的handle is used to access the attributes of a Liquid object. By default, it is the object’s title in lowercase with any spaces and special characters replaced by hyphens (-). Every object in Liquid (product, collection, blog, menu) has a handle.Learn more
What is a handle?
的handle is used to access the attributes of a Liquid object. By default, it is the object’s title in lowercase with any spaces and special characters replaced by hyphens (-). Every object in Liquid (product, collection, blog, menu) has a handle.Learn more
{{ pages.about-us.content }}
How are my handles created?
A product with the title ‘shirt’ will automatically be given the handle shirt. If there is already a product with the handle ‘shirt’, the handle will auto-increment. In other words, all ‘shirt’ products created after the first one will receive the handle shirt-1, shirt-2, and so on.Learn more
Liquid has access to all of the logical and comparison operators. These can be used in tags such asifandunless.Learn more
checks for the presence of a substring inside a string or arrayLearn more
{% if product.title contains 'Pack' %} This product’s title contains the word Pack. {% endif %}
Liquid objects can return one of six types: String, Number, Boolean, Nil, Array, or EmptyDrop. Liquid variables can be initialized by using theassignorcapturetags.Learn more
Strings are declared by wrapping the variable’s value in single or double quotes.Learn more
Booleans are either true or false. No quotations are necessary when declaring a boolean.Learn more
{% assign foo = true %} {% assign bar = false %}
Nil is an empty value that is returned when Liquid code has no results. It is not a string with the characters ‘nil’. Nil is treated as false in the conditions of{% if %}blocks and other Liquid tags that check for the truthfulness of a statement.Learn more
Arrays hold a list of variables of all types. To access items in an array, you can loop through each item in the array using afortag or atablerow标签。Learn more
{% for tag in product.tags %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}
An EmptyDrop object is returned whenever you try to access a non-existent object (for example, a collection, page or blog that was deleted or hidden) by a handle.Learn more
Truthy and Falsy
In programming, we describe “truthy” and “falsy” as anything that returns true or false, respectively, when used inside anifstatement.Learn more
What is truthy?
所有值在液体真相,例外n ofnilandfalse. In this example, the variable is a string type but it evaluates astrue.Learn more
{% assign tobi = 'tobi' %} {% if tobi %} This will always be true. {% endif %}
What is falsy?
的only values that are falsy in Liquid arenilandfalse.nilis returned when a Liquid object doesn’t have anything to return. For example, if a collection doesn’t have a collection image,collection.imagewill be set tonil.Learn more
{% if collection.image %} {% endif %}
Whitespace Control
In Liquid, you can include a hyphen in your tag syntax{{-,-}},{%-, and-%}to strip whitespace from the left or right side of a rendered tag. Normally, even if it doesn’t output text, any line of Liquid in your template will still output an empty line in your rendered HTML.Learn more
Whitespace Control
Using hyphens, theassignstatement doesn't output a blank line.Learn more
Creates a switch statement to compare a variable with different values.caseinitializes the switch statement andwhencompares its values.Learn more
{% assign handle = 'cake' %} {% case handle %} {% when 'cake' %} This is a cake {% when 'cookie' %} This is a cookie {% else %} This is not a cake nor a cookie {% endcase %}
This is a cake
{% unless %}
Similar toif, but executes a block of code only if a certain condition is not met.Learn more
{% unless product.title == 'Awesome Shoes' %} These shoes are not awesome. {% endunless %}
这些shoes are not awesome.
{% and %}
的andoperator lets you add additional conditions to a tag. A condition that usesandwill only be true if both the left and the right side of the condition are true.Learn more
{% if product.title == 'Awesome Shoes' and product.price < 20000 %} These awesome shoes are affordable. {% endif %}
这些awesome shoes are affordable.
{% or %}
的oroperator lets you add additional conditions to a tag. A condition with anorwill be true if either the left or the right side of the condition is true.Learn more
{% if product.title == 'Awesome Shoes' or product.title == 'Awesome Hat' %} You're buying an awesome product! {% endif %}
You're buying an awesome product!
Iteration Tags
Iteration Tags are used to run a block of code repeatedly.Learn more
{% for product in collection.products %} {{ product.title }} {% endfor %}
hat shirt pants
{% else %}
Specifies a fallback case for a for loop which will run if the loop has zero length (for example, you loop over a collection that has no products).Learn more
{% for product in collection.products %} {{ product.title }} {% else %} This collection is empty. {% endfor %}
This collection is empty.
{% break %}
Causes the loop to stop iterating when it encounters the break tag.Learn more
{% for i in (1..5) %} {% if i == 4 %} {% break %} {% else %} {{ i }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
1 2 3
{% continue %}
Causes the loop to skip the current iteration when it encounters the continue tag.Learn more
{% for i in (1..5) %} {% if i == 4 %} {% continue %} {% else %} {{ i }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
1 2 3 5
{% cycle %}
Loops through a group of strings and outputs them in the order that they were passed as parameters. Each time cycle is called, the next string that was passed as a parameter is output.Learn more
的me Tags have various functions including: outputting template-specific HTML markup, telling the theme which layout and snippets to use, and splitting a returned array into multiple pages.Learn more
{% comment %}
Allows you to leave un-rendered code inside a Liquid template. Any text within the opening and closing comment blocks will not be output, and any Liquid code within will not be executed.Learn more
My name is {% comment %}super{% endcomment %} Shopify.
My name is Shopify.
{% echo %}
Works inside theliquidtag to output an expression, or Liquid object, in the rendered HTML. Filters can also be applied to expressions that use theecho标签。Learn more
Inserts a snippet from the snippets folder of a theme.Learn more
{% form %}
Creates an HTMLelement with all the necessary attributes (action, id, etc.) andto submit the form successfully.Learn more
{% liquid %}
Allows you to write multiple tags within one set of delimiters. This reduces the requirement to open and close multiple sets of delimiters when creating variables and conditions, or executing blocks of code.Learn more
{% liquid case section.blocks.size when 1 assign column_size = '' when 2 assign column_size = 'one-half' when 3 assign column_size = 'one-third' else assign column_size = 'one-quarter' endcase %}
{% paginate %}
的paginatetag works in conjunction with thefortag to split content into numerous pages. It must wrap afortag block that loops through an array.Learn more
{% raw %}
Allows output of Liquid code on a page without being parsed.Learn more
{% raw %}{{ 5 | plus: 6 }}{% endraw %} is equal to 11.
{{ 5 | plus: 6 }} is equal to 11.
{% render %}
Renders a snippet from the snippets folder of a theme.
When a snippet is rendered, the code inside it does not have access to the variables assigned within its parent template. Similarly, variables assigned within the snippet can't be accessed by the code outside of the snippet. This encapsulation increases performance and helps make theme code easier to understand and maintain.Learn more
{% section %}
Inserts a section from the sections folder of a theme.Learn more
{% section 'footer' %}
{% style %}
的Liquid{% style %}tag renders an HTMLtag with a Shopify data attribute.Learn more
Sets a default value for any variable with no assigned value. Can be used with strings, arrays, and hashes. The default value is returned if the variable resolves tonilor an empty string"". A string containing whitespace characters will not resolve to the default value.Learn more
Dear {{ customer.name | default: "customer" }}
Dear customer Dear customer Dear
Outputs default error messages for theform.errorsvariable. The messages returned are dependent on the strings returned byform.errors.Learn more
Use theformat_addressfilter on an address to print the elements of the address in order according to their locale. The filter will only print the parts of the address that have been provided. This filter works on the addresses page for customers who have accounts in your store, or on your store's address.Learn more
{{ address | format_address }}
Elizabeth Gonzalez 1507 Wayside Lane San Francisco CA 94103 United States
Wraps words inside search results with an HTMLtag with the classhighlightif it matches the submitted search terms.Learn more
{{ item.content | highlight: search.terms }}
Yellow shirts are the best!
