List of Ideas for your Online Shop Name in India

Having a strong brand name gives you an immediate advantage when you're firststarting your business. As Marty Neumeier writes inThe Brand Gap”,正确的名称可以是一个品牌最宝贵的一个sset, driving differentiation and speeding acceptance. The wrong name can cost millions... in workarounds and lost income over the lifetime of the brand.”

It's important to find the right name when setting up your online store to help it stand out from the crowd. In this blog, we have discussed the factors you must consider when deciding what to name your online store, and also shared a few brand examples that have fascinating online shop names.

Keep reading!

Free tool:Need help in coming up with good store names? Try our free business name generator tool.

Table of Contents

What should I name my online store?

If you’re wondering how to define your business with a unique name, we’ve got you. Check out these tips to create a standout name for your online shop.

  1. Keep it short and simple
  2. Be different
  3. Consider your online presence
  4. Get creative with your domain name
  5. Be original
  6. Find new inspiration

1. Keep it short and simple

Having a short, snappy name is great for several reasons: It's memorable, easy to pronounce, and effortlessly fits in the header of your online store's homepage.

Finding one can be challenging, though.Brands are launched every day, and names that are appealing to you will undoubtedly appeal to someone else, too. Fortunately, it’s a big world and there’s plenty of room for creative, compelling brand names.

Here are a few strategies you can try to get your gears turning:

  • Try different combinations of short words. Two short words that rhyme or that are alliterative (e.g. “Snack Shack”) can be more memorable.
  • Make up a word or tweak an existing one. Tech brands like Google, eBay and Skype have instantly recognisable names, even though they aren't real words.
  • Use a word with personal meaning. It might be a nickname you have for your significant other, your pet's name (a smart idea if your store relates to furry friends), or even your own name. Using a personal name makes your store easier to identify with on a personal level—though note that stores built on personal brands can be more difficult to sell.

2. Be different

进行市场研究发现ob欧宝娱乐app下载地址,基于“增大化现实”技术的名字e taken by your direct competitors and try to come up with something completely different.

The challenge here is to come up with an online shop name that reflects your niche and the type of products you're selling, without your business name mirroring your competitors. By definition, if you want to be different you have to ‘zig’ when others ‘zag’.

For instance, if you're selling electronics and technology products, you might have competitors who use words like "electronics," "technology" and "future" in their names. Avoid using similar words. Instead, think differently and stand out.

3. Consider your online presence

Once you have a list of options for your store name, find out if your chosen domain—preferably a .com—is available to be registered. This might be a bit difficult, given that .com is the most popular top-level domain (TLD) and has been for a long time.

Having acustom domain namefor your store is mission-critical, though you shouldn’t let your search for the mythical “perfect” domain name cause you to procrastinate—everything is open to change, including your domain name. However, there is value in picking a solid domain name that properly represents your brand from the start, so it’s a decision that warrants some thought.

You might also consider selling on eBay, Etsy or another third-party marketplace in addition to your own online store. Even if that’s not in the plan, it’s a good idea to check your business name idea on popular ecommerce sites to make sure the names are available to you, and so that customers don’t confuse you with another existing business.

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4. Get creative with your domain name

If the .com for your chosen nameisn'tavailable, don’t fret: You still have the option of using a different TLD.

The reason .com is the gold standard is that everyone recognises it, but that doesn’t rule out other TLDs, which are becoming more commonplace as great .com options continue to dwindle. And you can always grab the .com after your business has generated some traction.

When they first launched, Shopify storeTattlydecided to go with a .ly domain making it Since then, they’ve been able to purchase, which is where their site currently lives.


While some search engine experts believe Google isn't as friendly to lesser-known domains, you should still be able to rank just as high as a .com if you have a high-quality site with a good user experience. Plus, going with a snazzy domain is far more unique.

Modifiers to consider:

  • [YourBrand][Main Product] (e.g.
  • 商店[YourBrand] . com(如沙子
  • Get[YourProduct].com (e.g.
  • [YourBrand] (e.g.
  • [YourBrand][industry].com (e.g.
  • [Verb][YourBrand].com (e.g.
  • [My/Your][YourBrand].com (e.g.

TLDs to consider:

  • .store
  • .shop
  • Based on the product you sell (.shoes, .art)
  • Continuation of your brand name (e.g. for “Muvo Health Supplements”, or for “Fuego Clothing Co.”)

Learn More:Ready to register your online store’s domain? Try our automated setup.

