Social Selling: Tips and Strategies for Success

Socialsellingusestrustbuilt through personal connections to sell products or services. The industry has pivoted to the digital realm, and most social selling now relies on social media platforms to create thattrusting, organic connectionwith potential customers.

Effective social sales means engaging in actual conversations with potential customers and business partners, either in person or via the web. As youbuild trust and establish relationships, you can eventually move the customer through the sales funnel toward lead generation and a successful deal.

What is social selling?

Social selling is a sales process that usessocial media platformsto build relationships with potential customers, with the eventual goal of selling products or services to them. It relies on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to engage with prospects, provide them with valuable content, and establish trust and credibility. This is different compared to traditionaladvertisingthat focuses on pushing products to customers by highlighting their benefits or how they solve a problem.

Social selling builds relationships and provides value to potential customers before asking them to buy. Social sellers who invest in this relationship-building process increase their chances of converting prospects into customers and ultimately driving more sales.

Benefits of social selling

Social selling offers key benefits to sellers promoting a professional brand or their ownpersonal brand.

It builds trust

Trust forms the basis of dealmaking and the sales process—people want to do deals with someone they trust. Communicating with your customers and building a personal relationship with them establishes a baseline of trust so they feel comfortable with you and, by extension, with buying your product or service.

For example, when selling with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you can build a community around you and your company that gives people a sense of belonging (however big or small).

It yields long-term rewards

Social selling doesn’t aim for impulse purchases. It steadily and progressively builds relationships with potential clients, and it maintains those relationships after they become paying customers.

For instance, the online audio retailer Sweetwater assigns each customer to a “sales engineer” who periodically sends emails to check in, and who always follows up a purchase with a direct note of thanks. This has led tosubstantial repeat business for the company.

It gives you insights into your customer base

When a company commits tosocial listeningand robust dialogue with customers, it learns a lot about what motivates those customers. In this regard, social selling is not only a sales technique but also a market research technique. Even if a social interaction does not yield a sale, it can still provide the company with valuable information about customer wishes and interests. Companies can use this information to shape future marketing campaigns, develop new product designs, and refine product descriptions.

How to choose the right social selling platform for your brand

Social selling largely takes place via online social network platforms. And choosing thesocial media selling platformsfor you comes down to an honest self-assessment of your brand.

Facebook and Twitter are big for salespeople, given their emphasis on discussion. Instagram and TikTok reach younger audiences, while LinkedIn is great for networking in the professional world. Reddit and YouTube comment threads often draw enthusiasts with deep knowledge of a topic, or those looking to learn.

Some of the main social selling platforms to consider include:

LinkedIn for business-to-business (B2B) interactions

LinkedIn is aB2Bplatform, where people refine their personal brands to pitch themselves as employees or business partners. It features a proprietary tool called theLinkedIn Sales Navigatorthat helps you target business customers. It also gives you aSocial Selling Index, LinkedIn’s proprietary profiling tool. It’s a great platform for social selling to a business audience, ideal for promoting your business services, digital products for professionals, and other relevant offerings.

Instagram and its dedicated user base

There are many ways tosell on Instagram, as well as use the channel to connect with customers and build relationships. It’s visually driven, so you’ll need to be prepared to post photo and video content to your feed and Stories. Overall, it’s an excellent platform for social selling because it has a massive base of engaged users. In fact, more than500 million Instagram usersbrowse the app on a daily basis, making it home to one of the most engaged audiences around. Plus, you can open an Instagram Shop to make sales directly within the app.


TikTok to reach a younger audience

TikTok’s unique algorithm offers social sellers the opportunity to go viral, quickly. It’s not just videos and memes that go viral on TikTok—products go viral too, and often sell out in a matter of days. While TikTok’s ownecommerce strategyisn’t as advanced as other social media platforms, like Instagram, it’s quickly becoming more refined, including througha prominent partnership with Shopify. Companies can tap into a younger market byusing TikTokto track and engage with viral trends, and leverage that to make viral content of their own.

Facebook to promote both discussion and sales

Facebook is a great channel for selling products on social media.Nearly three-quarters of Facebook usersbrowse the social media site to discover new brands and products. The company has tapped into this trend withFacebook Shops, its own nativeecommerce platform,使Facebooka one-stop shop for learning about and acquiring a product.

Facebook is also known for lengthy discussions in its comment threads, including those by product enthusiasts sharing their experiences on a brand’s official Facebook page. Lengthy, substantive discussions naturally foster social engagement and are a key facet of social selling.

Twitter and customer service

Twitter is an influential discussion forum, especially forcustomer service. Many social sellers useTwitter marketingto monitor mentions, respond to customer service queries, and take extra care to take action onnegative feedback.

Twitter hasn’t invested in ecommerce to the same degree as Meta (owner of Facebook and Instagram), so brands use it more for product discussions and fielding feedback. Plus, its future is uncertain after Elon Musk acquired the platform.

