Why Marion Smith Turned Down a 6-Figure Salary to Become an Entrepreneur

marion smith

Risk is a necessary part ofentrepreneurship. And sometimes that means saying no to a sure-thing in the pursuit of something better.

That's the story of Marion Smith, a designer whoturned down a $150K salary in the paper crafts industry to create her own independent brand and earn 6-figures a month.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • How to plan out and manage a subscription box product.
  • Why you should get a large order of samples when working with manufacturers rather than just a few samples.
  • How she was able to build a 20,000+ loyal fan base using YouTube.

Listen to Shopify Masters below…

Show notes:

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About The Author

Felix西娅is the host of theShopify Masterspodcast, the ecommerce marketing podcast for ambitious entrepreneurs, and founder ofTrafficAndSales.comwhere you can get actionable tips to grow your store’s traffic and sales.