Wraps a tag link in awith the classactiveif that tag is being used to filter a collection.Learn more
{% for tag in collection.tags %} {{ tag | highlight_active | link_to_tag: tag }} {% endfor %}
var content = {{ pages.page-handle.content | json }};
var content = "\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EYou made it! Congratulations on starting your own e-commerce store!\u003C/strong\u003E\u003C/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EThis is your shop\u0026#8217;s \u003Cstrong\u003Efrontpage\u003C/strong\u003E, and it\u0026#8217;s the first thing your customers will see when they arrive. You\u0026#8217;ll be able to organize and style this page however you like.\u003C/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ETo get started adding products to your shop, head over to the \u003Ca href=\"/admin\"\u003EAdmin Area\u003C/a\u003E.\u003C/strong\u003E\u003C/p\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EEnjoy the software, \u003Cbr /\u003E\nYour Shopify Team.\u003C/p\u003E";
Takes a placeholder name and outputs a placeholder SVG illustration. An optional argument can be supplied to include a custom class attribute on the SVG tag.Learn more
{{ 'collection-1' | placeholder_svg_tag }}
t (translation)
的tfilter uses a translation key to access the locale file for the active language and returns the corresponding string of translated text in the locale file.Learn more
Returns the item at the specified index in an array. Note that array numbering starts from zero, so the first item in an array is referenced with[0].Learn more
Creates an array including only the objects with a given property value, or any truthy value by default.Learn more
All products: {% for product in collection.products %} - {{ product.title }} {% endfor %} {% assign kitchen_products = collection.products | where: "type", "kitchen" %} Kitchen products: {% for product in kitchen_products %} - {{ product.title }} {% endfor %}
All products: - Vacuum - Spatula - Television - Garlic press Kitchen products: - Spatula - Garlic press
Color Filters
Color filters change or extract properties from CSS color strings. These filters are commonly used with color theme settings.Learn more
Calculates the perceived brightness difference between two colors. With regards to accessibility, the W3C suggests that the brightness difference should be greater than 125.Learn more
Calculates the perceived brightness of the given color.Learn more
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_brightness }}
Calculates the contrast ratio between two colors. Returns the numerator part of the ratio, which has a denominator of 1. For example, for a contrast ratio of 3.5:1, the filter returns 3.5.Learn more
{{ '#495859' | color_contrast: '#fffffb' }}
Darkens the input color. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.Learn more
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_darken: 30 }}
Desaturates the input color. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.Learn more
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_desaturate: 30 }}
Calculates the color difference or distance between two colors. With regards to accessibility, the W3C suggests that the color difference should be greater than 500.Learn more
{{ '#ff0000' | color_difference: '#abcdef' }}
Extracts a component from the color. Valid components are alpha, red, green, blue, hue, saturation and lightness.Learn more
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_extract: 'red' }}
Lightens the input color. Takes a value between 0 and 100 percent.Learn more
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_lighten: 30 }}
Blends together two colors. Blend factor should be a value between 0 and 100 percent.Learn more
{{ '#7ab55c' | color_mix: '#ffc0cb', 50 }}
Modifies the given component of a color (rgb, alpha, hue and saturation). The filter will return a color type that includes the modified format — for example, if you modify the alpha channel, the filter will return the color inrgba()format, even if your input color was in hex format.Learn more
Converts a CSS color string tohex6format. Hex output is always inhex6format. If there is an alpha channel in the input color, it will not appear in the output.Learn more
Font filters are called onfontobjects. You can use font filters to load fonts or to obtain font variants.Learn more
Returns a CSS@font-facedeclaration to load the chosen font.Learn more
font_modifytakes two arguments. The first indicates which property should be modified and the second is the modification to be made. While you can access every variant of the chosen font's family by usingfont.variants, you can more easily access specific styles and weights by using the font_modify filter.Learn more
Returns a CDN URL for the chosen font. By default,font_urlreturns the woff2 version, but it can also be called with an additional parameter to specify the format. Both woff and woff2 are supported.Learn more
Generates a drop-down list that customers can use to select an accepted currency on your storefront. This filter must be used on theformobject within a currency form.Learn more
{% form 'currency' %} {{ form | currency_selector: class: 'my_special_class', id: 'Submit' }} {% endform %}
Converts a string into a SHA-1 hash using a hash message authentication code (HMAC). Pass the secret key for the message as a parameter to the filter.Learn more
{%分配my_secret_string = " ShopifyIsAwesome !”|hmac_sha1: "secret_key" %} My encoded string is: {{ my_secret_string }}
My encoded string is: 30ab3459e46e7b209b45dba8378fcbba67297304
Converts a string into a SHA-256 hash using a hash message authentication code (HMAC). Pass the secret key for the message as a parameter to the filter.Learn more
{%分配my_secret_string = " ShopifyIsAwesome !”|hmac_sha256: "secret_key" %} My encoded string is: {{ my_secret_string }}
My encoded string is: 30ab3459e46e7b209b45dba8378fcbba67297304
Inserts a linebreak HTML tag in front of each line break in a string.Learn more
{% capture var %} One Two Three {% endcapture %} {{ var | newline_to_br }}
One Two Three
Outputs the singular or plural version of a string based on the value of a number. The first parameter is the singular string and the second parameter is the plural string.Learn more
的slice filter returns a substring, starting at the specified index. An optional second parameter can be passed to specify the length of the substring. If no second parameter is given, a substring of one character will be returned.Learn more
的split filter takes on a substring as a parameter. The substring is used as a delimiter to divide a string into an array. You can output different parts of an array using array filters.Learn more
{% assign words = "Hi, how are you today?" | split: ' ' %} {% for word in words %} {{ word }} {% endfor %}
Hi, how are you today?
Strips tabs, spaces, and newlines (all whitespace) from the left and right side of a string.Learn more
{{ ' too many spaces ' | strip }}
too many spaces
Strips tabs, spaces, and newlines (all whitespace) from the left side of a string.Learn more
"{{ ' too many spaces ' | lstrip }}"
"too many spaces "
reversecannot be used directly on a string, but you can split a string into an array, reverse the array, and rejoin it by chaining together other filters.Learn more
{{ "Ground control to Major Tom." | split: "" | reverse | join: "" }}
.moT rojaM ot lortnoc dnuorG
Strips tabs, spaces, and newlines (all whitespace) from the right side of a string.Learn more
Creates a URL to a collection page with the providedsort_byparameter. This filter must be applied to a collection URL.Learn more
{{ collection.url | sort_by: 'best-selling' }}
Creates a URL that links to a collection page containing products with a specific product type.Learn more
{{ "T-shirt" | url_for_type }}
Creates a URL that links to a collection page containing products with a specific product vendor.Learn more
{{ "Shopify" | url_for_vendor }}
Creates a collection-aware product URL by prepending/collections/collection-handleto a product URL, wherecollection-handleis the handle of the collection that is currently being viewed.Learn more
Returns a list of all the blogs in a store.Learn more
{% for blog in blogs %} {{ blog.title }} {% endfor %}
News Product updates Events
Returns the canonical URL of the current page. A page's canonical URL is the page's default URL without any URL parameters. For products and variants, the canonical URL is the default product page with no collection or variant selected.Learn more
{{ canonical_url }}
Returns a list of all of the collections in a store.Learn more
{% for collection in collections %} {{ collection.title }} {% endfor %}
Fall collection Best sellers New products
current_pagereturns the number of the page you are on when browsing through paginated content. It can be used outside the paginate block.Learn more
Returns information about a store's active scripts. To learn more about Shopify Scripts, visit the help content for theScript Editor appor theScripts API.Learn more
{% if scripts.cart_calculate_line_items %}
We are running a {{ scripts.cart_calculate_line_items.name }} promotion!