YouTube to inform and connect through video

YouTube offers many options to make money, social selling being one of them. While you can’tsell on YouTubedirectly, it’s an important promotional channel and outlet to connect with shoppers. Many major brandscreate a YouTube channelwhere they showcase products and provide useful content to interest their customer base. Successfullymarketing on YouTuberequires effective videos, authentic engagement with your audience, and general-purpose information. Over time, the sales will come organically.


    8 tips for social selling success

    As you embark upon your own social selling campaign, remember what distinguishes social selling from traditional advertising—it’s that trusting connection. Here are some social selling best practices and tips to keep in mind:

    1. Create a professional brand

    If you want potential shoppers to not only trust but also respect your business, it’s time to get professional. This includes making your venture “official”—by way ofbusiness registration,incorporation, and even building out a digital presence. Research any requiredbusiness licensesor relevant industry certifications.


    Once you’ve got the paperwork filed,build and maintain a websitethat’s cohesive with the rest of your online presence andbrand. And always remember toprovide prompt, respectful communicationto your customers.

    2. Check your social selling index

    LinkedIn pioneered a tool called theSocial Selling Index, or SSI, which measures social selling success and relationship building based on four broad criteria. Using that tool and thisguideyou cancheck your social selling indexscore. Whether you use its tool or not, these guidelines can help you create a unique and successful social selling campaign.

    3. Focus on the right prospects

    A key advantage of social selling is that you connect with customers who genuinely care about your product (if you’re promoting a professional brand) or your core competencies (if you’re promoting a personal brand). The most self-aware and efficient social sellers hone in on the people who seem truly engaged, and they don’t bother with uninterested people who are unlikely to turn into paying customers.

    With a tool likeShopify Audiences, you can ensure you’re putting your ads in front of the right buyers. Shopify’s unique insights from commerce data help you create custom audience lists to make better targeting decisions.

    4. Build trusting relationships

    如果你没有拿起这里的主题,trust is the cornerstone to successful social selling. It’s important to engage in genuine conversations and listen to potential customers about their needs and current pain points, using those interactions to foster authentic relationships.

    Aside from showing up authentically in all your interactions, you can try the following to help build and strengthen your customer relationships:

    5. Use built-in tools to target potential buyers

    Many online platforms offer social selling tools that steer companies toward their presumed customer base. These tools involve lead generation and a statistical breakdown of who is visiting your pages. LinkedIn reports that social selling tools can make a big impact on company-customer connections—62% of B2B buyersresponded favorably to salespeople who knew something about them, includingbusiness model, objectives, and pain points.

    6. Leverage third-party tools to expand your online presence

    Social selling tools are not limited to the native functions of a platform. Other companies, includingSalesforce,Hootsuite, andAmplify有工具,让企业轻松地注意e with customers on a variety of platforms. These tools are particularly useful for communicating with a unified message so a recipient gets the same experience whether via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or email.

    7. Listen first, sell later

    Whether you’re promoting a professional brand or your own personal brand, it helps to begin your interactions with social listening. This means paying attention to online conversations to hear what people are saying about your product, noting customer pain points or things they love about your company, and building your messaging around that. You can engage in these conversations and answer people’s questions, but don’t launch into salesperson mode. The goal is to have authentic discussions, not to put on a hard sell.

    There are many ways and places to listen to your customers. Here are some ideas:

    8. Use analytics

    Most social networks provide robust analytical insight. You can use these insights to identify the types of people who engage with your profiles, which content they like, and which posts and ads they’re clicking on. Top social sellers use these insights to inform and refine their messaging and outreach.

    Get started with social selling today

    Social selling is an excellent way to build relationships, promote your brand, and drive sales. However, it’s important to be strategic and professional in your approach. Engage with customers, listen to them, and make a plan to reap sufficient rewards as time passes.

    Social selling FAQ

    What does social selling mean?

    Social selling is the process of using social media platforms to interact and engage with potential customers, build relationships, and ultimately drive sales. It leverages the power of social media to build relationships with customers and prospects, drive leads, create brand awareness, and build a community of loyal followers who can help spread the word about a company’s products and services.

    What are examples of social selling?

    • Connecting with potential customers on social media to build relationships and share relevant content
    • 使用社会媒体平台来识别目标铜stomers and share relevant content
    • Creating customer-focused content, such as blog posts and videos, to provide value and build trust
    • Building a loyal social media following to increase brand awareness and generate leads
    • Engaging with customers in conversations and responding to their questions
    • Leveraging influencer marketing to drive leads and increase conversions
    • Hosting webinars and other live events to connect with potential customers
    • Participating in relevant discussions to demonstrate expertise and build relationships

    How do you do social selling?

    • Identify your target audience: Identify the people you want to target and research their interests, needs, and challenges.
    • Connect with your prospects: Use social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to connect with your prospects and start engaging with them.
    • Build relationships: Show interest in your prospects and engage with them in meaningful conversations.
    • Share content: Share relevant content that provides value to your prospects and helps them solve problems.
    • Offer solutions: Offer solutions to your prospects’ pain points and challenges by providing tailored products and services.
    • Close the sale: Follow up with prospects to ensure they are satisfied and close the sale.