
Box is the most primitive layout component. It’s a way to access Polaris design tokens.


This component is a work in progress and ready for exploratory usage, with breaking changes expected in minor version updates. Please use with caution. Learn more about ourcomponent lifecycles.

Background color of box and text color inside a box can be adjusted using theColor tokens.

importReactfrom'react';import{Box,Text}from'@shopify/polaris';functionBoxWithColorExample(){return(<Boxbackground="bg-app-selected"><Placeholderlabel="Content inside a box"/></Box>);}constPlaceholder=({label='',height='auto',width='auto'})=>{return(<divstyle={{background:'var(--p-color-border-interactive-subdued)',height:height,width:width,borderRadius:'inherit',}}><divstyle={{color:'var(--p-color-text)',}}><Textas="p"variant="bodyMd">{label}</Text></div></div>);};


Want to help make this feature better? Pleaseshare your feedback.

interface BoxProps
children? React.ReactNode
as? “div”|'span'|'section'|'legend'|'ul'|'li'

HTML Element type.


background? ColorBackgroundAlias

Background color.

borderColor? ColorBorderAlias|"transparent"

Border color.

borderStyle? 'solid'|'dashed'

Border style.

borderRadius? BorderRadiusScale

Border radius.

borderRadiusEndStart? BorderRadiusScale

Vertical end horizontal start border radius.

borderRadiusEndEnd? BorderRadiusScale

Vertical end horizontal end border radius.

borderRadiusStartStart? BorderRadiusScale

Vertical start horizontal start border radius.

borderRadiusStartEnd? BorderRadiusScale

Vertical start horizontal end border radius.

borderWidth? BorderWidthScale

Border width.

borderBlockStartWidth? BorderWidthScale

Vertical start border width.

borderBlockEndWidth? BorderWidthScale

Vertical end border width.

borderInlineStartWidth? BorderWidthScale


borderInlineEndWidth? BorderWidthScale

Horizontal end border width.

color? ColorTextAlias

Color of children.

id? string

HTML id attribute.

minHeight? string

Minimum height of container.

minWidth? string

Minimum width of container.

maxWidth? string

Maximum width of container.

overflowX? “隐藏”|'scroll'

Clip horizontal content of children.

overflowY? “隐藏”|'scroll'

Clip vertical content of children.

padding? T| { [BreakpointinBreakpointsAlias]?:T; }<SpaceScale>

Spacing around children. Accepts a spacing token or an object of spacing tokens for different screen sizes.

paddingBlockStart? T| { [BreakpointinBreakpointsAlias]?:T; }<SpaceScale>

Vertical start spacing around children. Accepts a spacing token or an object of spacing tokens for different screen sizes.

paddingBlockEnd? T| { [BreakpointinBreakpointsAlias]?:T; }<SpaceScale>

Vertical end spacing around children. Accepts a spacing token or an object of spacing tokens for different screen sizes.

paddingInlineStart? T| { [BreakpointinBreakpointsAlias]?:T; }<SpaceScale>

Horizontal start spacing around children. Accepts a spacing token or an object of spacing tokens for different screen sizes.

paddingInlineEnd? T| { [BreakpointinBreakpointsAlias]?:T; }<SpaceScale>

Horizontal end spacing around children. Accepts a spacing token or an object of spacing tokens for different screen sizes.

role? any

Aria role.

shadow? ShadowAlias

Shadow on box.

tabIndex? any

Set tab order.

width? string

Width of container.

position? 'relative'|'absolute'|'fixed'|'sticky'

Position of box.

insetBlockStart? T| { [BreakpointinBreakpointsAlias]?:T; }<SpaceScale>

Top position of box.

insetBlockEnd? T| { [BreakpointinBreakpointsAlias]?:T; }<SpaceScale>

Bottom position of box.

insetInlineStart? T| { [BreakpointinBreakpointsAlias]?:T; }<SpaceScale>

Left position of box.

insetInlineEnd? T| { [BreakpointinBreakpointsAlias]?:T; }<SpaceScale>

Right position of box.

opacity? string

Opacity of box.

outlineColor? ColorBorderAlias

Outline color.

outlineStyle? 'solid'|'dashed'

Outline style.

outlineWidth? BorderWidthScale

Outline width.

printHidden? boolean

Visually hide the contents during print.

visuallyHidden? boolean

Visually hide the contents (still announced by screenreader).

zIndex? string

z-index of box.

  • Box props are named following the convention of CSS logical properties, such as 'padding-inline-start' and 'padding-block-start'. Learn more aboutCSS logicial properties.