{% endif %}
Returns a list of the settings in your published theme.Learn more
的addressobject contains information entered by a customer in Shopify’s checkout pages. Note that a customer can enter two addresses: billing address or shipping address. When accessing attributes of theaddressobject, you must specify which address you want to target. This is done by using eithershipping_addressorbilling_addressbefore the attribute.Learn more
Returns the values of the First Name and Last Name fields of the address.Learn more
Hello, {{ billing_address.name }}
Returns the value of the First Name field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Last Name field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Address1 field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Address2 field of the address.Learn more
Returns the combined values of the Address1 and Address2 fields of the address.Learn more
{{ shipping_address.street }}
Returns the value of the Company field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the City field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Province/State field of the address.Learn more
Returns the abbreviated value of the Province/State field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Postal/Zip field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Country field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Country field of the address in ISO 3166-2 standard format.Learn more
Returns the value of the Phone field of the address.Learn more
的all_country_option_tags object creates anoptiontag for each country. An attribute called data-provinces is set for eachoption, and contains a JSON-encoded array of the country's subregions. If a country doesn't have any subregions, then an empty array is set for its data-provinces attribute.Learn more
的all_country_option_tags object should be wrapped inselecttags.Learn more
{% for tag in article.tags %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}
Returns returns a timestamp for when a blog article was updated. Thedatefilter can be applied to format the timestamp.Learn more
Returns the relative URL of the article.Learn more
Returns an object with information about the article's author. This information can be edited in the Staff accounts options on the Account page in the Shopify admin.Learn more
Returnstrueif the author of the article is the account owner of the shop. Returnsfalseif the author is not the account owner.Learn more
Returns the bio of the author of an article. This is entered through the Staff members options on the Account page.Learn more
Returns the email of the author of an article. This is entered through the Staff members options on the Account page.Learn more
Returns the first name of the author of an article. This is entered through the Staff members options on the Account page.Learn more
返回一篇文章的作者的主页。This is entered through the Staff members options on the Account page.Learn more
Returns the image object of the author of the article.Learn more
返回一篇文章的作者的姓。This is entered through the Staff members options on the Account page.Learn more
Ablockrepresents the content and settings of a single block in an array of section blocks. Theblockobject can be accessed in a section file by looping throughsection.blocks.Learn more
Returns a unique ID dynamically generated by Shopify.Learn more
Returns an object of the block settings set in the theme editor. Retrieve setting values by referencing the setting's uniqueid.Learn more
Returns a string representing the block's attributes. The theme editor's JavaScript API uses a block'sshopify_attributesto identify blocks and listen for events. No value forblock.shopify_attributesis returned outside the theme editor.Learn more
Returns the type defined in the block's schema. This is useful for displaying different markup based on theblock.type.Learn more
的cartobject can be used and accessed fromany filein your theme.Learn more
cart.attributesallow the capturing of more information on the cart page. This is done by giving an input a name attribute with the following syntax:attributes[attribute-name].Learn more
{{ cart.attributes.your-pet-name }}
Returns the currency of the cart. If your store uses multi-currency, then thecart.currencyis the same as the customer's local (presentment) currency. Otherwise, the cart currency is the same as your store currency.Learn more
{{ cart.currency.iso_code }}
Returns the number of items inside the cart.Learn more
Returns all of the line items in the cart.Learn more
Returns the sum of the cart's line-item prices after any line-item discount. The subtotal doesn't include taxes (unless taxes are included in the prices), cart discounts, or shipping costs.Learn more
cart.noteallows the capturing of more information on the cart page.Learn more
Returns the subtotal of the cart before any discounts have been applied. The amount is in the customer's local (presentment) currency.Learn more
Returns the total of all discounts (the amount saved) for the cart. The amount is in the customer's local (presentment) currency.Learn more
Returns the total price of all of the items in the cart.Learn more
Returns the total weight, in grams, of all of the items in the cart. Use theweight_with_unitfilter to format the weight.Learn more
的checkoutobject can be accessed in the order status page of the checkout. Shopify Plus merchants can also access properties of thecheckoutobject in thecheckout.liquidlayout file.Learn more
Returns the gift cards applied to the checkout.Learn more
Returns the attributes of the checkout that were captured in the cart.Learn more
Returns the billing address of the checkout.Learn more
Returns whether the buyer accepted the newsletter during the checkout.Learn more
{% if checkout.buyer_accepts_marketing %} Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. You will receive our exclusive newsletter deals! {% endif %}
Returns the customer associated with the checkout.Learn more
Returns an array of discount applications for a checkout.Learn more
{% for discount_application in checkout.discount_applications %} Discount name: {{ discount_application.title }} Savings: -{{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }} {% endfor %}
Discount name: SUMMER19 Savings: -$20.00
Returns the discounts applied to the checkout.Learn more
{% for discount in checkout.discounts %} * {{ discount.code }}: {{ discount.amount | money }} {% endfor %}
* secret-discount: $12.00
Returns the sum of the amount of the discounts applied to the checkout. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
You save: {{ checkout.discounts_amount | money }}
You save: $12.00
Returns the sum of the savings of the discounts applied to the checkout. The negative opposite ofdiscounts_amount. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Returns the email used during the checkout.Learn more
Returns the amount paid in gift cards of the checkout. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Returns the order created by the checkout. Depending on the payment gateway, the order might not have been created yet on the checkout order status page and this property could benil.Learn more
Returns the id of the order created by the checkout. Depending on the payment gateway, the order might not have been created yet on the checkout order status page.Learn more
Returns the name of the order created by the checkout. Depending on the payment gateway, the order might not have been created yet on the checkout order status page.Learn more
Returns the number of the order created by the checkout. Depending on the payment gateway, the order might not have been created yet on the checkout order status page.Learn more
Returns whether the checkout as a whole requires shipping, that is, whether any of the line items require shipping.Learn more
{% if checkout.requires_shipping %} You will receive an email with your shipment tracking number as soon as your order is shipped. {% endif %}
Returns the shipping address of the checkout.Learn more
Returns the shipping method of the checkout.Learn more
Returns an array of shipping methods of the checkout.Learn more
Shipping methods: {% for shipping_method in checkout.shipping_methods %} * {{ shipping_method.title }}: {{ shipping_method.price | money }} {% endfor %}
Shipping methods: * International Shipping: $12.00
Returns the shipping price of the checkout. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Returns the subtotal price of the checkout, that is before shipping and before taxes, unless they are included in the prices.Learn more
Returns all the tax lines of the checkout.Learn more
Returns the tax price of the checkout, whether the taxes are included or not in the prices. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Returns the total price of the checkout. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Total: {{ checkout.total_price | money }}
Total: $26.75
Returns an array of transactions from the checkout.Learn more
Returns the number of products in a collection.collection.all_products_countwill return the total number of products even when the collection view is filtered.Learn more
{{ collection.all_products_count }} total products in this collection
24 total products in this collection
Returns a list of all product tags in a collection.collection.all_tagswill return the full list of tags even when the collection view is filtered.collection.all_tagswill return at most 1,000 tags.Learn more
Returns a list of all product types in a collection.Learn more
{% for product_type in collection.all_types %} {{ product_type | link_to_type }} {% endfor %}
Returns the product type on a/collections/types?q=TYPE收藏页面。例如,您可能在非盟tomatic Shirts collection, which lists all products of type ‘shirts’ in the store:myshop.shopify.com/collections/types?q=Shirts.Learn more
{% if collection.current_type %} We are on an automatic product type collection page. The product type is {{ collection.current_type }}. {% endif %}
Returns the vendor name on a/collections/vendors?q=VENDOR收藏页面。例如,您可能在非盟tomatic Shopify collection, which lists all products with vendor ‘shopify’ in the store:myshop.shopify.com/collections/vendors?q=Shopify.Learn more
{% if collection.current_vendor %} We are on an automatic vendor collection page. The vendor is {{ collection.current_vendor }}. {% endif %}
Returns the sort order of the collection, which is set in the collection pages of the Admin.Learn more
Returns the description of the collection.Learn more
返回集合的特色形象。的default is the collection image, and then Shopify will fall back to an appropriate image, such as the featured image of the first product in the collection.Learn more
Returns an array of filter objects that have been set up on the collection.Learn more
Returns the collection image. Use theimg_urlfilter to link it to the image file on the Shopify CDN. Check for the presence of the image first.Learn more
Returns the URL of the next product in the collection. Returnsnilif there is no next product. This output can be used on the product page to output ‘next’ and ‘previous’ links on the product.liquid template.Learn more
Returns the URL of the previous product in the collection. Returnsnilif there is no previous product. This output can be used on the product page to output ‘next’ and ‘previous’ links on the product.liquid template.Learn more
Returns all of the products inside a collection. Note that there is a limit of 50 products that can be shown per page. Use the pagination tag to control how many products are shown per page.Learn more
Returns the number of products in a collection.Learn more
Returns the date and time when the collection was published. You can set this information on the collection's page in your Shopify admin by theSet publish datecalendar icon. You can use a date filter to format the date.Learn more
Returns the sort order applied to the collection by thesort_byURL parameter. When there is nosort_byURL parameter, the value isnull(e.g. /collections/widgets?sort_by=best-selling).Learn more
Returns the name of the custom collection template assigned to the collection, without the collection prefix or the .liquid suffix. Returnsnilif a custom template is not assigned to the collection.Learn more
Returns the timestamp of when the comment's status was last changed. For example, the timestamp of when a comment was approved by the article's author.
