Shopify Checkout

The best-converting checkout on the planet

Power your business with the one-click checkout that's built to convert. With more than 5.5 billion orders processed, Shopify Checkout is reliable, scalable, and lightning fast.

A website shopping cart page with two bags of coffee beans next to a website checkout page showing email, ship to address, credit card, order summary, total, and pay now button.

Trusted by millions worldwide

Tap into a global network of customers who already know and trust Shopify.

A large black globe on top of a black and blue gradient background.
Automatic optimizations powered by
5.5B orders
Battle-hardened by over
$475B in sales
Shopify Checkout has been used by
644M customers

One-click checkout with Shop Pay

Unlock the power of Shop Pay and maximize conversion.

91% higher mobile conversions

Shop Pay converts 91% higher on mobile than regular checkouts and 11% better than any other accelerated checkout or wallet.

100M+ users

Broaden your customer base with Shop Pay's extensive network.

4x faster checkout

超过客户的需要,一种加速的需要一个click checkout experience.

Shop Pay

Seize every sale

From first sale to flash sale and everything in between, be ready with a fast, friction-free checkout.

Let shoppers pay their way

Shopify Checkout allows shoppers to buy their way with local payment methods, including digital wallets and multi currency.

Offer more purchase options

Subscriptionsandpre-ordersoffer new revenue streams and give customers the checkout experience they expect.

Increase average order value

Watch order values climb when you integrate cross- and up-sell apps into checkout.

Optimize for mobile

70% of shoppers buy on mobile*. Shopify Checkout won’t let them down.* Based on checkouts on Shopify stores

Own every insight

Checkout is just the beginning. Shopify turns your customer data into actionable insights that help you build an audience and lasting loyalty.

A vertical timeline starting with a customer behavior graph, sales by campaign metrics stacked vertically, a notification stat about abandoned recovery emails, a stat about discount codes being used, a list of three orders stacked vertically, and a returning customer rate graph.

From your first sale to your first million, make every one count.

Start your Shopify journey today

Try Shopify for free, and explore all the tools you need to start and scale your business.

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