution phase, which takes place from lesson 13 until the end.
After lesson 12, we're done planning. We're ready to execute. We'll cover how to make weekly to-do lists, how to journal about your progress so you can get more efficient, how to do stuff that scares you, and how to create your second six-month plan after you've done your first one. This is how to create your dream life in 12 months, after all. The magic of this course lies in constant journaling and reevaluation of what's working and not working.
These two six-month-plan documents give you the space to write about all of that freely over and over again. If you do your due diligence to write about what's working and not working, you will get better. It's that simple. And I have no doubt if you do exactly what I tell you to do in this course, you'll be able to accomplish some of your deepest desires after just one year of work. Are you ready to get started? Let's hop into lesson two.