Use thedatefilter to convert the timestamp into a more readable format.Learn more
{{ comment.updated_at | date: "%b %d, %Y" }}
Mar 13, 2019
Returns the URL of the article withcomment.idappended to it. This is so the page will automatically scroll to the comment.Learn more
的country object has the following attributes.Learn more
Returns the currency used in the country.Learn more
Returns the ISO code of the country. For example,USorFRfor United States or France.Learn more
Returns the name of the country. For example, United States or France.Learn more
Returns the unit system of the country. Can be eitherimperialormetric.Learn more
Content Objects
Objects that are used to output the content of template and section files, as well as the scripts and stylesheets loaded by Shopify and Shopify apps.Learn more
This object is required intheme.liquidand must be placed inside the HTMLhead标签。It dynamically loads all scripts required by Shopify into the document head.Learn more
{{ content_for_header }}
的content_for_indexobject contains the content of the dynamic sections to be rendered on the home page selected through a store's theme editor.Learn more
{{ content_for_index }}
的content_for_layout创动态对象包含的内容erated sections such ascollection.liquidorcart.liquid. It is required intheme.liquidand must be placed inside the HTML标签。Learn more
country_option_tagscreates antag for each country. An attribute nameddata-provincesis set for each country, containing JSON-encoded arrays of the country’s respective subregions. If a country does not have any subregions, an empty array is set for itsdata-provincesattribute.country_option_tagsmust be wrapped inHTML tags.Learn more
的currencyobject contains information about a store's currency.Learn more
Returns the name of the currency (for exampleUnited States dollarsorEuro).Learn more
Returns the ISO code of the currency (for exampleUSDorEUR).Learn more
Returns the currency's symbol (for example,$or€).Learn more
Product tags are used to filter a collection to only show products that contain a specific product tag. Similarly, article tags are used to filter a blog to only show products that contain a specific article tag. Thecurrent_tagsvariable is an array that contains all tags that are being used to filter a collection or blog.Learn more
内部collection.liquid,current_tagscontains all product tags that are used to filter a collection.Learn more
Inside blog.liquid
Inside blog.liquid,current_tagscontains all article tags that are used to filter the blog.Learn more
的customer_addressobject contains information of addresses tied to a Customer Account.Learn more
Returns the value of the First Name field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Last Name field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Address1 field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Address2 field of the address.Learn more
Returns the combined values of the Address1 and Address2 fields of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Company field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the City field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Province/State field of the address.Learn more
Returns the abbreviated value of the Province/State field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Postal/Zip field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Country field of the address.Learn more
Returns the value of the Country field of the address in ISO 3166-2 standard format.Learn more
{{ customer_address.country_code }}
Returns the value of the Phone field of the address.Learn more
的customerobject contains information about a customer who has a Customer Account. Thecustomercan be used and accessed fromany filein your theme.Learn more
Returnstrueif the customer accepts marketing. Returnsfalseif the customer does not.Learn more
Returns an array of all addresses associated with a customer. Seecustomer_addressfor a full list of available attributes.Learn more
{% for address in customer.addresses %} {{ address.street }} {% endfor %}
126 York St, Suite 200 (Shopify Office) 123 Fake St 53 Featherston Lane
Returns the number of addresses associated with a customer.Learn more
Returnstrueif the email associated with an order is also tied to a Customer Account. Returnsfalseif it is not. Helpful in email templates. In the theme, this will always be true.Learn more
Returns the title or discount code of the discount.Learn more
{{ discount.title }}
Returns the title or discount code of the discount. Same asdiscount.title.Learn more
Returns the amount of the discount. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
{{ discount.amount | money }}
Returns the total amount of the discount if it has been applied to multiple line items. Use a money filter to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Returns the amount of the discount’s savings. The negative version of amount. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
{{ discount.savings | money }}
返回折扣的储蓄总额if it has been applied to multiple line items. The negative version oftotal_amount. Use a money filter to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
的discount_allocationobject contains all of the information about how a particular discount affects a line item and how the price reduces. The object can be accessed on customer order and notification templates. Shopify Plus merchants can also access properties of the discount_allocation object in thecheckout.liquidlayout file.Learn more
的discounted amount on a line item by a particular discount.Learn more
的discount application that allocates the amount on the line item.Learn more
discount application
的discount_applicationobject captures the intent of a discount applied on an order. The object can be accessed on customer order and notification templates. Shopify Plus merchants can also access properties of thediscount_allocationobject in the checkout.liquid layout file.Learn more
Describes how a discount selects line items in the cart to be discounted. target_selection has the following possible values:
all:的discount applies to all line items. entitled:的discount applies to a particular subset of line items, often defined by a condition. explicit:的discount applies to a specifically selected line item or shipping line.Learn more
Describes the type of item that a discount applies to. target_type has the following possible values:
的value type of the discount.value_typehas the following possible values: fixed_amount percentageLearn more
的external_video object can be accessed from the product object's media attribute. It contains information about a Vimeo or YouTube video associated with a product.Learn more
Returns the alt tag of the video set on the product details page of the Shopify admin.Learn more
Returns the aspect ratio of the external video.Learn more
Returns a filter_value object for the maximum value ofprice_rangetype filters.Learn more
Returns a filter_value object for the minimum value ofprice_rangetype filters.Learn more
Returns the name of the filter. For example,filter.v.option.color.Learn more
Returns the maximum product price within the current collection. This is only valid for filters of typeprice_range.Learn more
Returns the filter type. Can belistorprice_range.Learn more
Returns the current page URL with the filter's currently applied value parameters removed.Learn more
If you want to remove the Color filter, then the url_to_remove attribute returns the following URL:
Returns an array of filter_value objects for a list type filter.Learn more
的filter_value object represents an individual value from a filter object.Learn more
Returns whether the filter value is active. Returns eithertrueorfalse.Learn more
Returns how many results are related to the filter value. Returns a number.Learn more
Returns the customer facing label for the filter value. For example,RedorRouge.Learn more
Returns the name of the filter that the filter value belongs to. For example,filter.v.option.color. Filters of typeprice_rangealso include an extra component depending on thefilter_valuesource.Learn more
If the filter_value is for a price_range filter's min_value, then the following is returned:
Returns the current page URL with the filter value parameter added.Learn more
Returns the current page URL with the filter value parameter removed.Learn more
Returnstrueif the font is a system font. You can use this attribute to identify whether you need to embed the corresponding font-face for the font.Learn more
Returns all of the variants within the font's family. Each of the variants is also afontobject.Learn more
{% for variant in settings.heading_font.variants %} {{ variant.family }} {% endfor %}
的forloopobject contains attributes of its parent for loop.Learn more
Returnstrueif it’s the first iteration of the for loop. Returnsfalseif it is not the first iteration.Learn more
{% for product in collections.frontpage.products %} {% if forloop.first == true %} First time through! {% else %} Not the first time. {% endif %} {% endfor %}
First time through! Not the first time. Not the first time. Not the first time. Not the first time.
