How to Customize the img Element in Shopify Themes

html img element

产品、集合和博客文章通常有限公司ntain images that are uploaded to a store as content. But how do we add images that are contained within and specific to a theme as part of the look and feel, such as background images, icons, logos and more?

In this article we’ll cover how we reference images from theassetsdirectory that are part of the look and feel of your store, rather than the content itself. We’ll look at how to set appropriate alternative text using theimg_tagfilter, and how to include additional HTML attributes, likeid, when adding images from theassets目录中。

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Getting started

When creating a Shopify Theme, you can add any number of images, in any format, and at any size to the assets folder within your theme directory. Typically, these images are used for backgrounds, sprites, and branding elements.

Referencing these images in a theme is pretty straightforward. Let’s assume we have alogo.pngfor a company called “The Soap Store” in ourassets目录中。We can output this image in any template using the following Liquid syntax:

{{ 'logo.png' | asset_url | img_tag: 'The Soap Store' }}

This approach uses two Liquid filters to create a fully formed HTMLimgelement. The first filter,asset_url, prepends the full path to theassetsdirectory for the current store's theme. The second,img_tagfilter uses this URL and creates an HTMLimgelement, complete withaltattribute. If omitted, thealtattribute will have a value set to blank. The output looks something like this:

The Soap Store

You’ll notice that the src attribute references the Shopify CDN (Content Delivery Network). Every image that you add, regardless of its type, will be pushed out to the Shopify CDN. You’ll never worry about the location of your images, as theasset_urlfilter will work this out for you when the page is rendered. This approach also means that your themes are fully transferable from one store to another.

While we're on the subject of URLs, learn more about what acanonical URLis, and why they're so important.

You might also like:The Essential List of Resources for Shopify Theme Development.

A note on alternative text

Alt text, or “alternative text” as the long-form name suggests, is a written text description for an image on the web. It describes the image in order to help the reader understand what the image is about.

没有一个altattribute, your HTML markup is considered invalid and may result in an inconsistent user experience. That’s why if omitted, thealtattribute will have a value set to blank; this ensures that the output is still valid HTML.

You’ll notice in the example above we included the company name as the alternative text for the logo image, as opposed to just the word “Logo”. If an image itself contains text, such as a logo or a quote embedded within the image, thealtattribute value should be an exact match to the visible text.

For a more detailed explanation on alternative text,check out this great article by Scott Vinkle, front end developer and web accessibility advocate at Shopify.

You might also like:How to Manipulate Images with the img_url Filter.

Adding classes to the img element

In the example above we specified thealtattribute. It’s also possible to add an additional parameter that allows you to add class names to theclassattribute on theimgelement. To add the class names ofcss--class1andcss--class2we can add a second parameter to theimg_tagfilter:

{{ 'logo.png' | asset_url | img_tag: 'The Soap Store', 'css--class1 css--class2' }}

This would result in the following output:

The Soap Store

Creating your ownimgtag for more control

There will of course be occasions where you need more control over the markup, for example when adding additional HTML attributes likeidordata. By simply omitting theimg_tagfilter, we can write out the markup however we see fit.

In the example below, we can format the markup to add anidattribute to theimgtag:

That’s all there is to it!

I hope you learned some new and interesting tricks, like how to use Liquid filters to generate markup output of images and how to add additional attributes to animgtag in Liquid. Keep in mind that you should always include appropriatealttext for accessibility purposes.

Do you have other Liquid examples on how to customize markup in themes?Share it with us in the comments below!

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