There are many people that try to practice goal setting, but they fail. And I'm going to tell you why they fail because there are various components to goal setting. It Is knowing the target you want to hit but is also the method on how you are going to hit that target, and it's also what are you going to do after you hit the target? Once you set a goal-- if you didn't put an action and time to it-- then how are you going to get there.
如果你今天走出房子,你住在新York, and you're planning on getting to California, but you didn't set whether you're getting there on a plane, or train, or automobile, and you start walking, trust me, you will stop walking probably three states in. And you will say, this goal-setting just does not work. You will get discouraged, and you will stop setting goals. Another reason why is-- what happens when you get that goal?
如果你说你想要一百万美元,嗯l, what do you do when you get the million dollars? Do you just spend it all? And if you spend it all, then you're back to where you started off. You have an empty feeling. Or is the million dollars there so that you can make sure that your children have enough money for an education, or so you can invest in real estate, and you can start having passive income. Or because you want to donate a good amount of it because you want to leave this planet, making it just a little bit better than when you were born.
What are you going to do when you get to that goal? Again, let's talk about walking from New York to California. When you get to California, what are you going to do? You're going to go to the beach and surf. You are going to go out there and change the world. You're going to get a job. You're going to fall in love. What are you going to do when you get there? Or are you just going to sit around twiddling your thumb saying, I just got here? What are you going to do? So those are two reasons why people fail at setting goals. Because they don't get granular on the method on how they're going to accomplish it, and what are they going to do when they get there.
Let me share with you one of the times that I failed because even though I have been practicing goal setting for many, many, many years, I'm still human, and maybe I was off course once or twice, or maybe even a dozen times. But it's fine. I learned a lesson. When FUBU was doing really well, I wanted to grow the company to 200-- 500-- 700 employees because I felt that doing that would naturally have a lot of people helping me and working on the brand, which would grow the brand.
But after a couple of years, I realized one thing. I'm a very hands-on type of boss. And when you have 400 people-- 500 people working for you and your hands-on type of boss, you become a shrink. Why? Because I wanted an open door policy. And I never wanted anybody to be held back because of any reason, such as race, religion, color, creed, or anything like that because I know that I fought to become an entrepreneur to allow people to work for me that could go anywhere they want in the company and thrive, and never be held back.
So I want an open door policy. But sooner or later, I ended up becoming somebody who was solving everybody else's problems. I realized maybe I don't want a huge staff. I want an intimate staff. So let me start licensing things out because I want to be able to have a conversation and know the name of every person that worked for me. And that was a goal that I set initially because I wanted all these people, and I realized I was doing it for the wrong reason.
And now, I'm back on track. So now I know a goal that was not important to me. And now it reminded me of another goal that was. Now, I want-- when you set goals, I want you to set them high-- as high as you possibly can. Double them. Whatever you think you can accomplish, I want you to double it. And the reason being is let's use a monetary number like a million dollars-- I want to make a million dollars worth of sales, and a million to the company within the next six months.
And you're right now at $100,000. Well, hopefully, you'll get to 400,000-- 500,000-- 600,000. You may not get to the million because I want you to set it so high. And then you're going to reset the goal for the next six months after that, and guess what the goal is going to be now. It's going to be 3 million because you already at 600,000. And keep doing that. It's not a failure.
It just means that you are aggressive, and you want to accomplish more. And it's going to help you push yourself. Join me in the next lesson, and I'm going to show you how I help a small business set bigger goals.