{% for product in collections.frontpage.products %} {{ forloop.index0 }} {% endfor %}
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Returnstrueif it’s the last iteration of the for loop. Returnsfalseif it is not the last iteration.Learn more
{% for product in collections.frontpage.products %} {% if forloop.last == true %} This is the last iteration! {% else %} Keep going… {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Keep going… Keep going… Keep going… Keep going… Keep going… This is the last iteration!
{% for product in collections.frontpage.products %} {{ forloop.rindex0 }} {% endfor %}
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Returns the number of iterations of the for loop.Learn more
{% for product in collections.frontpage.products %} {% capture length %}{{ forloop.length }}{% endcapture %} {% endfor %} {{ length }}
的formobject is used within the form tag. It contains attributes of its parent form.Learn more
Returns the first address line associated with the address. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
Returns the second address line associated with the address, if it exists. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
Returns the name of the author of the blog article comment. Exclusive toformtags with the "article" parameter.Learn more
Returns the content of the blog article comment. Exclusive toformtags with the "article" parameter.Learn more
Returns the city associated with the address. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
Returns the company name associated with the address, if it exists. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
Returns the country associated with the address. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
Returns the email address of the blog article comment’s author. Exclusive toformtags with the "article" parameter.Learn more
Returns the country associated with the address. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
Returns an array of strings if the form was not submitted successfully. The strings returned depend on which fields of the form were left empty or contained errors.Learn more
{% for error in form.errors %} {{ error }} {% endfor %}
Returns the first name associated with the address. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
Returns the id (unique identifier) of the form.Learn more
Returns the last name associated with the address. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
Used only forformtags with the "customer_login" parameter. Theform.password_neededattribute always returnstrue.Learn more
Returns the telephone number associated with the address, if it exists. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
Returnstrueif the form was submitted successfully, orfalseif the form contained errors. All forms but the address form set this property. The address form is always submitted successfully.Learn more
Returns the province or state associated with the address. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
{{ form.city }}, {{ form.province }}
San Francisco, California
Renders an HTML checkbox that can submit the current form as the customer's default address. Exclusive toformtags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
{{ form.set_as_default_checkbox }}
Returns the zip code or postal code associated with the address. Exclusive to form tags with the "address" parameter.Learn more
Returns an array of all line items and their quantity included in the fulfillment. Any line items that have already been fulfilled, or are yet to be fulfilled, will not be included in the array.Learn more
We have fulfilled the following items:
{% for line in fulfillment.fulfillment_line_items %}
{{ line.line_item.title }} × {{ line.quantity }}
{% endfor %}
We have fulfilled the following items: * T-shirt - White / Medium × 8 * Adorable boots × 1
Returns the total number of items included in the fulfillment.Learn more
We have fulfilled {{ fulfillment.item_count }} items of your recent order.
We have fulfilled 3 items of your recent order.
的gift_cardobject can be accessed in the following templates: 的Gift card created email notification template ‘Email Notifications > Gift card created’ . Thegift_card.liquidtemplate.Learn more
Returns the amount of money remaining on the gift card.Learn more
Returns the code that was used to redeem the gift card.Learn more
Returns the currency that the card was issued in.Learn more
Returns the customer variable of the customer that the gift card is assigned to.Learn more
Hey, {{ gift_card.customer.first_name }}!
Hey, Brian!
Returnstrueif the card is enabled, orfalseif the card is disabled.Learn more
Returnstrueif the card is expired, orfalseif the card is not.Learn more
Returns the expiration date of the gift card.Learn more
Returns the initial amount of money on the gift card.Learn more
Returns the product associated with the purchased gift card, or returns nothing if there is no associated product.Learn more
Returns the line item properties assigned to the gift card when it was added to the cart.Learn more
Returns the unique URL that links to the gift card’s page on the shop (rendered through gift_card.liquid).Learn more
group对象包含s information about each default rule set in therobotsobject for therobots.txtfile.Learn more
Returns of a list ofruleobjects for each rule in the group.Learn more
Returns the group'ssitemapobject. If the group doesn't require a sitemap, then this returnsblank.
的imageobject returns information about an image.Learn more
Returns the alt tag of the image, set in the Products page of the Admin.Learn more
Returns the aspect ratio (width / height) of the image.Learn more
Returnstrueif the image has been associated with a variant. Returnsfalseotherwise. This can be used in cases where you want to create a gallery of images that are not associated with variants.Learn more
Returns the height of the image in pixels.Learn more
Returns the relative path of the product image. This is the same as outputting{{ image }}.Learn more
{% for image in product.images %} {{ image.src }} {{ image }} {% endfor %}
products/my_image.jpg products/my_image.jpg
Returns an array of attributes for the variant that the image is associated with.Learn more
{% for image in product.images %} {% for variant in image.variants %} {{ image.src }} - used for the variant: {{ variant.title }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
products/red-shirt.jpeg - used for the variant: Red products/green-shirt.jpg - used for the variant: Green products/yellow-shirt.jpg - used for the variant: Yellow
Returns the width of the image in pixels.Learn more
A line item represents a single line in the shopping cart. There is one line item for each distinct product variant in the cart.Learn more
Returns a list of all discount allocations containing the discounted amount and the reference to the parent discount application.line_item.discount_allocationsis available on line items in carts, checkouts, orders, and draft orders.Learn more
Returns the combined price of all the items in the line item. This is equal toline_item.final_pricetimesline_item.quantity.Learn more
Returns the price of the line item including all line level discount amounts.Learn more
Returns the fulfillment of the line item.Learn more
Returns the fulfillment service associated with the line item's variant. Line items that have no fulfillment service will returnmanual.Learn more
Returnstrueif the line item's product is a gift card, orfalseif it is not.Learn more
Returns the weight of the line item. Use theweight_with_unitfilter to format the weight.Learn more
-cart.itemsreturns the ID of the line item's variant. This ID is not unique, and can be shared by multiple items of the same variant. -checkout.line_itemsreturns a temporary unique hash generated for the checkout. -order.line_itemsreturns a unique integer ID.
