5 Ways To Drive Native Mobile Sales With Shop

Illustration of a mobile app featuring a sneaker with dollar signs surrounding it.

Mobile shopping has been on the rise over the past few years, with native installs growing12% year over year. Consumers are spending more time in fewer apps, meaning brands need to have a mobile shopping strategy in order to remain competitive and relevant.

Why is mobile shopping important?

Convenience:Mobile shopping apps allow users to shop anytime, anywhere. With the ability to browse products and make purchases from the comfort of their own mobile devices, consumers can easily shop on the go without having to go to a physical store.

Personalization:Mobile shopping apps can personalize the shopping experience for each user based on their preferences, browsing history, and purchase history. This can lead to a more enjoyable and efficient shopping experience.

Speed and efficiency:Mobile shopping apps are typically faster and more efficient than mobile websites or desktop websites. This is because the app is optimized for the mobile platform and can provide a more streamlined user experience.

Real-time communications:Mobile shopping apps can send a user push notifications to alert them about sales, new products, and other promotions. This is an effective way to engage customers and drive sales.

The issue for a lot of brands is that a native strategy is unattainable for a number of reasons:

  1. It’s costly—both in initial investment and long-term maintenance.
  2. It’s time-consuming—requiring a dedicated strategy and team.
  3. It’s hard to build an audience from the ground up—mobile acquisition and retention requires a comprehensive strategy and extensive investment.

How Shop can help

Shop是为了给商户渠道和工具吗s to build out a native mobile strategy and to help stores of all sizes reach and retain more shoppers across the entire journey—this extends from the online store through to a native mobile shopping app.

Two UI mock-ups of the Shop app featuring the home screen

Shop has over 100 million buyers, and, on average, 32% of a merchant’s customers are already using Shop. This means the audience is ready and available, and Shop has the tools to help merchants target and engage buyers on this growing mobile channel.

In 2022, the Shop app helped hundreds of thousands of buyers discover and purchase from merchants for the first time.


1. Enable Shop Pay for frictionless buying

To meet growing customer expectations for a frictionless experience, Shop Pay provides merchants with a number of tools that give buyers more reasons to convert, wherever they’re shopping.

To meet growing customer expectations for a frictionless experience, Shop Pay provides merchants with a number of tools that give buyers more reasons to convert, wherever they’re shopping.

Shop Pay leads to an 11% conversion uplift on mobile and a +4% conversion uplift on desktop, compared to other accelerated checkouts.

Learn more about Shop Pay.

One of the biggest benefits of Shop Pay is the accelerated checkout that enables shoppers to make a purchase as fast as possible. Shop Pay stores key shopping particulars like payment information and shipping addresses—meaning less time filling forms, more time for literally anything else.

In order to capture more Shop Pay–ready checkouts, merchants can power their lead capture forms with Shop. This allows first-time shoppers to sign in with Shop to receive a discount and then reach the checkout with all of their details pre-filled. This benefit extends to sign in on classic customer accounts too—helping merchants connect with more customers from Shop’s network of 100 million shoppers.

Lead capture with Shop has been shown to increase Shop buyer GMV by 4.7%.

Learn more about sign in and lead capture with Shop.

Two UI mock-ups of the Shop app featuring a product listing for a table and the checkout flow

The Shop Pay benefits don’t stop there. Shop Cash is a new initiative funded by Shopify that rewards buyers with “Shop Cash” each time they check out using Shop Pay. Buyers can then spend their Cash in the Shop app—giving shoppers more reasons to convert and more reasons to continue shopping. All Shop Pay–enabled merchants are automatically included in the Shop Pay program.

Learn more about Shop Cash.

2. Customize your Shop Store—your native mobile storefront

What’s a mobile strategy without a native mobile storefront? With Shop, merchants have their owned mobile storefront, which acts as an extension of the online store. Merchants can customize the branding, add their logo, and choose the background color.

UI mock-up of the Shop Store editor in the channel and a in-app version of the Shop Store

An optimized Shop Store is an important part of your Shop strategy, as it helps capture the attention of buyers browsing the app. This could be searching for specific products or exploring your brand via personalized recommendations. It helps buyers have an understanding of who your brand is and gives the tools to make more informed purchase decisions. In fact, optimized Shop Stores see up to a 15% increase in items added to cart.

Shop app has been a keystone in helping our brand, Curves at Home. It’s allowed us to keep our customers up to date with new releases, interact with customers, and support our brand recognition as we grow. Huge thank you to Shop for helping us succeed.

Zach Aburaneh - Curves at Home, Owner

铜stomize your Shop Store.

3. Curate your Shop Store with categories and collections

To help customers navigate your catalog, add category-type collections to the top of your Store. These should be evergreen collections (think “shirts” not “new arrivals”). These will appear at the top of your Shop Store, making it easy for customers to see what your brand has to offer.

For more seasonal or campaign-based products collections, you can create up to 10 different collections, like “Spring shirts” or “Summer essentials.”

UI mock-up of the Shop Store editor in the channel featuring custom collections

There are multiple benefits to curating the Shop Store in this way. First, it can lead to a 5% increase in items added to cart. Additionally, it helps customers discover new products and add them to their favorites. If a favorited product goes on sale or comes back in stock, Shop will send a personalized push notification on the merchant’s behalf to notify the user and to drive more shoppable moments for your brand.

Add categories and collections.

4. Create a post-purchase offer to reward loyal customers

With post-purchase offers, you can automate a push notification that sends a discount to your customers for their next purchase as soon as their current order ships.

UI mock-up of post-purchase orders in the admin with a phone UI showing the buyer push notification

This allows you to tap into that post-purchase delight moment so you can connect with your customers when they’re excited (because their order is on its way) and give them another reason to smile, while proving you value their ongoing business.

44% of orders on the Shop app are repeat purchases.

Set up a post-purchase offer.

5. Shopify Plus exclusive: Acquire new customer with a Shop Cash campaign

铜stomer acquisition costs continue to rise, and merchants need a sustainable way of acquiring high-value customers. This new program helps merchants find and convert high-value customers in a risk-free environment, and on their terms.

UI mock-up of Shop Cash campaigns set up flow and a in-app view of the offer

Shop Cash campaigns are a unique acquisition opportunity for merchants that enables them to target new customers in the Shop app with exclusive offers. Shop Cash campaigns are pay-per-sale, meaning merchants only pay when they convert new customers. This makes the program low risk and low investment, for easy experimentation with maximum reward.

Early access merchants have seen up to a 43% increase in new customer growth from Shop Cash campaigns.

Learn more here.


Shop is designed to help merchants establish and grow their native mobile strategy, and getting started is easy. Open the Shop channel in your admin to start customizing your Shop Store, replying to reviews, and setting up post-purchase offers. Drive long-term growth with zero cost.

Explore the Shop channel today.
