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Introducing I Quit, a New Discovery Channel Series by Shopify Studios

Three mentors sit on sofas listening to a pitch by an off-camera entrepreneur in the series I Quit

Ever daydream about leaving the safety net of your day job to go all in on that “someday” idea? For many, the “I quit” moment remains forever a fantasy. But for six groups of entrepreneurs, that dream is about to become a reality.

Today, we are excited to announce the premiere of Shopify’s first production with a major cable network. Produced by Shopify Studios and airing on Discovery, reality seriesI Quitfollows business owners who give up their 9-to-5s to pursue entrepreneurial goals, turningpassion projects into profit.

Two people stand, out of focus, wearing aprons. The woman on the right holds out a dessert, in focus in the foreground
One of six groups vying for $100,000, Jen and Jesse quit their jobs to launch brigadeiro brand KLADO.DCL

Honest and unfiltered,I Quitreveals the highs and lows of starting a business from scratch. Meet a pair of dads doubling down on their outdoor cooler business, three best friends producing wine catered to Black women, and the daughter of a Brazilian immigrant who left her Wall Street job and is building a brigadeiro brand. Get an intimate look at how these and other new entrepreneurs manage the challenges—and celebrate the triumphs—throughout their journeys.

Guiding our six groups are the series’ three mentors: Shopify COO Harley Finkelstein; GoldieBlox CEO Debbie Sterling; and WP Narrative_ CEO Tricia Clarke-Stone. Our mentors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience across a variety of industries.

A couple stands together against a brick wall
Sibrena and Alex Geraldino, the founders of NJ Soccer, put off their retirement to go all in on their sports business.DCL

At Shopify, it’s our mission to inspireentrepreneurshipeverywhere. Frankly, we think the world is better with more entrepreneurs in it. During this challenging year, they stepped forward tosupport their communities, and it’s through their combined strength that we will rebuild the global economy in a post-pandemic world. Join us as we empower six more small businesses to join their ranks—and maybe even be inspired enough to take a leap of your own. Say it with us: “I quit.”

I Quitpremieres Tuesday, August 18th on Discovery Channel.

Feature image by DCL