Returns a unique identifier for each item in the cart.Learn more
Returns a list of line-specificdiscount_allocationobjects containing the discounted amount and a reference to the parent discount application.Learn more
Returns the total amount of all discounts applied to the line item specifically. This doesn't include discounts that are added to the cart.Learn more
如果一个脚本应用返回折扣信息ed a discount to the line item. This attribute only has a value if you are using the Script Editor app.Learn more
Returns an array of selected values from the item's product options.Learn more
Returnstrueif the line item requires shipping, orfalseif it does not. This is set in the variant options in the Products page of the Admin.Learn more
Returns aselling_plan_allocationobject when the line item contains a selling plan.Learn more
Returns the SKU of the line item’s variant.Learn more
Returns the successfully fulfilled quantity of the line item.Learn more
Returnstrueif the line item is taxable, orfalseif it isn’t. This is set in the variant options in the Products page of the Admin.Learn more
Returns the title of this line item.line_item.titlecombines both the line item’sproduct.titleand the line item’svariant.title, separated by a hyphen.Learn more
{{ line_item.title }}
Balloon Shirt - Medium
Returns the unit price of the line item. The price reflects any discounts that are applied to the line item.Learn more
Returns aunit_price_measurementobject for the line item.Learn more
Returns the URL to the product page using variant deep-linking.Learn more
Returns the id of the line item’s variant.Learn more
Returns the vendor name of the line item’s product.Learn more
的linkobject cannot be invoked on its own. It must be invoked inside a linklist.Learn more
Returnstrueif the link is active, orfalseif the link is inactive.Learn more
Similar tolink.active, but returns true if a child link of the parent link is active, or false if no child links of the parent link are active.Learn more
{{ linklists.main.title }} {% for link in linklists.main.links %} {{ link.title }}: child_active: {{ link.child_active }} {% for sub_link in link.links %} {{ sub_link.title }}: child_active: {{ sub_link.child_active }} {% for sub_sub_link in sub_link.links %} {{ sub_sub_link.title }}: active: {{ sub_sub_link.active }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Main Menu Home: child_active: false About Us: child_active: true In the news: child_active: false Locations: child_active: true Montreal: active: true Ottawa: active: false
Returns true if a child link has a link object withlink.currentequal totrue. Returnsfalseif no child links have a link object withlink.currentequal totrue.Learn more
{{ linklists.main.title }} {% for link in linklists.main.links %} {{ link.title }}: child_current: {{ link.child_current }} {% for sub_link in link.links %} {{ sub_link.title }}: child_current: {{ sub_link.child_current }} {% for sub_sub_link in sub_link.links %} {{ sub_sub_link.title }}: current: {{ sub_sub_link.current }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Main Menu Home: child_current: false About Us: child_current: true In the news: child_current: false Locations: child_current: true Montreal: current: true Ottawa: current: false
Returnstrueif the page content associated with thelinkis considered a match to the current page. Returnsfalseif the content isn't considered a match.Learn more
Returns the type of the link. The possible values are: collection_link: if the link points to a collection product_link: if the link points to a product page page_link: if the link points to a page blog_link: if the link points to a blog relative_link: if the link points to the search page, the home page or /collections/all http_link: if the link points to an external web page, or a type or vendor collection (e.g. /collections/types?q=Pants)Learn more
Returns the number of nested levels that a linklist contains. Learn more
Given the following menu structure: Main menu └ Home └ About Us └ Locations └ Montreal └ Ottawa {% assign menu = linklists.main-menu %} {{ menu.title }}: {{ menu.levels }}
Main Menu: 3
Returns an array of links in thelinklist.Learn more
{% for link in linklists.main-menu.links %} {{ link.title }} {% endfor %}
的mediaobject represents an object returned in aproduct.mediaarray. The media object is an abstract object that can represent images, models, and videos associated with a product. You can use media filters to generate URLs and model-viewer tags so that media is rendered on the product page.Learn more
Returns the alt tag of the media, set in the Products page of the Admin.Learn more
Metafields make it possible to store additional information for articles, blogs, collections, customers, orders, pages, products, the shop, and variants. You can access themetafieldobject through the metafields attribute of these resources.Learn more
的model object can be accessed from the product object'smediaattribute. Themodelobject contains information about a 3D model uploaded from the product details page in the Shopify admin.Learn more
Returns the alt tag of the model set on the product details page of the Shopify admin.Learn more
Returns an array of model source objects.Learn more
的model_sourceobject can be accessed from the model object'ssourcesarray. Themodel_sourceobject contains information about the source files for a model associated with a product.Learn more
Returns the MIME type of the model source file.Learn more
Returns the format of the model source file.Learn more
Returns the URL of the model source file.Learn more
的orderobject can be accessed in Liquid templates withcustomer.orders, in order email templates, and in apps such as Order Printer.Learn more
Returns the custom cart attributes for the order, if there are any. You can add as many custom attributes to your cart as you like.
When you're looping through attributes, use{{ attribute | first }}to get the name of the attribute, and{{ attribute | last }}to get its value.Learn more
{% if order.attributes %}
Order notes:
{% for attribute in order.attributes %}
{{ attribute | first }}: {{ attribute | last }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Order notes:
Message to merchant: I love your products! Thanks!
Returns the billing address of the order.Learn more
Returnstrueif an order is canceled, returnsfalseif it is not.Learn more
Returns the timestamp of when an order was canceled. Use thedatefilter to format the timestamp.Learn more
Returns one of the following cancellation reasons, if an order was canceled: items unavailable fraudulent order customer changed/cancelled order otherLearn more
Returns the translated output of an order’sorder.cancel_reasonLearn more
Returns an array of line items from the order.Learn more
Returns the sum of the order's line-item prices after any line item discounts have been applied. The subtotal amount doesn't include cart discounts, taxes (unless taxes are included in the prices), or shipping costs.Learn more
Returns the order’s tax price. Use a money filter to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Returns the total value of all discounts applied to the order.Learn more
Returns the net amount of the order.
的order.total_net_amountis calculated after refunds are applied. The value is equivalent toorder.total_priceminusorder.total_refunded_amount.Learn more
Returns the total price of an order. Use a money filter to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Returns the total refunded amount of an order.Learn more
Returns an array of transactions from the order.Learn more
Other Objects
Other Liquid objects that are only used in specific circumstances.Learn more
Returnstrueif a merchant's store has any payment providers with offsite checkouts, such as PayPal Express Checkout. Useadditional_checkout_buttonsto check whether these gateways exist.Learn more
{% if additional_checkout_buttons %}
{{ content_for_additional_checkout_buttons }}
{% endif %}
Returns checkout buttons for any active payment providers with offsite checkouts.Learn more
Returns the timestamp of when the page was created. Use thedatefilter to format the timestamp.Learn more
Returns the name of the custom page template assigned to the page, without the page prefix or the.liquidsuffix. Returnsnilif a custom template is not assigned to the page.Learn more
Returns an image drop for the relevant image to be displayed in social media feeds or search engine listings.Learn more
Returns an image drop for the relevant image to be displayed in social media feeds or search engine listings.
For product pages, collection pages, and blog posts, thepage_imageis the resource's featured image if it exists. For example, a product page'spage_imageis the same as itsproduct.featured_image. If a featured image does not exist, then thepage_imageis based on the store's social sharing image set in the admin.Learn more
的paginate tag’s navigation is built using the attributes of thepaginateobject. You can also use thedefault_paginationfilter for a quicker alternative.Learn more
Returns the total number of items that are on the pages previous to the current one. For example, if you are paginating by 5 items per page and are on the third page,paginate.current_offsetwould return 10 (5 items × 2 pages).Learn more
Returns the total number of items to be paginated. For example, if you are paginating a collection of 120 products,paginate.itemswould return 120.Learn more
Returns an array of all parts of the pagination. A part is a component used to build the navigation for the pagination.Learn more
Apolicyrepresents an individual policy of theshop.policiesobject. An individual policy can also be referenced directly on theshopobject. For exampleshop.privacy_policy.Learn more
Returnstrueif a product is available for purchase. Returnsfalseif all of the products’ variantsinventory_quantityvalues are zero or less, and theirinventory_policyis not set to ‘Allow users to purchase this item, even if it is no longer in stock.’Learn more
Returns an array of all of the collections a product belongs to.Learn more
{% for collection in product.collections %} {{ collection.title }} {% endfor %}
Sale Shirts Spring
Returns the lowest compare at price of all the product's variants entered in the Shopify admin. This attribute is similar toproduct.compare_at_price_min.
If none of the product variants have a value for compare at price, thenproduct.compare_at_pricereturnsnil.
