.parts Domain Name Registration
Find your perfect domain
Why choose a .parts domain?
.parts overview
.parts is a generic top-level domain (TLD) popularized by auto parts stores, car service centers, dealerships, and more. No matter what components or accessories or you sell, a .parts domain name can help you connect with your target audience online.
.parts facts, stats & history
.parts was first introduced in 2014 and is managed by Donuts, a Denver CO-based registry service. Despite its relative newness, the extension has over 6,000 registrants—a number which is expected to grow as more businesses join the car parts industry.
Find a .parts domain alternative
Couldn't find your desired domain name? Try registering .golf domain for your brand.
How to register a domain with Shopify
Step 1
Check your domain availability.
Step 2
Add your shop and domain ownership details.
Step 3
Your domain name and online store are ready.

Is .parts right for you?
.parts benefits
What makes .parts such a beneficial domain extension is that it's specific and versatile at the same time. If you're selling parts online, whether it's car parts, computer parts, or something else entirely, you should consider registering a .parts domain name.
Ideas for your .parts domain
.parts is an ideal domain name option for auto part stores, car service centers, and any store that sells parts online, including computer parts, appliances, and more.
More Top Level Domains for you
Buying a domain with Shopify is simple and straightforward. No hidden fees, price hikes, or ads.
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FAQ - Learn more about .parts domains
.parts is a generic top-level domain (TLD) that's ideal for any business that sells parts—from computer parts, to auto parts, appliances, and more.
A .parts domain extension can help you build a branded website right from the get-go. It's unique, memorable, and versatile.
任何人都可以购买.parts域名long as it hasn't already been registered.
Yes, of course! You can buy your branded .parts domain names through Shopify.
If you register your .parts domain through Shopify, we'll include a free SSL certificate. SSL certification can cost you hundreds of dollars annually.