2014年,阿曼达·特纳(Amanda Turner)在佛罗里达州的体育馆睡了一个月。这是她六个月内第五次尝试戒酒。她濒临无家可归的边缘。阿曼达完成课程的那天,她拿起画笔,花了24小时在她卧室的墙上创作了这幅壁画。“这是我完成的第一件事,我真的很享受,”她说。阿曼达开始为朋友粉刷墙壁和家具。不久,店主雇她为他们的商店画壁画。不到一年,阿曼达创办了自己的公司,名为“丑陋插画”。阿曼达被旅行迷上了。她背包穿越了哥斯达黎加和危地马拉,以画壁画换取住宿。 In Ajijic, Mexico, she painted a mural for a spa for free to get introduced to the community. The mural was a giant postcard with the phrase Hola Ajijic. The spa's owner threw a block party that drew around 100 people. Amanda plans to stay a while and launch a co-working space that sells local art: El Gato Feo Cafe. "Painting has opened the door to some really great opportunities, and I'm so grateful," she says.