How to Use the Latest Shopify POS Features to Deliver Standout Customer Experiences

Returns & Exchanges for Shopify POS | Shopify Retail blog

Selling in-person is an opportunity for you to connect with customers and grow your business — and more merchants are realizing the potential of retail.

But managing a physical store comes with its own unique challenges. From navigating product returns to training staff to providing a seamless selling experience, selling in-person requires you to juggle a number of tasks at once.

But there are tools and tactics out there to help retailers manage these many demands; and here are two new tools for Shopify POS and how you can leverage them to make running your retail business a little easier.

Returns & Exchanges: How to Leverage This Feature to Better Run Your Business

Product returns make up8% of all retail sales(that’s $260 billion every year) and can even hit 10% during the busy holiday shopping season.

Customers return items for a myriad of reasons — plenty of which have nothing to do with product quality. And while you can employ strategies to ensure returns and exchanges are kept to a minimum, both are an inevitable part of running a retail business.

That’s why it’s crucial to create policies and processes that help you manage these interactions. AndReturns & Exchanges for Shopify POScan help.

Simplifying the Back-End Process

Returns & Exchanges makes it easier for you and your team to refund and exchange purchases in person with thebest POS for small business.

The feature simplifies these common transactions. Your staff can accept and process refunds and exchanges without hassle, keeping your staff focused on delivering a great customer experience.

Because sales data is crucial to running your store, this new feature also helps you monitor returns and exchanges alongside the rest of your revenues and fulfillment. That way, you can make more informed decisions about your business.

Providing a Better Customer Experience

When customers have peace of mind with aclear returns and exchanges policy, they’re often more likely to make a purchase. According to a recentUPS Pulsestudy, 88% of online shoppers reviewed a retailer’s return policy and 67% of those checked the policy details before ever making a purchase. So, whether a product is the wrong size, color, or didn’t arrive on time, a streamlined returns and exchanges process is key to creating a good customer experience.

That means making sure that shoppers can easily exchange products when they aren’t satisfied. And the new Returns & Exchanges feature for Shopify POS helps store owners and their staff seamlessly process these transactions — which means quick and easy returns or exchanges for customers.

In addition to keeping these transactions hassle-free, the new feature gives store owners the ability to accept online returns in-person. In-store returns and exchanges for online orders provide an added level of convenience and a great opportunity to connect with your customers.

Customers don’t need to worry about return labels or pay expensive shipping fees to return an item they purchased online. This means you can provide customers with a better return experience than many major national retailers.

Learn more about Returns & Exchanges

Customer View: Enhance the Customer Experience With Transparent Transactions

Creating a better customer experience also means earning your customers’ trust. And one way brands are gaining their customers’ trust is through transparency. Recent research showed that56% of shoppers would be loyal to a company for lifeif it provided complete transparency.

This kind of transparency often translates to disclosing product details, manufacturing locations, and business practices. But you can also create transparency with day-to-day transactions.

The new客户视图应用程序lets Shopify merchants use an Android device as acustomer facing displayShopify POS。除了帮助满足勒gal requirements for selling in person in some markets, this feature helps merchants upgrade their retail experience by providing a fully transparent checkout to inform and delight customers.

Provide More Transparency

With the app, retailers can set up a secondary mobile or tablet device that faces customers during checkout and provides them with a clear view of their products, prices, tipping options, and receipt options.

During checkout, Customer View displays the following details:

  • Name, quantity, and price of line items
  • Customer name and email (optional)
  • Discounts
  • Taxes
  • Order total and subtotal
  • Order receipt

Working with Shopify POS, Customer View provides more transparency for your customers during their checkout process. Plus, it ensures customers feel more in control of their own shopping experiences.

Reduce Errors

Retail shoppers want to clearly see what they’re paying for and how much it will cost. Customer View provides that visibility, via a pleasant, easy-to-read interface.

Providing customers with these details also makes it easier to spot any errors during the transaction. That could take the form of an inaccurate discount or a simple human error like scanning a product twice.

But the Customer View app helps eliminate these kinds of mistakes, which could shake your customers’ confidence in your brand.

Download Customer View