Global Ecommerce Sales Growth Report for 2021-2026

Chart of Global Ecommerce Sales from 2021 to 2026

Global ecommerce growth

Global ecommerce sales are expected to total$5.9 trillionworldwide in 2023. This number is expected to continue growing over the next few years, proving that ecommerce is becoming an increasingly lucrative option for businesses.

It also marks an 8.9% annual increase—the third-fastestglobal ecommerce sales growth ratein the forecast period between 2021 and 2026.

Plus, of the total global retail sales in 2023, 20.2% is expected to come fromonline purchases. That is, over $0.20 of every $1 spent on retail goods this year will be done over the internet.

Online sales are expected to continue rising and take a larger piece of the retail pie. By 2026, it’s estimated that world retail ecommerce sales will exceed $7.5 trillion and the overallecommerce share of retail saleswill hit 23.3%.

Just who are the biggest players driving the world of online shopping and where is the biggest market located?

Global ecommerce sales: largest contributors

As the world’s top exporter, China is also the world’s top ecommerce market, with total online sales set to exceed the $3 trillion mark in 2023. Together with the United States,ecommerce sales from these two countriesare set to total more than $4.1 trillion.

It should come as no surprise then, that some of the world’stop ecommerce companiescome from these two powerhouses. In fact, more than half of the top ten hail from either China or the US.

COVID-19 and mobile accessibility driving ecommerce sales worldwide

This divide between online and in-store widened significantly in 2020 in 2021 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. With brick-and-mortar stores shut to curb the spread of the virus, consumers flocked online to carry out their purchases. In fact, experts say the pandemic has accelerated the shift to online shopping by as many asfive years.

But that’s not the only reasonecommerceis on the rise.

The infiltration of technology into consumers’ lives has more than helped to move things along. Figures fromDataReportal’s latest Global Overview Reportshow nearly the number of people shopping online worldwide grew by 8.3% in 2022 to hit 4.11 billion, and nearly 60% spent on these online purchases was attributed to mobile devices.

That said, it’s no surprise that online sales are expected to continue growing as consumers feel increasingly comfortable with the ease of shopping on mobile devices.

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Global Ecommerce Growth FAQ

What is the growth rate of ecommerce?

The growth rate of ecommerce varies greatly from year to year, but overall it has been growing at a very rapid pace. In 2023, the global ecommerce market is estimated to be worth $5.9 trillion, a 9.3% increase over the previous year. Ecommerce growth is expected to continue in the coming years.

How much did ecommerce grow in 2022?

据专家估计,电子商务销售增长了7.1% in 2022. It is difficult to predict the exact growth of ecommerce as there are many factors that can influence the growth of ecommerce, such as the global economy, technological advancements, and consumer trends.

Is ecommerce growing in 2023?

Yes, it is expected that ecommerce will continue to grow in 2023. In fact, many experts predict that ecommerce sales will grow by 8.9% due to the increasing digitalization of the world. This growth is expected to be driven by the growing number of shoppers and businesses using digital channels to purchase goods and services.

How big is the global ecommerce market?

The global ecommerce market is estimated to be worth around $5.9 trillion in 2023.