Returns the relative URL of the product’s featured image.Learn more
Can be used to render the first piece of media attached to the product.Learn more
Returns the variant object of the first product variant that is available for purchase. In order for a variant to be available, itsvariant.inventory_quantitymust be greater than zero orvariant.inventory_policymust be set to continue. A variant with noinventory_policyis considered available.Learn more
Returns an array of the product’s images. Use theproduct_img_urlfilter to link to the product image on Shopify’s Content Delivery Network.Learn more
{% for image in product.images %} {% endfor %}
Returns an array of a product's associatedmediaobjects, sorted by date added.Learn more
{% for media in product.media %} {% include 'media' %} {% endfor %}
Returns an array of the product’s options.Learn more
Allows direct access to a product's options by their name. The object keys ofoptions_by_nameare case-insensitive.Learn more
Returns an array of the product's options.Learn more
{% for product_option in product.options_with_values %} {% endfor %}
Returns the price of the product. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Returns the highest price of the product. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Returns the lowest price of the product. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
Returnstrueif the product’s variants have varying prices. Returnsfalseif all of the product’s variants have the same price.Learn more
Returns a timestamp for when a product was published on a store.Learn more
{{ product.published_at }}
2019-11-01 05:56:37 -0400
Returnstruewhen all variants of the product havevariant.requires_selling_planset totrue.Learn more
Returns the variant object of the currently-selected variant if there is a valid?variant=parameter in the URL. Returnsnilif there is not.Learn more
{{ product.selected_variant.id }}
Returns the variant object of the currently-selected variant if there is a valid?variant=query parameter in the URL. If there is no selected variant, the first available variant is returned. In order for a variant to be available, itsvariant.inventory_quantitymust be greater than zero orvariant.inventory_policymust be set to continue. A variant with noinventory_managementis considered available.Learn more
Returns aselling_plan_allocationobject based on the following sequential logic:
1. If a valid allocation is selected in the URL parameters, then that allocation is returned. 2. If no allocation is specified in the URL, then the first allocation on an in stock variant is returned. 3.If no variants are in stock, then the first allocation on the first variant is returned.
If the product doesn't have selling plans, then this property returnsnil.
Returns theselling_plan_allocationobject based on URL parameters identifying a selling plan and variant.
For example, when given URL parameters?variant=12345&selling_plan=8765, the property returns the allocation for the variant object with ID12345and the selling plan with ID8765.
An array ofselling_plan_groupobjects that include the product’s variants.Learn more
Returns an array of all of the product’s tags. The tags are returned in alphabetical order.Learn more
{% for tag in product.tags %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}
new leather sale special
Returns the name of the custom product template assigned to the product, without the product prefix nor the.liquidsuffix. Returnsnilif a custom template is not assigned to the product.Learn more
的product_optionobject is available for each option in a product options array. The product options array is accessible viaproduct.options_with_values.Learn more
Returns the currently selected value for this product option.Learn more
Returns an array of possible values for this product option.Learn more
{% for value in product_option.values %}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
的recommendationsobject provides product recommendations that are related to a given product, based on data from sales, product descriptions, and relations between products and collections. Product recommendations become more accurate over time as new orders and product data become available. Therecommendationsobject can be used and accessed fromany filein your theme.Learn more
Returnstrueif the recommendations object is referenced inside a theme section that is rendered via/recommendations/products?section_id=
&product_id=with valid parameters:
product_id: id of the section where therecommendationsobject is being used (required) section_id: id of the product you want to show recommended products for yes (required) limit: Limits number of results, up to a maximum of ten noLearn more
Returns the number of product recommendations, or returns 0 ifrecommendations.performedisfalse.Learn more
Returns product recommendations. These objects are products. Doesn't return any product ifrecommendations.performedis false.Learn more
{% if recommendations.performed %} {% if recommendations.products_count > 0 %} {% for product in recommendations.products %} {{ product.title | link_to: product.url }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% else %}
Placeholder animation
{% endif %}
When the enclosing section is rendered synchronously: Placeholder animation --------------------- When the enclosing section is rendered from the endpoint /recommendations/products?section_id=&product_id=: Product title Another product title
的requestobject returns information about the domain used to access your store and the page being accessed.Learn more
Returnstrueif the request is being made from the theme editor in the Shopify admin.Learn more
{%如果请求。design_mode %} {% endif %}
You can userequest.hostto check which domain a customer is visiting from.Learn more
{{ request.host }}
Returns theshop_localeof the current request.Learn more
{{ request.locale.name }}
Returns the type of the current page. These are the different page types: 404 article blog cart collection list-collections customers/account customers/activate_account customers/addresses customers/login customers/order customers/register customers/reset_password gift_card index page password product Learn more
的robotsobject contains the default rule groups for therobots.txtfile.Learn more
Returns a list ofgroupobjects for each group of rules.Learn more
You can use theroutesobject to generate dynamic URLs to your storefront. By using them instead of hardcoded links, you can make sure your theme supports any changes to the URL format.Learn more
的rule object returns an individual rule for therobots.txtfile, which tells crawlers which pages can, or can't, be accessed. It consists of a directive, which can be eitherAlloworDisallow, and a value of the associated URL path.
Returnstrueif an HTML form with the attributeaction="/search"was submitted successfully. This allows you to show content based on whether a search was performed or not.Learn more
{% if search.performed %} {% endif %}
Returns an array of matching search result items. The items in the array can be a(n): product article page
You can access the attributes of the above three objects through search.results.Learn more
Returns the string that was entered in the search input box. Use thehighlightfilter to apply a different style to any instances in the search results that match up withsearch.terms.Learn more
{{ item.content | highlight: search.terms }}
Yellow shirts are the best!
Returns an array of strings representing the types the search was performed on. The items in the array can be any combination ofarticle,page,product.
的search types can be seen in the URL parameters of a search page. For example, storefront.com/search?type=article,product&q=*will have asearch.typesarray containingarticleandproduct.Learn more
的sectionobject lets you access a section's properties and setting values.Learn more
Returns an array of the section's blocks.Learn more
For static sections, returns the section's file name without.liquid. For dynamic sections, returns a dynamically generated ID.Learn more
Returns an object of the section settings set in the theme editor. Retrieve setting values by referencing the setting's uniqueid.Learn more
An array ofselling_plan_optionobjects that contain information about the selling plan's value for a particularselling_plan_group_option.Learn more
{% for option in selling_plan.options %} {{ option.name }} : {{ option.value }} {% endfor %}
Delivery frequency : Every month Payment frequency : Pay per delivery
An array ofselling_plan_price_adjustmentobjects. Aselling_plan_price_adjustmentdescribes how a selling plan changes the price of variants for a given period.
的maximum length of the array is 2. The array is empty when the selling plan doesn't create any price adjustments.
Returns the index of the the option amongst all theselling_plan.options.Learn more
Returns the selling plan option’s value.Learn more
Eachselling_plan_price_adjustmentof the selling plan maps to aselling_plan_allocation_price_adjustmentin theselling_plan_allocationarray. Theselling_plan.price_adjustmentsdescribe the intent of the selling plan, whileselling_plan_allocation.price_adjustmentscontains the resulting money amounts.Learn more
的number of orders that this price adjustment applies to.
的value isnilwhen the price adjustment is applied either on an ongoing basis or for the rest of selling plan's duration.
的1-based index of theselling_plan_price_adjustmentin theselling_plan.price_adjustmentsarray.Learn more
A float representing the value of price adjustment. Thevalue_typedetermines what this value actually represents.Learn more
的type of the price adjustment, which can befixed_amount,percentage, orprice.Learn more
A selling plan allocation represents how a particular selling plan affects a line item. A selling plan allocation associates a variant with a selling plan.
When a selling plan contains multiple deliveries, such as a 12-month prepaid subscription, thepriceandcompare_at_pricevalues are multiplied by the number of deliveries.
This value is set to the variant’s price without the selling plan applied. If the variant'spricewith the selling plan applied is the same, then this value isnil.
的price charged for each delivery included in a selling plan.
When a selling plan includes multiple deliveries, theper_delivery_pricevalue will be theselling_plan_allocation.pricedivided by the number of deliveries.
