
A wrapper component that handles the submission of forms.

Formcomponent examples

Use onSubmit as a callback for when your form is submitted.

import{Form,FormLayout,Checkbox,TextField,Button}from“@shopify /北极星”;import{useState,useCallback}from'react';functionFormOnSubmitExample(){const[newsletter,setNewsletter]=useState(false);const[email,setEmail]=useState('');consthandleSubmit=useCallback(()=>{setEmail('');setNewsletter(false);},[]);consthandleNewsLetterChange=useCallback((value:boolean)=>setNewsletter(value),[],);consthandleEmailChange=useCallback((value:string)=>setEmail(value),[]);return(<FormonSubmit={handleSubmit}><FormLayout><Checkboxlabel="Sign up for the Polaris newsletter"checked={newsletter}onChange={handleNewsLetterChange}/><TextFieldvalue={email}onChange={handleEmailChange}label="Email"type="email"autoComplete="email"helpText={<span>We’llusethisemail address to inform you on future changes toPolaris.</span>}/><Buttonsubmit>Submit</Button></FormLayout></Form>);}


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interface FormProps
acceptCharset? string

Space separated list of character encodings.

action? string

Where to send form-data on submittal.

autoComplete? boolean

Grants the browser the ability to autocomplete input elements.

children? React.ReactNode


encType? 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'|'multipart/form-data'|'text/plain'

Media type when submitting content to server.

implicitSubmit? boolean

Toggles if form submits on Enter keypress. Defaults to true.

method? 'post'|'get'|'action'

Method used to submit form.

name? string

A unique name for the form.

已经? boolean

Whether or not form is validated when submitting.

preventDefault? boolean

Blocks the default form action.

target? string

Where to display response after form submittal.

onSubmit (event:React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) =>unknown

Callback when form is submitted.

Best practices

The form component should be used to:

  • Wrap around all form input elements
  • Emulate the native HTMLformelement behavior with a customonSubmitcallback


The form component wraps content in an HTML

element. This helps to support assistive technologies that use different interaction and browse modes.

Forms can have only one submit button and it must be at the end of the form. By default, buttons added to the form are given atypeattribute set tobuttonto avoid conflicts. To make a button the submit button instead (type="submit"), set thesubmitprop on the button.

Keyboard support

By default, theimplicitSubmitprop is set totrue. This allows merchants to submit the form with theenter/returnkey when focus is in any text field inside the form. This provides a shortcut for keyboard users. If this behavior doesn’t fit the form, then set the prop tofalse.

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