5. Be original

Make sure you're legally allowed to use the business name you've come up with. For store owners in the U.S., start by checkingThe United States Patent and Trademark Office. They have a free database that's a pain in the butt to search, but it's well worth the effort.

Also note, the U.S. doesn't have a centralised national register, so trademarks can be made in another country, or even another state. In Canada, you can search through theCanadian Intellectual Property Office website, which is also pretty confusing. The only safe way to be 100% sure is by consulting a lawyer.

Once you’ve determined that your brand name is available, go to Google or Bing and see if the names on your list show up. Could you potentially make it to the top of the first page? If you choose a generic name, you’ll have a tough time ranking very well.

It’s also important to check Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites you'll want to use for availability.

6. Find new inspiration

如果你缺乏在线商店名字的想法,你米格ht want to give yourself themes to think about and create an online shop name list to begin with. Maybe you look for a business name that has nostalgia or speaks to a trend. Other languages can provide plenty of ideas, too.

Inspiration can strike anywhere. Listen to conversations around you, survey your surroundings, and even consider your usual expressions and mannerisms.

What are some examples of great names for online stores?

Here’s a list of some unique online shop names to inspire you to make the best online shop name for your brand:

  1. Death Wish Coffee
  2. Super Ink Clothing
  3. The Sock Market
  4. Cotopaxi
  5. Coffee Joulies
  6. Fuego Box
  7. Conquest Maps
  8. Star Cadet
  9. Storq
  10. United By Blue

1.Death Wish Coffee

A name like Death Wish Coffee can only mean one thing: This is some of the strongest coffee you can buy. The name sets the tone for the brand experience, as does the copy on their website and other marketing channels.

It positions the product as some of the strongest stuff on the market, and customers will have to try it to find out if it lives up to its promise.

Death Wish Coffee's online store

2.Super Ink Clothing

Super Ink Clothing sells printed clothing and accessories to a very specific demographic. “Our paradise lifestyle was made for creative individuals who constantly live in a state of wanderlust!”their About pagestates.

To create their compound name, the brand combined the word “super,” which is associated with positivity and quality, and “ink,” which brings in the idea of the ink printed on the clothing.

If you’re stuck between two ideas or words for your online shop name, you might not have to choose one over the other.

3.The Sock Market

The Sock Market has taken a more literal approach to its brand name. The online store sells socks for people of all ages, from babies to adults. Built on the philosophy of bringing high fashion to the sock industry, the online shop name clearly indicates that it is “the” place to go to for all your sock needs.


There are two meanings for the word “Cotopaxi.” One is a sacred and active volcano in the Andes Mountains in Ecuador. The other is an online store that sells outdoor gear.

Rather than inventing a word or coming up with a name from scratch, Cotopaxi borrowed its online shop name from a famous landmark that’s relevant and interesting to their customer base. They even share the story behind the name on their site.

Cotopaxi store name

5.Coffee Joulies

Coffee Joulies are fake coffee beans that are thermodynamic, so when you place them into your cup of coffee, they’ll help get it to the perfect temperature.

So where did the word “joulies” come from? “Joule is the SI unit of energy; Joule… Joulie… Joulies!” the founders explainedin a 2011 article. They found a word that embodied the science they put into the product, and tweaked it to make it their own and more memorable for customers.

6.Fuego Box

Fuegois the Spanish word for “fire,” which is quite fitting for an online store that sells hot sauce subscription boxes. The subscription box industry has grown exponentially. Worldwide subscription ecommerce sales have seen a41.0% growth(approximately $27.67 billion) in 2021.

Many of the most popular brands in this category have ‘box’ in their name:BarkBox,BirchboxandNatureBox, to name a few. Fuego Box plays on the familiarity of the word box, and a foreign language to hit on the product.

7.Conquest Maps

Conquest Maps sells beautiful and unique maps, their core product being the pin board map which is popular among people who love to travel.

Keeping the name of the product, maps, in the store name, they added a descriptor in front to convey thebrand identityand the journey that the products represent. A ‘conquest’ is a trip, and customers are reliving their trips through Conquest Maps products.

8.Star Cadet

Star Cadet is the result of a series of media, retail and ecommerce business ventures, dating back to 2010. Star Cadet’s brand story is quite long and eventful, with several failed and successful businesses along the way.

Formerly called Olan Rogers Supply, a name derived from the founder's name, the online brand changed its name to Star Cadet, which also works for the business’s production aspirations for the future. Here’s what founder Olaf Rogers has to say about it:

Star Cadet brand name


Storq sells products for pregnant women and new moms. Pronounced like “stork,” it’s a unique take on spelling the word. Storks are associated with childbirth, which makes for a fitting and memorable brand name. Plus, the letter Q lends itself to fun branding and design treatments.

