Improved Retail Analytics Help You Dive Deeper Into Physical Retail Data

Retail Analytics, Shopify POS | Shopify Retail blog

Whether you want to sell products from your phone, a market, or in-store, Shopify wants to help you make the best decisions for your business.

We’re excited to announce new, easy-to-access metrics for all physical retailers: Our improved Retail Analytics puts the data that matters most at your fingertips. You can now track and act on key metrics right from Shopify, like staff performance, location performance, and more.

Now, your Shopify Analytics will feature new reports from Shopify POS, including:

  • Sales by retail location
  • Sales by staff

    You can also quickly access crucial insights on your improved dashboard, including:

    • Total sales
    • Average order value
    • Total orders
    • Top products by units sold

      If you use bothShopify POSand Shopify’s Online Store, you’ll now see all of these reports alongside your important online store reports.

      Explore Retail Analytics

      Get Actionable Data About Staff, Store Locations, and More

      The improved Retail Analytics helps you make the most out of every transaction, employee, and location. With the new reports, you can easily:

      • Identify top performing staff to reward them, encourage new sales goals, learn from their successes, and identify other staff who can benefit from added support.
      • 视图畅销产品在每个零售location, so you can feature them at other locations or introduce similar products and categories.
      • Compare sales by location then use other metrics like staff performance and unit sales to fill in the picture.
      • Benchmark total sales day over day, week over week, month over month, and even year over year, to assess seasonal dips and opportunities, identify periods that can be boosted with promotions, and much more.
      • Determine the average value of all your orders so that you can plan promotions, sales, and other tactics to grow that metric across all your locations.

      Retail Analytics, Shopify POS

      Try Out the Improved Retail Analytics

      At Shopify, we’re excited by the untapped potential of physical retail and marrying the power of people and technology. The new Retail Analytics is just one of many new features we’re working on to help retailers that don’t want to be limited by the places and ways they can sell.

      Explore Retail Analytics

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