Now’s the time to sell online
Get all the strategies and insights you need to take your brand direct to consumer in this practical guide.

Own your brand and customer experience.End to end.
Defining your DTC goals
Selling direct isn’t just about driving extra sales. It’s about owning the experience at every touchpoint. Find out how to use customer data to fine-tune your products, user experience, and omnichannel strategy to create unique shopping moments.
Maintaining retail relationships
You can launch out in DTC territory and still keep your products on the shelf of big-box competitors. Learn how to set your brand apart by offering private-label or premium brands, all without losing your retail partners.
Making new customers for life
The most successful direct-to-consumer brands know how to grow their presence through a devoted fan base of influencers. Find out how to turn your best customers into brand evangelists through loyalty programs, user-generated content, and tiered incentives.
Shopping online is the new normal.The future of commerce is now.
Ecommerce sales growth for CPG brands by 2021
This channel will be incredibly powerful to get closer to our consumers, get insight, and take learnings to the rest of our business.