
Checkboxes are most commonly used to give merchants a way to make a range of selections (zero, one, or multiple). They may also be used as a way to have merchants indicate they agree to specific terms and services.

Use in forms to toggle the state of something on or off. Default checkboxes can appear as selected and disabled, or unselected.

import{Checkbox}from'@shopify/polaris';import{useState,useCallback}from'react';functionCheckboxExample(){const[checked,setChecked]=useState(false);consthandleChange=useCallback((newChecked:boolean)=>setChecked(newChecked),[],);return(<Checkboxlabel="Basic checkbox"checked={checked}onChange={handleChange}/>);}


Want to help make this feature better? Pleaseshare your feedback.

interface CheckboxProps
ariaControls? string

Indicates the ID of the element that is controlled by the checkbox.

ariaDescribedBy? string

Indicates the ID of the element that describes the checkbox.

label React.ReactNode

Label for the checkbox.

labelHidden? boolean

Visually hide the label.

checked? boolean|"indeterminate"

Checkbox is selected. `indeterminate` shows a horizontal line in the checkbox.

disabled? boolean

Disable input.

id? string


name? string

Name for form input.

value? string

Value for form input.

onChange? (newChecked:boolean,id:string) =>void

Callback when checkbox is toggled.

onFocus? () =>void

Callback when checkbox is focused.

onBlur? () =>void

Callback when focus is removed.

labelClassName? string

Added to the wrapping label.

fill? T|({ [BreakpointinBreakpointsAlias]?:T; })<T><boolean>

Grow to fill the space. Equivalent to width: 100%; height: 100%.

helpText? React.ReactNode

Additional text to aide in use.

error? any

Display an error message.

bleed? Spacing

Spacing around children. Accepts a spacing token or an object of spacing tokens for different screen sizes.

bleedBlockStart? Spacing

Vertical start spacing around children. Accepts a spacing token or an object of spacing tokens for different screen sizes.

bleedBlockEnd? Spacing

Vertical end spacing around children. Accepts a spacing token or an object of spacing tokens for different screen sizes.

bleedInlineStart? Spacing

Horizontal start spacing around children. Accepts a spacing token or an object of spacing tokens for different screen sizes.

bleedInlineEnd? Spacing

Horizontal end spacing around children. Accepts a spacing token or an object of spacing tokens for different screen sizes.

Best practices

Checkboxes should:

  • Work independently from each other. Selecting one checkbox shouldn’t change the selection status of another checkbox in the list. The exception is when a checkbox is used to make a bulk selection of multiple items.
  • Be framed positively. For example, say “Publish store” instead of “Hide store”.
  • Always have a label when used to activate or deactivate a setting.
  • Be listed according to a logical order, whether it’s alphabetical, numerical, time-based, or some other clear system.
  • Link to more information or include a subtitle as required to provide more explanation. Don’t rely on tooltips to explain a checkbox.

Content guidelines

Lists with checkboxes

Lists that use checkboxes should:

  • Start with a capital letter


  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3


  • 选项1
  • 选项2
  • 选项3
  • Not use commas or semicolons at the end of each line


  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Blue


  • Red;
  • Yellow;
  • Blue.
  • In the rare case where the checkbox is asking merchants to agree to terms or service, use the first person


I agree to the Terms of Service.


You agree to the Terms of Service


Screen readers convey the state of the checkbox automatically.

  • Use thedisabledprop to apply the HTMLdisabledattribute to the checkbox. This prevents merchants from being able to interact with the checkbox, and conveys its inactive state to assistive technologies.
  • Use theidprop to provide a uniqueidattribute value for the checkbox. If anidisn’t provided, then the component generates one. All checkboxes must have uniqueidvalues to work correctly with assistive technologies.
  • Settingchecked="indeterminate"conveys the state of the checkbox usingaria-checked="mixed".
  • Setting theariaControlsprop conveys the ID of the element whose contents or presence are controlled by the checkbox to screen reader users with thearia-controlsattribute.


  • The requiredlabelprop conveys the purpose of the checkbox to all merchants
  • Use thelabelHiddenprop to visually hide the label but make it available to assistive technologies
  • When you provide help text via thehelpTextprop or an inline error message via theerrorprop, the help or error content is conveyed to screen reader users with thearia-describedbyattribute

Keyboard support

  • Move focus to each checkbox using thetabkey (or转变+tabwhen tabbing backwards)
  • To interact with the checkbox when it has keyboard focus, press thespacekey