7 Effective Ecommerce Product Pages: How to Turn Visitors into Customers


First impressions are everything. Many store owners spend time tweaking their homepage, but often forget about the importance of awell designed product page.

Choosing an appropriate way to showcase your products is essential, as it can either drive users to continue to checkout, or click away from your store.

In this post, we’ll look at some excellent examples of product pages, why they’re effective, and how you can replicate them for your store.

Let’s get started.

Best Made Company

Best Madewas founded in 2009 by Peter Buchanan-Smith who saw a need for a better axe. They are known for building a catalog of of precisely designed, sustainable tools. Best Made has beautiful product page features that are consistent across their entire catalog.

Best Made Company

1. Powerful product description:
Best Made hasexcellent product descriptionsfor every product. They’re carefully written, and are extremely descriptive.

They include enticing buzzwords and phrases like “built to last”, and“nothing makes for a more perfect gift, than this box of possibilities”that gets the reader excited about the product.

The descriptions are written with their target market in mind, but are also simple enough for anyone to understand.

2. Well placed call-to-action:
A clear call-to-action serves one purpose: getting your potential customers to the checkout more quickly. It should be instantly visible on the product page.

On Best Made, the “Add to cart” button appears just under the product’s price, and is acolored to grab our attention.

3. Thorough product shots:
It’s clear that Best Made has invested a lot of time and effort intocapturing their products in a specific aesthetic- and it really pays off. Their product shots are nothing short of amazing, and as a visitor, you're drawn into the page because of it.

Because the images are such high resolution, as a potential customer, we’re able to really see the amount of detail that goes into each product.

They also utilize thevariant images featureto showcase higher detail shots of the tools that come in the total package.

Johnny Cupcakes

Started in 2001 from the trunk of founder Johnny “Cupcakes” Earle’s ‘89 Toyota Camry,Johnny Cupcakeshas turned into a massive clothing brand. The business has grown exponentially beyond just online sales - they have retail storesacross the world.

Johnny Cupcakes

1. Live stock levels and information:
Johnny Cupcakes does a fantastic job at incorporating product stock information into their product pages. To reflect stock levels, they’ve used a measuring cup - which is completely in line with their brand.

One of the best things about adding stock information to your product page, is that once your stock drops below a certain level you may actually see sales pick up, as it adds asense of urgencytoimprove conversions up to 332%.

通过这样做,它被游客immediate purchase decision knowing that the product might sell out soon.

2. Social sharing:
Something that Johnny Cupcakes does that I haven’t seen anywhere else, is beyond just including the standard social share buttons, they’ve also attached a hashtag unique to the product.

This is extremely clever as it can help promote your product across different platforms that support hashtags such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It allows Johnny Cupcakes to find user generated product images which can be used to reward customers, or showcase them on their own social media pages.

3. Size chart:
服装和最重要的事情之一accessory stores is to include a size chart. We all know how frustrating it can be to buy a medium shirt from one store that fits perfectly, and to order from another brand just to find it fits incorrectly.


Harry’ssells razors and other grooming products for men. They’ve established a cult following by selling high quality products at an extremely reasonable price. Their entire online store is absolutely stunning.


1. Removing the background:
Notice something particular about the product page, but can’t figure out what it might be? Harry’s uses photography techniques to remove the background on their product shots.

This looks absolutely beautiful when displaying products in a set - like in the Winston Set. It makes the product page completely seamless and clean for a potential customer to navigate.

2. Informative shipping details:
运费的事情之一可以或的信徒ak a sale.Studies have shownthat shipping and handling fees are the number one factor in cart abandonment.

Having shipping information listed directly within your product description can be particularly beneficial, and Harry’s does this perfectly.

It’s straight and to the point by saying their rates, as well as where they ship to.

3. Holiday themed:
Tiny tweaks and adjustments to your page like modifying your cart to a sleigh for the holiday season is something that can add a bit of fun to your products. Although it doesn’t add any additional functionality perse, it's a fun tweak any storeowner can make.