Eachselling_plan_allocation_price_adjustmentof the selling plan allocation maps to aselling_plan_price_adjustmentin theselling_plan.price_adjustmentsarray. Theselling_plan.price_adjustmentsdescribes the intent of the selling plan, whileselling_plan_allocation.price_adjustmentscontains the resulting money amounts.Learn more
的1-based index of theselling_plan_allocation_price_adjustmentin theselling_plan_allocation.price_adjustmentsarray.Learn more
的price that will be charged for theselling_plan_allocation_price_adjustmentperiod.Learn more
A group of selling plans available for some or all of a product's variants. Selling plans in a group all share the sameselling_plan_option.namevalues.Learn more
An array ofselling_plan_group_optionobjects.Learn more
{% for option in selling_plan_group.options %} {% endfor %}
Returnstrueif the selected selling plan is part of the selling plan group. The selected selling plan is based on the URL parameterselling_plan.Learn more
An array ofselling_planobjects that belong to theselling_plan_group.Learn more
An optional string provided by an app to identify selling plan groups created by that app.
If no string is provided by the app, then this property returnsnil.
Returns the index of the the option amongst all theselling_plan_group.options.Learn more
Returns the value for the selling plan group option when aselling_plan_allocationis selected. The selected selling plan allocation is based on both the URL parametersselling_planandid.Learn more
An array of values for the selling plan group option.Learn more
返回的处理shipping method. The price of the shipping rate is appended to the end of the handle.Learn more
{{ shipping_method.handle }}
Returns the original price of the shipping method before discounts were applied. Use a money filter to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
{{ shipping_method.original_price | money }}
Returns the price of the shipping method. Use a money filter to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
{{ shipping_method.price | money }}
Returns the title of the shipping method.Learn more
{{ shipping_method.title }}
International Shipping
的shopobject can be used and accessed fromany filein your theme.Learn more
You can add the attributes below toshop.addressto return information about a shop’s address.Learn more
的sitemapobject returns the sitemap for a specific group in therobots.txtfile. The sitemap provides information about the pages and content on a site, and the relationships between them, which helps crawlers crawl a site more efficiently.
的sitemapobject consists of aSitemapdirective, and a value of the URL that the sitemap is hosted at.
Returns the URL that the sitemap is hosted at.Learn more
的store_availabilityobject is used to show what variants are stocked at physical store locations, regardless of the current stock level. If a location does not stock a variant, then that location will not be returned.Learn more
Returns the amount of the tax. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.Learn more
{{ tax_line.price | money }}
Returns the rate of the tax in decimal notation.Learn more
{{ tax_line.rate }}
Returns the rate of the tax in percentage format.Learn more
{{ tax_line.rate_percentage }}%
的templateobject has a handful of attributes. Referencing justtemplatereturns the name of the template used to render the current page, with the.liquidextension omitted. Thetemplateobject can be used and accessed fromany filein your theme.Learn more
As a best practice, it's recommended that you apply the template name as a CSS class on your HTMLbody标签。Learn more
Returns the name of the template's parent directory. Returnsnilfor templates whose parent directory is thetemplates/folder.Learn more
{{ template.directory }}
Returns the template's name without the template's custom suffix, if it exists, or the.liquidextension.Learn more
{{ template.name }}
Returns the name of the custom template without thetemplate.nameprefix or the.liquidextension. Returnsnilif a custom template is not being used.Learn more
{{ template.suffix }}
的themeobject contains information about published themes in a shop. You can also usethemesto iterate through both themes.Learn more
Returns the theme’s id. This is useful for when you want to link a user directly to the theme’s Customize theme page.Learn more
theme.role (deprecated)
Returns one of the two possible roles of a theme: main or mobile.Learn more
Returns the translated output of a transaction’s status.Learn more
Returns the timestamp of when the transaction was created. Use thedatefilter to format the timestamp.Learn more
Returns text with information from the payment gateway about the payment receipt. This includes whether the payment was a test case and an authorization code if one was included in the transaction.Learn more
Returns the type of transaction. There are five transaction types:
authorizationis the reserving of money that the customer has agreed to pay.
captureis the transfer of the money that was reserved during the authorization stage.
saleis a combination of authorization and capture, performed in one step.
voidis the cancellation of a pending authorization or capture.
refundis the partial or full refund of the captured money to the customer.
Returns the name of the payment gateway used for the transaction.Learn more
{{ transaction.gateway }}
Cash on Delivery (COD)
的payment_detailsobject contains additional properties related to the payment method used in the transaction. credit_card_companyreturns the name of the company who issued the customer’s credit card. credit_card_numberreturns the customer’s credit card number. All but the last four digits are redacted.Learn more
的unit_price_measurementobject contains information about how units of a product variant are measured. It's used by theunit_priceattribute to calculate unit prices.
Note: Unit prices are only available to stores located in Germany and France.
Returns the type of measurement as a string. For example,volume.Learn more
Returns the unit of measurement that's used to measure thequantity_value. For example,l.Learn more
Returns the quantity of the unit that's included. For example,2.5.Learn more
Returns the unit of measurement that's used to measure thereference_value. For example,ml.Learn more
Returns the reference value that's used to illustrate the base unit price. For example,100.Learn more
的user_agentobject returns the user-agent, which is the name of the crawler, for a specificgroupin therobots.txtfile. It consists of aUser-agentdirective, and a value of the user-agent name.
Returnstrueif the variant is available to be purchased, orfalseif it is not. In order for a variant to be available, itsvariant.inventory_quantitymust be greater than zero orvariant.inventory_policymust be set to continue. A variant with novariant.inventory_managementis also considered available.Learn more
Returns theimageobject associated to the variant.Learn more
{{ variant.image.src }}
Returnstrueif the variant has incoming inventory.Learn more
Returns the variant’s inventory tracking service.Learn more
Returns the stringcontinueif the ‘Allow users to purchase this item, even if it is no longer in stock.’ checkbox is checked in the variant options in the Admin. Returnsdenyif it is unchecked.Learn more
Returns the date when the next incoming inventory will arrive.Learn more
Returns the variant’s inventory quantity.Learn more
Returns an array of the variant's product option values.Learn more
{% for option in variant.options %} - {{ option }} {% endfor %}
- Red - Small - Wool
Returns the value of the variant’s first option.Learn more
Returns the value of the variant’s second option.Learn more
Returns the value of the variant’s third option.Learn more
Returns the variant’s price.
Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format.
Returns aselling_plan_allocationobject based on the URL parameterselling_plan.
For example, given the URL parameters?variant=12345&selling_plan=8765, the selling plan allocation for the variant12345with a selling planidof8765is returned.
If there is no selected selling plan allocation, then this property returnsnil.
Returns the variant’s weight in grams. Use theweight_with_unitfilter to convert it to the shop’s weight format or the weight unit configured on the variant.Learn more
Returns the unit for the weight configured on the variant. Works well paired with theweight_in_unitattribute and theweight_with_unitfilter.Learn more
Returns the weight of the product converted to the unit configured on the variant. Works well paired with theweight_unitattribute and theweight_with_unitfilter.Learn more
的videoobject can be accessed from theproductobject's media attribute. It contains information about a video uploaded from the product details page in the Shopify admin.Learn more
Returns the alt tag of the video set on the product details page of the Shopify admin.Learn more
Returns the aspect ratio of the video source file.Learn more
Returns the duration of the video source file.Learn more
的video_sourceobject can be accessed from thevideoobject'ssourcesarray. Thevideo_sourceobject contains information about the source files for a video associated with a product.Learn more
Returns the format of the video source file (mp4/m3u8).Learn more
Returns the height of the video source file.Learn more
{% comment %}
Allows you to leave un-rendered code inside a Liquid template. Any text within the opening and closing comment blocks will not be output, and any Liquid code within will not be executed.Learn more