10.United By Blue

United By Blue is more than just a brand; they’ve created a movement around sustainability and protecting the earth’s oceans and waterways. They sell products designed for enjoying the outdoors.

Their customers are quite literally united together and with the brand by their passion for the ocean, rivers, lakes and streams. The unique online shop name establishes a sense of community and reiterates the brand’s philosophies.

United By Blue brand name

What’s in a name?

Finding a unique name for online shops can feel like a daunting task. But it’s absolutely crucial to put time and thought into naming your online store.

Your brand name depicts your story and helps your audience connect with you. That’s how customers will come to know, recognise and talk about you — and if the name’s too difficult to remember, you’re missing out on loads of word-of-mouth marketing that doesn’t cost you a single penny.

And it’s not just your customers, your investors care about brand names too! Reports suggest that82% of investorsmake investment decisions after considering brand name recognition.

OB欧宝娱乐APP首先头脑风暴和名单几名s through your online shop name list. Check their availability online and get some feedback by checking if the chosen name elicits the desired response. Are people able to comprehend the product through the name? What emotions do they associate with your brand name?

Take your time to thoughtfully craft the perfect name for your business. After all, this is the name your brand would be associated with forever.

Question: Which businesses out there have you seen with awesome names? What business names have you been toying with?

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Online shop names FAQ

What should I name my online store?

Choosing a brand name is crucial as it not only reflects what your brand stands for but also helps your audience separate you from your competitors. A creative and catchy online shop name has to be original, audience-friendly and most importantly, available.

Try any of these strategies to create a stellar brand name:

  • Make it rhyme (e.g., Reese's Pieces)
  • Use your name or family name to stand out (e.g., Tata)
  • Make it specific by addressing the product or industry (e.g., Pizza Hut)
  • Make your brand name easy-to-spell and searchable by using acronyms (e.g., LEGO)

How can I come up with catchy business name ideas?

What makes a brand name catchy is it being memorable (even synonymous to your product category). Think ‘Bisleri’, for example. Catchy business names are often a result of an emotional connection established between the brand and its audience.

Given the number of new businesses emerging every day, brands have started using made-up or fictional words to stand out. For instance, ‘Nivea’ is derived from the Latin term ‘Niveus’ which means resembling snow.

What are some fashion online shop name ideas?

Customise your brand name based on the type of apparel or accessories you sell or target a specific audience through your online shop name. Here are a few buzzworthy fashion online shop name ideas for you:

  • The Bohemian Boutique
  • Hype Streetwear
  • LaRosa Studio
  • Lil Miss Sassy
  • Ella’s Closet

Where can I find a list of online shopping sites in India with the most fun and catchy names?

You will not be able to get your hands on an online shop name list in India, because there is no professional compilation of brand names. However, here are some quirky names of online shopping websites:

  1. BookMyShow, the infamous ticket booking app that clearly reflects what the company offers to its customers
  2. Quirksmith, an Indian silver jewellery brand that handcrafts quirky and chic jewellery designs
  3. The Wishing Chair, a home decor brand that is named after Enid Blyton’s popular novel.

Where can I find an online shop name generator?

You can find free online shop name generators to help you come up with unique business names. Try Shopify’sBusiness name generatorand get auto-generated idea name for online shops within a few seconds. You can also check for domain availability for free!

Other brand name generators you can try are Oberlo’sBusiness name generator,Brand RootandNamelix.

What are the top 10 online shopping sites in India with unique names?

Here’s a list of online shopping companies in India with catchy names:

  1. Femella
  2. Cubelelo
  3. mCaffeine
  4. Chumbak
  5. No Nasties
  6. PosterGully
  7. myBageecha
  8. Sacred Weaves
  9. Blue Tokai Coffee
  10. Heads Up For Tails

Do online shopping companies in India require any extra registrations or licenses?

Online companies are generally not required to avail of any extra licenses from regulatory authorities, as compared to their offline counterparts, except if they want to sell highly-regulated products, such as medicines. However, it is best that you speak to your legal advisor or get in touch with the government authorities to know the exact requirements for selling online in your industry.

How can I protect my business name?

If you've come up with a unique name for your business, get it trademarked. Depending on where you’re based, there could be different trademark laws and processes.

In India, you’re supposed to submit a trademark application through Intellectual Property in India (IPIndia) to protect your online shop name identity. You can enlist the help of a legal advisor to execute the process smoothly.


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