Vintage Teaworks

For tea enthusiasts and casual tea drinkers,Vintage Teaworkssells handcrafted tea blends that are inspired by flavors and senses that come from things like wines, and seasons. Their team explores the infinite flavor possibilities that sparks when hot water hits natural tea ingredients.

Vintage Teaworks

1. Specific product instructions:
Steeping tea is an art. Oversteeping or under steeping your tea might not get the desired flavor.

Vintage Teaworks addresses this issue by including all the information you need to brew the perfect cup right on their product page.

Best of all, it’s located between the “Add to cart” button, and the social share buttons - exactly where you want visitors to be looking.

2. Customer generated reviews:
Vintage Teaworks includes a floating product reviews button across their entire store. This improvessocial proof, as well as decreases customer risk.

Customer generated reviews increase conversion rates, as visitors are63% more likelyto purchase from a store that has reviews.

3. Option to subscribe:
One extremelytrendy and successfulsales model right now is selling subscription based products. Any product that is consumable in one way or another can be classified as a product that can take advantage of a subscription based model.

By offering the option to subscribe to your product, you're creating guaranteed month over month revenue.

Zoku Home

Zokuis known for creating beautiful housewares. Their office is where creativity runs wild - and their first product ever made proves that - the Quick Pop Maker. They were able to develop a product that helps make popsicles freeze faster.

Zoku Home

1. Tab functionality:
By using dropdown tabs, Zoku is able to add additional product information into their page without it being too crowded, and without sending a visitor to another page.

They’ve included the most appropriate information in the main product description, and any additional information has been included in a drop-down menu.

2. Informative variant images:
As we saw in the Best Made example, using variant images can be extremely beneficial for your product. Not only does it let you show other angles of the product, but you can include functioning product shots to give your potential customers an idea of how it works.

3. Simplicity in a cluttered space:
One of the most important aspects of any product page is having a simple design. It can be tough to find a balance between too much information and lack of information, and Zoku has done a fantastic job at finding this balance. By taking advantage of white space, Zoku has been able to create an extremely simple, but effective product page.

Resources to replicate:
Product Tabs App


Holsteecreates products and events to help us remember what’s important. Their products are designed to inspire.


1. Product breadcrumb trail:

Breadcrumb trails are used quite frequently now, and Holstee does a great job of incorporating it into their product page. It's used as a way for their visitors to navigate back through their product catalogue, and wouldhelp with their bounce rates.

2. Variant menu and other product options:

Because of the type of product Holstee sells, they are able to take advantage of the variant options feature within Shopify. Sometimes, you may want to sell products that are very similar (e.g. A desk in two different colors, or a T-shirt in different sizes). Shopify refers to these similar products asProduct variants.

Holstee uses this to sell their products in different sizes, and with other upselling positions like adding a frame to the print.

3. Cross selling within product page:

One way to get more dollar value from a potential customer, is to upsell or crossell within the product page itself. There's a few ways to do this, and Holstee has done a fantastic job by upselling in a non-intrusive way by showing other product options in their product description.


FiftyThree builds beautiful, practical, and meaningful stuff. To date, they've built up an amazing catalog of products for the creative space. Tools as simple as a pen and paper.


1. What's in the box?

Thanks to Apple, beautiful package design is expected nowadays - and FiftyThree has nailed this out of the park.

Presentation during the unboxing experience is something everyone looks forward to. In fact, unboxing videos have become so popular that there's even one forthe Pencil.

2. How does it work?

One of my favourite things about any web design or product page, is being able to convey sufficient information without having to write out a long list of features and how-tos.

FiftyThree does this effectively by simply listing what iPads the Pencil works on, and then also links to a page that helps potential customers find out which iPad they have.

3. What is it?

To a visitor who's unfamiliar with the design world, the Pencil might look like a big marker at first. However, because FiftyThree has such a strong sense of design for their product page, they make it extremely clear that the Pencil is actually a stylus for iPad.

Have you seen any other spectacular examples of product pages? Link them in the comments below!


About The Author

Tucker Schreiber is an ecommerce entrepreneur and Content Marketer at Shopify. Get more from Tucker onTwitter.