前网上购物类别in the US

Chart showing the Top Online Shopping Categories worldwide

The latest figures on the top online shopping categories rank fashion as the most popular category of all internet purchases. Of the total ecommerce expenditure worldwide in 2023, consumers are forecast to spend$990 billionon products related to fashion.

That’s around 24.1% of the expected ecommerce revenue worldwide in 2023, which is projected at $4.11 trillion. Simply put, nearly one in every four dollars spent by consumers online in 2023 is expected to be on products in the fashion category.

That represents a significant portion ofglobal ecommerce salesand a 17.9% year-over-year increase in online fashion purchases. It’s an impressive growth rate, considering total online fashion sales fell by 7.1% the previous year.

The second-most popular online shopping category is electronics. $910 billion is expected to be spent on electronic products in 2023. Together with fashion, expenditure in these two ecommerce categories is forecast to hit $1.9 trillion in 2023.

Third on the list of the top shopping categories in 2023 is toys, hobby, and DIY, with expected sales at $780 billion. Even beauty, health, personal, and household care products are proving to betrending products to sell online. $400 billion is forecast to be spent on them online in 2023.

With expected revenues of $350 billion this year, the food category ranks fifth on the list of top shopping categories online.

前网上购物类别in the US

前网上购物类别in the US

Focusing on the top ecommerce categories in the US, toys, hobby, and DIY ranks first. US consumers are expected to spend2584亿美元on these products this year, which makes up 25.6% of the expected total ecommerce revenue in the US in 2023.

This marks one of the fastest growth rates for this ecommerce category. At 19.5%, the 2023 year-over-year growth rate is significantly higher than the 13.2% growth rate in 2022.

Expenditure on products in the toys, hobby, and DIY category in the US is set to continue rising. Total revenue from these products is forecast at $293.9 billion in 2024 and $334.2 billion in 2025, before hitting $359.80 billion in 2026.

Fashion ranks second on the list of the top online shopping categories among US shoppers. Revenue from this category in 2023 is expected to reach $207.7 billion. This is followed by electronics at $139.6 billion. Beauty, health, personal, and household care and furniture round out the top five, with just under $100 billion, each.

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Shopping categories FAQ

What are the most popular shopping categories in the United States?

  1. Toys, hobby, and DIY ($258.4 billion)
  2. Fashion ($207.7 billion)
  3. Electronics ($139.6 billion)
  4. Beauty, health, personal, and household care ($95.7 billion)
  5. Furniture ($92.6 billion)

What are the most popular shopping categories worldwide?

  1. Fashion ($990 billion)
  2. Electronics ($910 billion)
  3. Toys, hobby, and DIY ($780 billion)
  4. Beauty, health, personal, and household care ($400 billion)
  5. Food ($350 billion)

What is the top-selling online retail category?

Currently, fashion is ranked as the top-selling online retail category worldwide. In 2023, consumers are forecasted to spend $990 billion on fashion products.
